The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1026 of the Chapter 1026 of the Hosting System of Tennis Prince

Naruto and eight tails have recovered freedom!

After the night-catching boxing, after the huge wooden dragon, the power of the three-headed dragon icon gathered in the blue Chakra giant collided directly.

Bang! The power of the explosion is comparable to the tail beast, and swept the whole wasteland again.

It was originally the ground of the pit, which was the whole fragmentation in this explosion, and the crushed stone rushed to the sky, the real end of the day ...

In front of the eight tail and Naruto, Yuxi Boli spots and blue Chakra giants were completely enveloped.

On the other hand, the body of the nightly wind turned out to the face of the soil, which is not bordered but because the flesh of the night-catching flesh has reached the limits, it seems like instant movement.

boom! Night long wind, fast print, "Mycore, bone storm!"

When the lumbar is in an instant, he will grow 10 dark as a jade, and the body of the night is instant, like the gyro is usually rapidly rotated.

Call ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

At this time, the blood circles in the earth hole shine, he was shining from the bone storm, and the blink of an eye came to Kakasi.

"Carti, you gave me back to the waste box!" With the soil [out] right hand, suddenly stretched out the right shoulder [out] a sharp stump, lightning stabbed the chest of Kakasi.

"It's a trouble!" The night is growing. I have to come into contact with the soil. After the soil, I will kick out the soil and kick out the soil.

At this time, I was awkward, and everyone's attention was attracted by Sui Zhi Wavefire, because his red high wall turned out to crack a huge crack.

It seems that the ten tail is really going to be resurrected!

"3.4 Naruto, come!"

"Oh!" The Naruto turned over to the ground.

Golden nine tail and eight tails gathered in the tail of the wood dragons and eight tails, they opened their mouths, and the huge tail beast jade was slowly gathered, and the tail beast of eight tails and nine tails in the tail beast. jade.

It is even better than the previous five tail beasts.

"Before the ten tail resurrection, put it four-fold five, full!" Eight tail shouted in the heart of Naruto.

"Oh!" Naruto buddy, the tail beast jade has risen to the limit, "can be on, more uncle, little eight!"

"Good! Shell!" Eight tails.

"This is over!" Super giant tail beast was thrown out of eight tail and nine tails, and the attacked is trapped by Sui Zhi Wavefire!

946 chapter, ten tail resurrection!

"I kao! You are tall!" Night longevity looks, super giant tail beast is dragging long tail, and the gas waves brought to the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground is also swept. Out of a big pit.

Night wind, you don't want this super giant tail beast to give it off, and the night is still waiting to capture the Town and then use the ten tailed Chakra to transform the small world!

But now, saying is late.

Everyone's eyes are invested in super giant tail beasts, and the beast jade is in an instant to explode.

At a time, the sky is shaken, the energy of the explosion will be illuminated throughout the world, and the huge mushroom cloud rises. The smoke is once again covered, and everything in front of everyone is shrouded.

"Well? Power doesn't seem to be as long as the five tail beasts and nine-tailed tail beast jade crash!" The night's long eyes looked at the direction of the tail beast jade explosion, "Is it ..."

"The magic image of Chakra disappeared!" Naruto can feel the magic of the fascination and malicious Chakra has disappeared.

"Yeah ... successful, we succeed ... Stupid ... Break ..." Chilabi started to sing.

"31 Good!" Naruto is also a double punch!

"Is it over?" Kakasi's brow is slow.

"Yes! But this world is ending!" After the lifetime of kicking, it turned over to the ground, cold and cold.

"Come!" Night long wind and god, "the real battle, I have been waiting for a long time!"

"So ... ready to start!" Yu Zhibo spiked sound.

Hey ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ... a very sharp buzzing sounds, the niece is waiting.

What is in front of everyone is a super-huge ugly unclear monster than the tail beast.

The alone of this monster is bright red, including hook jade in turning, the most important thing is that it has ten tails, and there is no shake.

"Is it said that it is ..." Naruto widened his eyes.

"It's absolutely true ... That is the ten tail!" "The nine tail of the eight tail and the body.

"My God, this thing is the ten tail? This is too ugly, long is the appearance of an anti-party!" Night live powerless vomiting.

Roar! Roar! Hey ~ When the ten tails opened the bloody big mouth and started to roar, its huge figure is really a day.

"This Nima, this ten tail is not a few hundred meters long, it is a land of the aircraft carrier!" The night-long winding scanned a little ten tail.

bass! At this time, the belt and Unexpectedrabi were disappeared from the place, and it came to the top of the ten tail.

Naruto and Kakasi, eight tails and nine tails were flashed to the night length of the body, and the ultra-giant ten end is standing.

The huge body of the eight tail is in front of the tail, it is simply pediatric.

"The evil! Chaklaming, Chaklaming, disappeared!" The mood of the Narler fell from the peak to the bottom of the valley.

The night-long's mouth is not more sensible, "although the ten tail is really resurrected, but this ten is too big, can you win a unknown!"

"The thing is not able to define emotions and concepts, he can't be perfected!" The nine-tailed open mouth, "it is actually the same as the soil, water, air, etc. that we feel, it is cycled in this world. Natural energy, but if you use the method of entering the cactus, the result is greatly different! "

"Is this not pulled?" The night is long, and the distance is so far away, and the night grows can feel the huge in Chakra and the oppressive power of the ten tails.

It is even more horrible even than the nine tail beasts.

At this time, the Naruto broke a division and opened the immortal mode.

"If this is the case, let me feel the size!" After the branch of the Naruto closed his eyes, the legs sat on the ground.

"Give up, Naruto, no matter how you feel ... The result is ... infinity!" Nine tail slowly.

The Naruto broke his eyes. In an instant, he felt the vast energy of the universe. "This can be a little smile at all, everyone!"

At this time, the Ten Tail Head [out] The two thin tubes were inserted in the back neck of the belt and Yuxi Bouvet standing on the tail.

"Well ..." So far distance, the night lengthy winds Chakla gathered to the eyes, and the condensed saw the tilles and Yuxi bastions above the ten tails. "How do you feel very familiar with?"

"I kao ... this is not the tube that will connect human and computer worlds in the hacker empire?" The night is a little god.

"Hey ... I want to get rid of eight tail before the ten tail!" Yu Zhiwa hugged shoulders, cold and cold, "but was disturbed by the little ghost!"

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