The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1030 of the Chapter 1030 of the Prince of Tennis

"Bring soil! Don't move, you will hurt ten times, I don't care if I am in a crime, you will also be implicated!" Yuxi Bao hurriedly reminded.

"This level is nothing, the epidermis of ten tails after awakening!" Take the soil and cold voice, at this time, the mouth of the ten tail is a large Chakra cannon bomb, The direction of the aiming is turned out to be in front of it.

"Do you want to be with you?" The night grew up, and the sword tooth dragon under the body was rushing to the ten tail.

The red Chakra cannon bomb on the top of the night long is also flying on the top of the night.

Between the blink, the sword tooth dragon came to the front of the ten tail, and the right foot and the right foot was talked directly from the head of the sword tooth.

The left hand waves down, and the night is pulled down the red Chakra musk in the top, and at the same time, the wind and right hands on the night!

"Shen Luo Tian!" The black flame of the night's body is boiling. He has opened the power of Shen Luo Tianzheng to the biggest, and it has broken the limit.

Bang! Under the extrusion of the ultra-high density, the night long wind is forcibly putting the two tail of the two ten tails in front of the Ten Ten!

! The ten tail teeth were pressed by the nightly winds of the veraints, enough to see the god Tianzheng used in the night Changfeng this time, but its pressure is unprecedented!

"How is this trick!" The night-hearted wind passed the two Chakra guns to the front of the ten-tailed belly, and jumped back to the top of the sword.

bass! The ten tail stomach is increasing, and it is better than the awakening before, it is obviously the red Chakra Missile Exploded directly in the belly of the ten tail.

In the case of Chakra, Carti and Akai, who are detonated here, can't bear it, so the night grows simply, and directly detonated Chakra bombs directly at the end of Ten.

It is that Yuxi Board and the Tongli are still then directly condensed with a Chakra mung, and the two Chakra cannon brought all the two Chakra Mask into the belly of the ten tail.

After the Chakra cannon bombed the abdomen of the ten tailed belly, the big belly suddenly dried down, just like a balloon that was broken.

The lens is turned to the quiet fire country wooden village.

Since most of the ninjas in the village have been counted, the ninja remaining in the wooden leaves is not a lot, and the bustling wooden village is still quiet than the usual period.

Suddenly there were four no-fast guests in the village of Woody Village, it was Sasuke, Tianzhu, the Water Moon, and the Skil Pills that were resurrected.


"Is this Chakra?" The water and the shackles were all noticed to a different Chakra.

"These people are not a perceptual ninja, but they all detected Chakra!" The big snake pill was slightly surprised.

"Let's go, big snake pills! Let's take a way!" Sasuke.

"Oh ... Sasuke seems to have a little more concerned!" The big snake pill thought.

Under the leadership of the big snake pill, four came to a broken wooden house.

"It seems that it has been abandoned for a lot of time, it has been broken!" The ghost lights slowly.

"After all, it is in the suburbs of the village. This is also something that there is no way!" The big snake pill entered the broken wooden house with three people.

"Where are you talking about?" Asked.

"Where is it ..." The big snake pill sweeps a dozens of ghost masks in front of the high wall, and then the right hand was raised, and the cuffs stretched out [out] a green snake to pick a ghost mask, " found it!"

"How do you feel very creepy ... I will go alive!" Ghost lights complained.

"Yeah, let's go!" The big snake pill turned around, cold channel, "Go to all secrets of sleep!"

When the four people walked into the village of Wumi Village, at this time, Sasuke suddenly jumped on a high tower, and then surrounded by surrounding, I couldn't help but sigh. "It is also a lot of changes!"

"What is the guy who is doing!" The ghost light is not solving.

"Before I implement the action of destroying the wooden leaves!" The big snake pill suddenly passed.

"Where is the same?"

"Even if he and the village have changed, but here is still his, through immersing in the sentiment and recalls the past, the time to confirm his determination!" The big snake will explain.

"Oh ... then you don't need it, immersed in the feelings, and then complete the plan to destroy the wooden leaves!"

The big snake pill did not speak, just the mouth of the mouth slightly.

"That ... carefully think that we are in your department, and now in the wooden village, and the masters of the wooden villages are not here, even if they know, they will come back. ! "The ghost light is slow," "This is also a good opportunity for you!"

"Maybe it! But you have a mistake!" The big snake pill.

"Hey?" The water and the heavy moon are all.

"You are no longer my part!" The big snake pill is like.

Four people came to a ruins.

Sasuke's hands, in front of him, a bluestone of the Yuxi Bo's written eye sign slowly, and an entrance to the underground is opened.

"Hey! You actually use the stone of the entrance (good)!" Water Moon shocked.

"Oh ... The South of the Yishabo family has also become a ruin!" The big snake pill said.

"It doesn't matter the outside, the key is underground, let's go!" Sasuke with big snake pills and water and the heavy jumped into the opened hole.

Under the hole, it is a channel, the end of the channel is a small secret room, this is the banned man of the Yishabo family.

Sasuke with fire, lit up the fire on the wall, the stone monument of Unexpea, showed in front of the four people.

"So start now!" The big snake pill took off the windbreaker slowly. "You will return some!"

Sasuke three people retired a few steps to stand in the big snakes, and the big snake pill was brought to the mask found before.

PS: Today is really a dizzy, the number of chapters is wrong. The first two chapters can't be changed, this chapter should be 950 ... tears ...

951 chapter, corpse sealing

The big snake pill just brought a ghost mask and started to swing his body, and his whisper surrounded Light blue Chakra.

"Ah, ah ..." The big snake pill made a sharp scream. Suddenly, the big snake pills launched, and it was the vain of the dead.

It turned out that the reel found in the Base of the Shu Moon was a solution to the corpse seal, and the big snake pill would like to solve the corpthrics. It must first get the mask of the dead.

The broken house, who had just went to the leaf village of the big snake pill, is the natoculation of the prior vortex, and the mask removed by the big snake pill is the mask of the dead.

With this mousse, the big snake pill can pay the dead of the corpse to his own, as long as the belly of the dead, the seal can be unspeakable, but the premise is to wear the mask to become a sacrifice.

At this time, the sacrifice is obviously the big snake pill.

The dead vain behind him will bite the short knife on the mouth and then cut his belly.

"Ah!" The big snake ball screams, the abdomen is directly crackled, and the blood is blown up, and the soul of the corpse is also flying, including the hands of the big snake pills.

"Come back!" The big snake pill -863-the arms lit up Chakra's light. "I will restore the power of the arms, you can use the dust! Yes, this can summon the four people. Out!"

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