The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1035 of the Chapter 1035 of the Prince of Tennis

"Okay!" The tail of the nine and eight tails used the tail of the north to wrap the whole body [around], they want to reduce the damage of the explosion as much as possible.

"Stop it!" The night's long is not afraid, and the hands are exhibited, "Shen Luo Tian"! "

At this time, Chakra, who is full of Chakra, Chakra, and the power of the gods, which is of course unprecedented!

The fire-free Chakra ball shell shot in the ten tails actually stopped in front of the night, and the invisible repulsion field will be held in the air.

"What!" The eight tail and the nine tail have grown up, "What is the little ghost?"

At this time, the vast golden energy in the small world is still in the body that is constantly being perfused to the night-catching body. At the same time, the night's left hand lit up gray light.

Is the ring of absorption!

The whole absorption ring is covered with a bright gray rays that the whole flake of Chakra balls are all shrouded!

Night-catching is to distinguish the energy of Ten Ten's big moves into their own energy.

Bang! The fire red Chakra's ball is not easy to detect, and a light column is directly shot into the body of the night, and there is a general.

This is the most pure energy conversion from the absorption ring, although the conversion is not efficient, but the energy of the ten tail is not huge!

956 chapter, crazy improvement

"Ah!" The body of the body, the big body, the blood of the body, the blood is dyed into gold, and the flow has become a gold line.

Under the sky, the night cost is starting crazy to run the idolism!

That's right! Night-length wind is intended to use the energy from the gods in Xiaotian, which is used to absorb the transformation of ten tailed Chakra ball artillery shells to promote the cultivation of the imaginary imitation.

"How is this possible?" The eight tail and the nine tail were stupid. The big tricks of the ten tails were the huge spherical Chakra Mango, but they did not explode, still narrowed with the speed visible in the naked eye.

At this time, there is some of the night long winds, such a huge two energy simultaneously flip in the night length, and the degree of pain is not the average person.

If the ordinary people have long, they are killed and dead!

The night lengthy wind turned to the "eight nine seven" limit turned into the emergence of these two energy, forcibly putting two huge and pure energy in the skills of Working, finally injecting particles in the body.

There is no longer response to the stone seas that is uncomfortable with the night grows.

The particles in the body have absorbed one energy. The pressure of the night-catching body is reduced, which makes the night long-resistant trees to absorb the sword and teeth bone dragons and let the absorption ring to transform the ten-tailed Chakra's shells. The speed is getting faster and faster!

"What is this kid do? It turned out to be so easy to block the attack on the ten tail?" Yu Zhibo's hot eyebrows, the secret of the night's body is too much, which makes the Zhizhi Boss have a bad hunch.

Bang! At this time, the night length shot suddenly shot a golden light column, shot to endless growth, and the entire sky was dyed into a golden.

"I kao!" The night did not help but, the dragon icon behind him appeared again, this time is the four dragon icons in Pentium.

When the night grows, it is so easy to light the fine particles in the body, and the time has passed a few breaths, which is the first night long-faced particles that light the body.

What is the energy that is sufficient to meet the energy of the sword and the bone dragon and the tits.

"Haha! Continue!" The night long laughed, accelerating the mobility of the emperor, and the heart of the prison, and it is getting more and more heart!




Finally five!

The night-catching air is actually a continuous point in the power of the five bodies, while the ten-tailed chakra cannonball is also absorbed between the night.

The huge body of the sword tooth bone dragon in the small world is also buried in the grass in Xiaocheng.

The large energy of the two stocks turned out to light the five power of the night, plus the three power before, and the night lengthy winds have shown many of the eight particles in the body.

Although the number of fine particles in the body is not imagined, it is much better than the forever, at least one of the previous one.

Moreover, the night length of the wind is the low-end face of the world, and the eight microparticles are the power of the Eight Dragon Elephant. It is unimaginable!

In fact, the two energy is very vast, but it is not enough to light five microparticles, but the night's wind is above this battlefield, and the integration of the integration and the integration of the imagination in this battlefield. The higher it.

This makes the night-long wind do not waste too much energy, and all energy is used to develop potential power among the body.

The golden light is scattered, and the night grows restores the usual body, it seems to have any changes before and before.

Just the golden light shot from the eyes, people feel a horrible pressure in the heart!

"This little ghost, actually cultivated on the battlefield?" Yuxibo spheres did not think that night long winds were so bold, ten tails were in front of them, and they also have this super boss, and the night is actually unfrunning in this battlefield. On the top, the attack of the ten tails is absorbed to absorb the energy in their own body.

"The feeling of just now is not the fluctuation of Chakra! What is it?" Yu Zhiwei has a sinking.

Holding hands into punches, the night is smirking, and there is still a tail of a cruelty, but now ... everything doesn't matter.


The power of the eight-headed dragon icon - special. Uncomfortable!

And the huge improvement of the night growing is not only the strength of the flesh, but also the new ability of the idiots in prison!

bass! Just when the night is very fast, a golden light flashes from the night long-term wind, and a shadow is slowly displayed in front of the night.

"You finally came, Dad!" Naruto smiled.

"What, Dad?" Night wind and Kakashi and others are all glimpse.

"Ah! Sorry, I seem to be late!" The blond man turned to the Naruto smiling, and his windbreaker stamped the fourth generation of nig shadows.

"Golden flashes? Four generations of fire?" Night live wind suddenly realized, "It is the father of Naruto Wave Water Gate!"

"Hey, how do you know someone!" Akai was shocked by side.

"After opening the nine tail coat, I can feel their Chakra!" Naruto replied, "Someone is coming!"

"The eyes are black. The philosophy is clearly unspeakable. Is it still not dead?" Night costs looked at the wave of water.

"Haha, don't worry! I have not been controlled, I am here to help you!" Wave the water door, "Right, Naruto, this small [brother] Who is it?"

"Haha, Dad! He is the long wind that I have told you, he is more powerful than Dad!" The Narley laughed.

"Really? That's too good!" The voice of the wave of the water did not fall, and a black shadow suddenly flashed to the side of the waves.

It is also familiar with the night's night, and it is the third generation of fire.

"Water gates, you are still as always!" .

bass! bass! Suddenly, there were two people in front of 2.4.

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