The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1031 of the Chapter 1031 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

The big snake pill is floating in front of the four souls.

"Heavy, Sasuke, Water Month! Come and prepare the sacrifice!" The big snake pill was taken down the mask, it was full of sweat, very painful.

"Understand!" Hurrey condensed the immortal Chakra injected into the body of Sasuke.

At this time, the body of the Sasuke was actually an extraordinary branch, and it was placed before the soil, which was used to monitor Sason.

Because the relationship between the immortal Chakra, these vanes sent the fairy Chakra to take the initiative to drill the body, a total of six vites.

"Can evil ... Why is this!" White is separated.

"Oh ... The clothes from these integrated cells have been touched by me." The big snake pill squats, and I have to say that the research ability of the big snake pills and pockets is very strong. There is no weakness that is imagined.

"Of course, it also includes a perceived method. Sure enough, he is really cautious!" The legs of the snake pill drilled into six pink snakes, these snakes will be all wrapped around [wind] .

This intelligence is that the big snake pill is taken back to the body of Chakra, and there is six more than the investigation of the survey of the survey.

"I also have four relics in them. After all, I like to collect!" The big snake pill will be divided into the runes of the breeze of the dibo.

"Water Moon! Heavy me! The other two people will give you!" Big snake pills.

"No problem! The big snake pills!" The month and heavy priests took the rest of the two white fresses.

Water Moon will move one of the mouthfuls of each other!

! At this time, the big snake pill was taken in front of the underground, "the anti-rogue is reincarnated!"

boom! The fire of the murder is launched. The fire of the four souls entered the vitro of the vites, and the light rises, and the crumbs are flying.

"Okay, I am coming!" The big snake pill is drilled from the original body, and it has become a white scale snake drilled into the mouth of the white-fledged mouth.

At this time, the white fade slowly showed the look of the big snake pill.

It is the first four generations of rigid shadows that are reincarnated by the big snake pills. This is a person who knows everything in the big snake pill.

There are thousands of hands, thousands of hands, and the day, the water gates, the front four generations of nigs were born out of the big snakes.

"This is the thousand-handed room that is called the god of the ninja as the ninja." Water moon pointed to the killer.

At this time, the four shadings of the previous generation also recovered awareness.

"Is there a ghost that is the ninja called the big snake pill?" The second generation of fires the first opening road.

"What is going on?" The thousand hand is also very doubts.

"The corpse of our seal, I am afraid that I am unlocked by him!" explains, "then was reincarnated by him!"

"I really didn't expect that seal, it would be unspeakable, how did you do it?" The wave wind door is very surprised.

"Don't be too small to look at me, the water door! This is originally the seal of the whirlpool, since I was sealed, I was committed to studying this disappearance of the race and spreading all over the world!" Big Snake Pill Learned the tone.

"The initial generation of the new year, it seems that we were summoned to the real world!" The wave of the water gates turned around the thousand hand.

"Um ... who you are?" A pair of thousands of hands, 'I don't know you' expression.

"Oh ..." The wave of the water gates showed the logo behind the fourth generation of fire, "I am the fourth generation of fire!"

"Ah! There are fourth generations! Very good, it seems that the village is still in order to stay!" The thousand hand is happy.

"Oh ... I am not seal with the three-generation rigs, is another thing!" The wave of water is explained.

"It turns out! Who is the fifth generation of rigid shadows?" Qianli column asked interested.

"It is your granddaughter!" The big snake pill helped replied.

"Amount ..." There is a thousand handles, "it is a little hand, now there is no problem in the village ..."

"Is there any problem?" Asked the wave of the water.

"This is ... I am very delicate from a small, let her have a problem with me! Haha!" The thousand hand laughed.

"The God of Ninja and the imagination are not the same!" Water Moon Tucao.

"Is it a reincarnation of embarrassment? It turned out to abuse the endurance created by the old man!" The thousands of hands turned around the face and looked at the big snake pill.

"Because this is not a complicated, the conditions are not too harsh, but this skill does not have been created!" The big snake pill slowly, "the second-generation rigs, you create a lot of tricky now. Question! This is the same! "

"Is this guy who want to attack the wooden leaves?" The thousand hands asked at the big snake pill.

"The old man will seal your hands in the heart, this time you even have a deeper to revenge to the wooden leaves?" Said that the old man said the old man.

"Oh ... Any era is accompanied by a war!" The thousand hand is sighed, "the door, so I said that I didn't say it with you ..."

"Big Brother, do you have a mouth first!"

"Hey ... The god of the ninja seems to have no dignity!" The water is spit.

"Big Snake Pill, what do you want to do!" I looked at the big snake pill.

952 chapter, cut off

The lens returns to the battlefield.

After the Ten Targe was blown by Chakra bombs, the sharp screams were sent, and immediately extended [out] countless giant hand, hit to the sword tooth under the night length!

"There is no matter!" Night wind is slightly surprised, so that the internal explosion actually has a great impact on the ten tail.

Chakra in the ten tails is a massive volume, and its instant recovery is more than the nine-tailed demon fox.

"Go!" The night's hands were quickly printed again. The golden bones behind the sword tooth decorate under his body raised in an instant.

Hey! Hey! Hey ~ Ten tail elongated giants were taken by the golden bones shot by the sword toothbone dragon, between the huge palms were cut off, scattered on the ground.

!! ~ ▉ is a lot of pit cavities, and at this time, the night long is on the ground, this time his goal is the Ten Tailhead of Unexpected Boss and the soil.

The thief first smashed the king!

31 is a short time to solve the ten tail, first directing its two people to the top of it.

"Stinky ghost, want to go to fight?" Yuxi Bo is cold, he has already seen the flesh power of the night, for the flesh power of the night, is still very taboo.

"Blocking him!" Yu Zhibo spheres and tensiles both hands together.

Hey ~ Take the tail, the ten tails behind it suddenly shot to the night long winds.

bass! And the hands of the night, but in this time, "Shen Luo Tian!"

Behind the night, there is an invisible repulnite, so that the speed of the night's wind is doubled, and there is such as the electric sparkal flashes to the top of the ten tail, Yisi Bao spots and the belt of land.

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