The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1036 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"First three generations of fire old age, is now the first generation of fire and second-generation rigid?" Night wind is also a bit surprised. "Who is reincarnating in the past, it is really a big hand!"

"Four generations of rigs, your instant is on me!" Laughing rarely smiled at the thousand hands.

"Good! Let's get started!" The thousand hand is also slowly standing.

"It's actually the first generation of fire, the second generation of fire, the three generations of fire, and there is also a water door teacher!" Kasi is shocked, "Who is it to reincarnate in it?"

"Oh! Carti is here!" ,,

"Big Snake Pill?" Night Great, "Is the disgusting guy is not killed by Sasuke?"

957 chapter, four red yang

"Ha? Your little ghost is not dead yet?"

"KAO! Your death, the old man, I will die, I am dead, my current state can be better!" The night is laughing.

"Flying, is this young man is the ninja of the wooden leaves? How can I notice in such a dangerous place?" The thousands of hands have noticed the night.

"Before being hailed as the god of the ninja, do you want to have a few tricks with me?" The night's long wind turned his head and looked at the thousands of hands. After the strength rose, the night-hearted wind now Even the Ninja God is not in the eyes.

"Little ghost, you are very arrogant!" The thousand hands on the side shoulders, cold, watching the night, with lightning power in flashing.

"Haha! If you don't have your first four generations of fire together, just take you to try my strength!" Night long-distance laughing, completely not far away from Yuxi Bao, with soil and ten tail .

"One person challenges the first four generations of fire, and all all the legendary ninja ..." Standing on the Akai's forehead of the people, the fine sweat came out and looked at Kakasi. what!"

Kakasi shrugged the shoulders, a double-handed expression, an innocent expression -257-, "What kind of means? How does the long wind encountered a master?"

"Your little ghost, this character is really a little bit!" shoked.

"Haha! , it seems that you have cultivated a lot of good ninjas!" There was a laughter between the killer.

! At this time, Yuxi spots suddenly flashed on the rock wall in front of everyone, and immediately shouted in the universal column, "I have been waiting for you for a long time, the hum!"

"Well?" The killer turned to look at Yuxi Bao, and then Shen said, "Your thing will say, first, to stop the ten tail!"

"Hey! Your guy has not changed!" Yu Zhibo snorted, "I really don't work with that guy!"

"There is no way, the ten tails have been rushed to us!" The thousand hand turns to point to the tenth of the rushing.

!! ~ ▉▉ ▉▉ ,

"Naruto, Changfeng, and Akaihe Kaki, you do very well. Let's take a break now!" The wave of the water gates turned to the night growth.

The wave style is worthy of the highest gadget of the popharism, talking is to meet spring breeze, there is no top three generations, especially the second-generation rigid, the aggressive momentum, as a long time, old friends.

"Yes, your friends will come to help for a while!" The wave of the water was suddenly tried.

"Friends?" Naruto and night grew well, "Who?"

"Since the big snake pill is dead, it will not be ... The guy!" The night grew up thought of a long-awaited guy.

"Is the guy?" Naruto also bowed to get up.

"Everyone is angry, let's go!" The first generation of the thousand-handles and the gods looked at the ten tails in front of him. It was the other three generations of fire, the whole is the most Strong war is a collection.

"Just want to teach hands!" The night's wind is itchy, muttering.

"Changfeng, what do you say?" Asked Naruto.

"Haha, there is nothing, there is time to have a time again" Night wind is also a look, "Now the most critical is to solve the ten tail!"

Bang! At this time, the waves of the waves ignited golden Chakra, and the first nine-tailed Chakra jacket is the same as before Naruto.

"Ah!" Naruto looked at the change of wave wind gates, and his eyes suddenly looked.

"Sure enough, it is a father and son, the battle model is a pulse!" The night grew in the side smiled.

"Second generation of fire, three generations of fire (DBCJ) adult, please come to me!" Wave wind water door.

"Haha, long wind, my father is amazing!" Naruto smiled.

"That is the golden flash, if it is not very powerful, how can it be called a genius?" Night long-winded.

The thousands of hands and the arrival of the day in front of the wave wind doors, the wave wind gates put their hands on the back of the two.

"Is it tagged?" Asked.

"Yes!" The model of the model has been inserted by the wave of wind. [Into] The battlefield is on the battlefield, the speed of the speed, and the long wind can only capture a probably shadow.

Of course, if the night cost is different if it is opened.

"It's so fast!" There are very few people in the thousand hands to praise others, and the waves have made him two stunning speeds, enough to meet the speed of the waves.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ At this time, the three generations of fires disappeared at the same place, only the first generation of the thousand-handles.

"Disappeared?" Akaiyi.

When the three generations of fire appeared again, I instantly reached the place where the articles of specialty were unoccupied [into].

"It's so fast!" Naruto was shouting.

"It's going to be!" The thousands of handcases include other three generations of smashing and both hands together.

"Tolerance · Siqiyang!" The four generations of fire hang.

bass! In the first moment, the four red light rishes, followed by the four red high walls that instantly aggregated, and directly enveloped the ten.

The four generations of rigid shadows accounted for one angle and completed this method!

"Plus my fairy law, Ming Shen gates!" The first generation of fires in the thousand-handles instantly opened the cactus mode, and its shape did not change like a lot of time, and there were many ways to turn on the cactus. It is only a rune. Imprint, this seems to be much better than the first two people in the front two people.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ At this time, suddenly, the door of the red cylinder from the sky will be fixed on the ground.

"Sealing ten!" The thousand hand is finally high, and the knot of the seal is successfully completed. The other thousand-handed clubs also use the Ming Shenmen's immortal to suppress Ten That!

"And the nunusures of Justi Zhiwei belt are very similar, just a lot of scope!" Night looked at the huge junction in front of you.

"This is more than a few times more powerful than the four purple array, only four ninja talents can show the juncture - Siqiyang!" Kakasi explained.

"It turns out! The power is good, now I want to move it is not so easy now!" Night lives nodded.

At this time, a figure suddenly falls from the sky, and there is a front and Naruto ...

Chapter 958, the seventh class

"Hey ... The way the way is still so cool!" Night wind looked at the men who appeared in front of him, and the corner of the mouth was slightly.

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