The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1027 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"I want to start the ritual of unlimited month reading!"

"To make the range of illusion, you need a lot of time to summon the moon, which will hinder the application, first take them to take them, so that you can ensure that there is no loss, I didn't say anything wrong?" Yu Zhibo sphere? " A slow drive.

"Spot ... I see you just want to control the strength of the ten tail, the other is a trust! It is a childish!" With the soil cold channel.

"You are wrong! The real childishness refers to people who can't stand up!" Yu Zhibo spiked sound.

At the end, I started to move, it used the two arms of the front (out] to move forward to the front and one right climbing situation 350.

Every step, the earth is going to tremble, while bringing the smoke to the sky.

"Hey! That horror guy is coming, is we really playing it?" Eight tails.

"Do you think it is afraid that you can hide in the octopus pot for a lifetime?" Nine tails, "Kakasi, Akai, night long wind, you all come over, I will help you restore Chakra!"

"Good!" Kakasi and Akada jumped into the big mouth of Nine, nine tails used their own Chakra to help them recover.

"I don't have to ... I am now a good thing now!" Night long laugh.

"This stinky kid is always so mad!" Take the nine tail, "no matter your kid!"

"Listen, eight tails! Let's pull away, see the number of roads, then avoid attacks, and then start killing them as much as possible!" Nine tails slowly.

"Oh ... nine tails, you are now like a captain!" Night long laughs.

"How? Have you had a good time this stinky child?" Kiu tailed.

"Of course, there is no!" The night's strength suddenly laughed, "Then it will have a good job!"

!! Eight tails and nine tails are all rushing, and the ghosts of the night are also disappearing in the same place ...

947 chapter, war ten tails!

! The eight tail and the nine tail just rushed to the ten tail, and he took the ten tail and slapted it. Heavy fell in the ground outside of hundreds of meters, raised a lot of gravel and dust.

"The body is so sensitive to the body?" Naruto and Kakasi were very surprised.

!! ~ ▉ At this time, the nine-tailed turn is the direction of the ten tail, this time is faster, soon come to the end of the ten, the direct double-claws can grasp the one-tie.

Hey ~ ▉ ▉ ,, .

! Nine tails are directly flying out!

"Opportunity, small eight!" Chilabi big channel, it turned out that this is just eight-tailed and nine tail cooperation. The Jiu Tailing action is just to attract ten tails to create opportunities for eight tail.

"Oh!" At this time, the eight tail didn't open the big mouth. The first tail beast jade was uncomfortable, and the next side was taken off in the air in the air. It was also open a big mouth, his mouth before the beast jade In constant condensation.

"Even the end of the beast!" Eight tails and nine tails were simultaneously drinking, and they were actually a constant gathering of the beast jade before they were sprayed by them, and they were angled.

"This extent, you don't have to dodge!" Standing in Urcho hugging his shoulder on the tail.

"I hope that I can save the strength as much as possible!"

At this time, the tail of the tailed is a contract, and then it is directly opened.

Bang! The ten-tailed big mouth actually shot a giant light column, eight tail and nine-tailed tail beast, and instantly swallowed by the light column, the explosion sounded.

And the previous battle is not an equal order, this explosion has exceeded the explosion of the tail beast of six tail beasts.

The light column spit out of the ten tails will illuminate the whole world, and the huge light column is swept away from eight tails and nine.

Boom Lung Long ~ The mountain peaks were also shared directly by this light column spit out, and the endless peaks were shaped into a huge high platform.

"This is the power of the ten tail?" Kasi and Aku are stunning in the head of the head.

Bang! At the critical moment, eight tails consumed a chapter fish feet hid this deadly attack, and the nine tail was tall jumped in the air.

The waves brought by the light column, almost make the nine tail unable to maintain a balance in the air, so it's hard to turn over the ground.

"Changfeng, what about people?" Naruto remembered that there was a disappearance to disappear in the same night.

"I am here!" The night grew is big, and God does not know that the ghost actually appears on the tutone of Unexpected Boss and the top of the top of the belt.

"Well?" With the land looked up at the night of the night, "I pay too much attention to the ten tail, I didn't find this kid!"

"Your eye is very handsome, tail!" Night, the right arm is in the back, laughing in the air, "Haha, just a punch to make a collection! ▉

bass! Night long wind inverts the body in the air, and the right arm is up to the left hand.

" !"

The night long-term surrender suddenly appeared in the vente of his falling shape.

The Buddha is blocked to the largest, and the night is full of golden light. At the same time, the dragon icon behind the night is also a vain. Bamboo

"Changfeng, did the child are crazy? I just want to go to the ten tail." Akai is directly stupid, and Kaki, the side is also shocking.

"This little child is as good as we are as good as we are as good as we!"

"Hey ... long wind kid ... to have a bitter ... Stupid bull!" Chilaby still won't forget his old bank in this time - say.

Under the promotion of the surging field, the noise of the night-catching body is like a jet missile, almost instantly came to the huge red blindlet of the ten tail.

"Hey ... Is the goal of ten tail?" Yu Zhibo snorted, and the eyes were also a surprised color that was not easy to notice.

"Give me a break!" The right arm of the night, the right arm of the night waved forward, the fist was buckled around the air, with a violent momentum to the one-eyed.

! At this time, the ten tails are also lifted to fists and night long-lasting fist with an incredible speed.

The ten tail fists gathered a punch for the ten tail super chakra and the night-hearted three-headed dragon icon to add a punch for the gods.

There are two collisions on the strong force in the world.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The boxing, the surrounding air continuous explosion, the surrounding gravel is crushed by the waves of the explosion.

······ Flowers ······

"This kid is actually a punch with the ten tail, this flesh force should surpass people's categories!" The land is cold.

"MD! Is blocked!" The night's long wind retired, he didn't think of the ten tail so huge body, his arm's flexibility is even better than the fastest speed in the world.

! What happened to everyone, the huge body of the ten tail was back to back, and it was a big dust.

"I didn't see it!" Octa opened, the chin was shocked to fall.

"Is this little ghost? Is there a power of the meat? How much power is there?" The tail is also obedient.

........ [......

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