The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1028 of the Chapter 1028 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

After turning over, I went to the eight tail and nine tail, and the night long wind came up and looked coldly.

"Changfeng, you are fine?" Naruto hurriedly asked.

"Nothing!" The night grew felled his right arm, and the right arm was slightly laid.

Since the lifetime of the long wind, I have a feeling of soreness after the box, but the tenth is not just the shocked people in Chakra, but the flesh power is not to be underestimated. After all, the tonnage is in this place.

Fortunately, there is no great harm under the protection of the Buddha's gold, but the night is now there is no way to take ten tails.

If the whole must be saved, it is possible to use Xuanyuanjian to get rid of the head, but that, the characteristics of Xuanyuanjian will directly kill ten tails, let the energy and spiritual power Thorough disappearance.

This is not what you want to see about Chakra's night growing.

Other Nights have anything to hurt ten times. It is also a heavens, such as the bones, and the night grows do not think that their bones can cause what harm to ten tails.

"What should I do now?" Asked eight tails.

The night length sweeps a bit of eight tail and Kasi and Akai, everyone's consumption is very huge.

"It seems that I have to rely on me to pull the tide!" The night's wind is slightly fond, and its eyes have emerged in the darkness of the darkness of the dark!

948 chapter, sword teeth bone dragon

Bang ~ ▉ ▉,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Changfeng, what do you want to do!" Kakasi and Naruto are surprised, and they obviously feel that the momentum of night is very different.

"He is open!" Akai Sudok on the side.

That's right! Night wind is in the door of eight armor, before the seven doors are unable to fight the complete body of Yuxi Boss, and this night's long-standing door is to fight ten tails.

In fact, the damage to the body is quite huge, but the flesh of the flesh of the night is far less than the average person, and the continuous opening is not too much about the current night growth.

Open the door, take a break, glow gate, hurt door, Du Gate, Jingmen, surprise, open!

The night long-term wind is in the sky, the black Chakra, the black Chakra, which explodes, "six nine zero", and the night is once again lifted by the seven doors!

Call ~ ▉ ~ ▉▉ , black Chakra fluctuate sharply, his feet are brought by his violent Chakra wave out of a circular small pit.

At this time, the night's wind is already popular. He turned back to Kasi and eight tail. "You will return to the physical strength, now I will take over the battlefield now!"

At this time, the Night Great Panty gathered in Chakra, injecting the whole body boiling almost exploded Chakra into the fire of the undead.

Bang! The fire of the night-catching, the fire is in an instant, and the night's wind has an unprecedented powerful sense.

"Hey! This little ghost is too much trouble ... no time to play, let him solve him!" Yu Zhibo gangloo looked coldly at night long-lasting.

"Ah!" I nodded with the dirt, right hand.

bass! At this time, the one-eyed eyes on the end of the dazzling red light, and its mouth ba is opened in an instant.

"The little ghost, go to death!"

boom! The ten tailed big mouth is also a light column, which is more than a huge light column.

The sound explosion is connected, and the air has passed the harsh sharp sound, and the super large light column covering the sky is straight to the direction of the night's wind.

Eight-tailed and nine tailings with Kakasi and Akada are instantly jumped, and the night grows is standing in the ground, and the strength of the whole body is also upgraded to the limit.

bass! When the night's hands, it was in the void in front of his, and suddenly there was a black spot to expand into a black hole, and it was still growing up. Finally, it is a super-winding. Giant black hole.

Black holes that waved their hands in the hot fire of the night!

At this time, the light of the ten tails were just shot in the black hole, and the trend was directly swallowed by the black hole, and even a fart did not take.

"This ..." Kasi and Akai and others were shocked, it was originally thought that the ten-tailed attack on the night growing wind, actually a zero harm to the night length.

"It's a special spiritual surgery!" Yu Zhibo spots slightly frowned.

"Can you completely block the attack of the ten tail, what is this black hole? Tongling?" With the earth.

At this time, the night long wind standing opposite the two is the forehead, and the night grows should be stronger.

"Go out!" The night grew in the wind, and the black hole in front of him was in the largest.

boom! The black hole jumped out of a huge undead creature, and its figure was even more than ten tails.

It is a sword teeth bone dragon!

! The sword teeth bone dragon jumped on the ground, and immediately took out a big pit, and its whole body burned is a golden flame, and the fire in the eye hole is also gold.

The fifteenth level of the undead biological swords and bone dragons are stronger than the Tianhuo Dragon.

"What!" Yu Zhibo spheres and tensiles are also a slight change in the eyes, and the creatures of the night long wind have greatly exceed their expectations.

The shape of the sword tooth bone dragon is actually bigger than the ten tail, and it is true to the sky.

The night long wind is brought to the top of the sword tooth. There are three huge golden bones in the head of the sword tooth. There are three huge golden bones, and the rear back of the sword is all the huge golden spurs. It looks quite horrible.

This sells more than ten tails!

To control such undesirable organs, it is impossible to use the spirit of the night long, but under the state of the seven gates, the spirit of the night's strength is also barely control of the sword tooth dragon to carry out simple fight. .

"Go!" The night grew, right hand, and the huge fierce bone dragon under the body was rampant ...

Every step, the earth is shaking.

"Come!" Yu Zhibo spheres of his hands and shouted, the ten tails, the big mouth is open, and the big mouth is open, spit out the top of the huge red light column to the top of the sword.

"Hey! You think this energy will be useful for high-level undead creatures from the 15th level? This is a big warlord's bone dragon in the high Undead world!" Night wind mouth, A face disdain.

boom! At this time, the three huge golden bones on the top of the sword tooth faucet, Jin Guang finally gathered into a golden light column in the center of the three [angle].

Bang! The light column shot of the ten tail and the golden light shot of the sword teeth bone dragon collided in the air.

Between the blink, the golden light shot from the sword teeth bone dragon actually took the light column emitted by the horrible ten to back, until it returned to the ten tail.

Bang! It is a huge explosion in front of the tail.

Roar! ~ ▉ ▉ ,,...

Yisibo spots standing on the top of the Ten Tail and tailored to steady body shape, not being smashed by violent ten.

The smoke is covered, the dust is covered, and you can't see anything.

At this time, a huge black shadow rushed out from the smoke, it is a sword tooth bone dragon! 4.8

! The sword tooth bone dragon head is under the command of the night, and the front is fast, directly in the head of the ten tail!

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