The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1032 of the Chapter 1032 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"It's so fast!" With the soil, the speed of the night is far beyond his expectation, and the tail tail attack is simply not to stop the night.

Under the bonus of the repulsion field of Shen Luo Tian, ​​the speed of the night long has just made Yuxi Bao spheres and the eyes of the earth can't capture, even more faster than the instant!

!! To the side of the belt and Yizhibo spheres, the night is a left, the right foot is separate from Yuxibo spots and soil.

Boxing is like a tiger, foot, such as Qinglong!

The full attack of the long-term winds, the whole force of the three-headed dragon icons.

bass! With the soil, I use the Shenwei's skill to escape the night's boxing, and Yuxi Bo sphere is all wrapped out [around] Blue Chakra helmet blocks the kick of the night, and it is necessary. Turtle shell.

~ ▉ ▉

At this time, the golden light in the eyes of the night, and he was not two, because he knew that these two people had a trick of life, not so good to deal with it. Plener

The target of the night is actually true of their linked softwood objects. "≮ alternative: ^ ≯"

bass! ~ ▉ At this time, the night long wind is hitting the floor and kicks the foot to the foot of Yisi Boss.

The dark knife of the dark, almost in the softwood link behind the Yuxi Shiba and the soil, and the soil.

"What?" With the soil and Yuxi Boss never thought of the goal of the night ▉▉ was the link behind them.

! After the two people were cut off, the ten tails were like lost control. Unexpectedly, Yu Zhibo spots and belt were directly leaping from the head of the tail.

! Night wind is also falling down, slowly stand in front of Yuxi Bouvel and Tongli.

"What do you do now? With the soil, the spot!" The night grew in the corner of the mouth, coldly looked at the two people in front of the eyes.

Unexpeus, South Gaoshan, underground secret room.

After being asked by the flying, the big snake pill has a booth, a face of innocent expressions, "Please don't misunderstand, I have not interested in revenge, so I didn't bind your personality!"

"This is something else, I just should have created this conversation in his request!" The big snake pill came to the help of the help.

"I am Yuxi Bo, I have some things to ask you a few of the fire!" Sasuke said coldly.

"Well? Sasuke?" .

"Is Zhike's people? It turns out that there is no wonder to be with this thief!" The second-generation rigorous shadow has a deep hostility to the people of Unexpea.

"Tell you, tell you not to say it!" Said the unity of the thousands of spheres.

"Big Brother, you are too big!" The thousand hands did not show up without weak.

"Don't argue because of me! Three generations of fire, why do you want to make that kind of thing?" Sasuke asked the sky.

"It seems that you already know!"

"I killed the age in order to revenge for the Yuxo, after I knew the truth, so I went to the path of revenge to the wooden leaves. But about everything, I want to hear you. Say! "Sasuke continued.

"This is the case!" The flying side did not express his expression.

"Skumi is a child who is somatling and mentally mentally ill, because of this, he did not be bound by the family, real as the future of Ninja and the village, and worried about the future of the village. A teenager can Thinking about the shadow! " starts a heroic nuts.

"823, we will give all the compatriots, obess all the compatriots, stop the rebellion, one person stops a hit war. And in order to protect the village, as a spy, we sneaked into the organization. As the exchange conditions, he asked the village to ensure you Safety! " finally said the truth.

Sasuke frowned, and then sighed, "Sure enough, this ..."

"This is the fate of the Yishabo family, went to the edge of the village, but also wants to armed coup. I have long known that this will be like this, because the rebel molecules of the belief will never let go of the ambition!" Second generation of fire Hug.

"Yes! Pulling the Yuxi Mo family is the second generation of fire, you can say that the Yisi Wave Police Force created by you is all the guide!" The big snake pill suddenly opened.

"What do you say?" The thousands of hands wrinkled the dissatisfaction.

"This kind of organization is coming, and the organization has a real power. It is even more in the past! You are in order to monitor the Yishusai family, but it also makes the people of Unexpea's rebellion." Big snake pill slowly Tao.

"Oh, I didn't tell you that you don't think so to discriminate against Uchiyu family?" The thousand hand is obviously not known.

"Hey ... The old man is also a person who is talent, in order to cope with the next spot, the right to think of it!" The character of the thousand hands is a pair of Laozi is not wrong. '

953 chapter, evil carrier

"Yuxi Bo is a violent carrier!" The thousands of hands are very taboo and the Yishabo family.

"The Yishabo family really has such a horrible?" Dabelong did not think that the second generation of rigs and shadows were like this.

"Little ghost, you don't know the scary!" Trying a thousand hands.

"Second generations, I will ask you. What is the Yishabo family, what do you know?" Sasuo asked coldly.

"Hey ..." The thousand hands sighed a sigh, "there is a long history of fighting between the Yishabo family and our thousands of hands, and there is always an enemy relationship between the two families!"

"This I know, what I want to know what is the kind carrier?" Sasuke asked.

"I have always believed that our skills of our thousands were stem from love than non-non-ratings. They were relatively, and those who were in Utiso were the first place." The thousand hands is tone, " However, try it is not this! "

"Well?" Sasuke and the big snake pills and others were all glimpse. They didn't think that the thousand hands were said to be said.

"The truth is that people who don't have anyone are more deep feelings than those who have a wisdom, that is because of this, the Yuxi Bo family seals their feelings." The thousands of hands slowly.

"What does this mean?" Sasuke an amazing surprise.

"Once the people of the Yishabo family understand the power of love, the feelings that have been sealed will be released, and the power of the love of the killer will wake up!" The thousand hands cooked.

"Isn't that this? This way, the thousand-hand family and the Yishabo family can get along with harmony!" The water is in the mouthside.

"No! That power is very difficult to grasp, hide the possibility of out-of control!" Thousands of hands continued, "Once you know that Ai Zhiyingo people who love the taste lost the feelings, the soul will be more powerful than before. The hate replaced, people's temperament will change! "

"I have witnessed many times, and this is often accompanied by a very special symptom!"


"When the people in Unecai lost the strong love or it was unbearable, the people will inside a special Chakra in the brain, affecting the visual nerve and changing the state of the eye, which is the pupil of the reaction, that is, the so-called Write the eyes. ¨! "The thousands of hands slowly slowed the origin of writing.

There is also the reason why the write-eyed eyes will enhance strength because of hate.

"The people of Yishabo have enhanced negative emotions, the original pupil will become stronger and stronger, and it will eventually be controlled, just like spot!" The thousand hands slowly moved, "the spot is a very important brother. People, I am afraid that I have to be deep than my feelings! "

"I originally intended to guide the CHIM's ability to contribute to the village, but I didn't expect that they were in the village to kill the final kill, this is not what I can expect!" Qianli whispered Sound, "It can be said that they have made a good thing for the village!"

"Totto, I don't allow you to say this. It's just a simple Unexpected child in front of you!" The thousand hand is finally can't help but interrupted.

"The important thing is the Ninja Village, everything is with the village of Ninja, please understand this!" The thousand hands is still unhappy.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care!" Sasuke's eyes of the demon red appearance, he opened the kaleidoscope to write the eyes, "I am not simple, not a child!"

"Not the foundation hook jade ... this is a kaleidoscope writes the eyes ..." The two generations of fires are a glimpse.

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