The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1033 of the Chapter 1033 of the Prince of Tennis

"In the first generation, I will ask you! What is the village, what is the so-called ninja?" Sakuo helped the channel, "Why will it have to kill your compatriots in order to protect the village, what is this? I want to first Listen to your words, then get your answer! "

"Is it to revenge from the wooden leaves ... still want ..." Sasuke's voice did not fall.

The orthoped moment of the opposite sidelines are constantly rising, "said the little ghost that was treated as a carrier, he said that he would revenge to the wooden leaves. If so, I am here ..."

! The ground was blocked by Chakra, which was released between the thousands of hands, and the thousand-handles on the side also released Chakra, and the right hand stopped in front of the door, " ! !"

"Well, I will talk about the village now!" The thousand hand is slow.

"If you can, please tell him what you want to know as soon as possible, because the time has left!" The big snake pill suddenly passed.

"No time?" .

"Nowadays, the world is in war, Yu Zhibo spheres have been resurrected, he intends to destroy the ninja of this world!" The big snake pill repayment.

"What!" "" The four generations of fire are surprised.

"Indeed, at the direction here, I feel a powerful Chakra, and I have a spots Chakra!" The finish of the thousand hands.

"In that case, we also go on the battlefield together!" .

"This is not oh, today you can do it under the control of my embarrassment!" The big snake pill slowly, "If you want to participate, you must finish the words first!"

"After the words, then, since you all know that the spot is resurrected, don't you understand the importance of the situation?" .

"Big snakeball I see what you seem to make mistakes ... The accuracy of the anti-reincarnation is much higher than the last time. This is a hidden danger. This time we keep the original strength is reincarnated. If you can be bound by you Live, that's it is not me! "The thousand hands rushed to the wall.

"Again, people who originally created this technique are me!" The walls of thousands of hands were split in an instant, "big brother, there is no other way to now, I have to go out!"

At this time, there was no way to move between the body of the thousand hand.

"Flying, you really have cultivated a great ninja!" The thousand hand is slow.

"I can praise the God of Ninja, I feel unpleasant!" The big snake pill is printed.

"Hahaha, he extracted my cells to enhance the binding power, the whole room, it seems that you have become idle!" The thousand hand laughed.

"This guy is confident, it is almost all the big brother's fine (good Nuo Zhao)."

The body of Big snake pill is replaced by whiteness, of course, all of which are thousands of cells.

"So ..." The thousands of hand turned around to look at it.

"This person is completely different, if it is broken by him, I may be killed by him at any time!" The big snake pill is in the heart, the heart is deeply, "10 million can't fall light!"

"Big snake pills, you don't have to be nervous, let me first unlined this child's heart!" The thousand hand is slowly, "although I don't know what choice for me, now I don't care. If you will turn it into the next spot in the future! "

"If this is the case, even if the war is victory, it is meaningless!" The thousand hand is slow.

"Call ... With you, big brother!" There is no way between the thousand hands.

"So, where you should talk ..." The thousand hand is open, "Yes!"

954 chapter, day change

The Fourth Trees War Battlefield.

"Little ghost, you are looking for death!" Yu Zhibo spheres and tensiles both rapidly printed.

Fire and explosive dance!

Fire, hero!

The two big BOSs of Unecai Boss simultaneously opened his mouth to the opposite night length, spit out two huge fire columns, and swayed to the night.

The fire column that covers the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and its temperature is also high, the surrounding gravel is ground into a coke soil, and the heat wave layer will burn the four weeks.

It is the night growing, the night is cold, and it is not flashing, but it is just a hands in the hands .................................................................................................................................................

"Buddha statue!"

The heat waves will instantly swallow the night, and the two fire columns collided in the middle, and huge rolling waves are more rushed.

"Changfeng!" The Naruto of watching the battle was a little worried.

"It doesn't matter, this flame is not what is nothing to the long wind!" Kasi is still a little understanding of the flesh strength of the night long wind.

This level of fire does not hurt the night wind, but by the night growing to break your body.

Moreover, the night-catching wind is now gornes the golden body, which is almost negligible for the hard-smashing growth.

boom! At this time, the top of the Yishibo spots showed a blue Chak-820-La Giant, Chakra Giant's hands, and four blue Chakra darts shot to night long.

And there was a vortex before the belt of the belt of Yuxi Boss, and the swirls were excited.

"Hey ... carve small skill!" The night grew away, and even didn't use anything, that is, open the Buddha statue hard!

!! ~ ▉ ▉ ........ .... ..

The surrounding ground was also suffering, and the bitterness that was bounced by the night greeting gold and Chakra darts took a big hole.

"I clearly know that this kind of attack is useless, do you want to consume my Chakra?" Night live wind is somewhat confused, "Open the Buddha is a comprehence of refining, no need any energy ..."

"Well? I haven't seen it!" At this time, Yu Zhibo spheres and tensile figure disappeared in the same place.

"Where is the soil and spots!" Naruto was also surprised.

"How can I disappear! Five!" Barbie.

(DBBG) "In your top!" Carti felt fluctuations in the top of the night length.

When the night is growing up, the head shows a whirlpool, and the soil is drilled from the whirlpool. From the top, a boxing of the night of the night.

"Well to fight with me? You eat misconduct!" The night is not hesitant, raising his hand is a punch.

Boxing is relative!

The right box with soil is the right punch with the plum cells. It is very powerful. It can break several meters thick boulders, but this inferior column cells have to think and fight for the long wind. That really still wants to be of course.

! The night-hearting wind is a fist, although there is no effort, but it is also very fierce, the right arm is bounced out of the night long-standing boxing, stirred the slag, four among the air.

"Sure enough!" With the soil, the fist in the air, in the air, in order to test the flesh attack of the night, with the land, this time did not use the Shenwei to make his body to escape this punch. .

~ ▉ ▉, the right arm with the soil, the wind, the right arm is like a tree, and it is intact.

"The ability to control the initials of the fire is not bad!" More than the waste of the group! "The night was frowned.

"This shack of Chakra ..." Yuxi spots suddenly appeared on a rock wall, his eyes looked at the direction of leaf village, and the whole human face suddenly distorted.

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