The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1037 of the Chapter 1037 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

"You are coming for enough evening! Sasuke!" Naruto eyes were brighter.

"Night long wind, Naruto!" Sasuke's faceless glance, the night, the end of the wind and Naruto, "I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"How? Sasuke, are you coming to find me today?" The night's hard hand pinned, "It's not the time!"

"No! A lot of things happened ... I finally decided to guard the wood!" Sasuke silent.

"Well?" The night grew and the Naruto were a glimpse, although there was no hostility in the body, but the two did not think that Sasuke would say this.

"It seems that it is a melody!" The night grew smile.

"In addition ... I have to become a hot shadow!" Sasuke suddenly added.

"I am going ~ ▉▉

"Ah! Yushu's boy, how do you suddenly want to be a shadow, you can now be a bird's rebellion, and Akai has grown his eyes and can't believe it.

"How do you see me? All everything is caused by the fire shadow of the past, so I have to become a shadow and change the village!" Sasuke a bold alone.

"I won't give you a shadow, it will become me!" The Naruto slowly went to Sasuke's side and screamed.

"My kao! What is going on? How do I have a feeling of posting?" The night's long wind suddenly felt a little fun, as if returned to the day in the seventh class.

"The position and shackles of a broken shadow are struggling to be struggled by two second year, I am also drunk!" The night is hard and shaking his head.

"You are so worshiped, I am very happy! But you are too relaxed!" The thousand hand moved to looked at the three people. "Now hurry to gather Chakra, attack and knock down together!"

"It's early, it is your four old men to play handsome, I can solve the ten tail alone!" Night wind is on a big amp.

"Hey!" The gods of the ninja, the old blood sprayed, almost worried, "finally know why this little ghost is a thorns!"

"Good! Changfeng, Sasuke, let us go together! See who is going to defeat ten tails, do you win!" Naruto excited.

"Naruto, when did you become the captain of the seventh class?" The night long turns smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Go! "Sasuke instantly plated the ground, night long and Naruto also followed.

"Or I love the limelight as before, these three guys!" In the side of the three people, Kakasi's eye angle could not hide the smile.

The seventh class once reappeared in this situation and let Kakasi feel like it all day.

Before the four-red yang stranches, the seventh class of the Kakasi Group of the Wumi Village was again reunited.

"Good! The seventh class is in this place!" Naruto's right fist in the left hand, "Changfeng, Naruto, let's go!"

"Haha! Naruto said that you are not the captain, you and Sasuke still as the audience is good as before!" After the night is smirking, the body is slight, and the right arm will come backward, and is preparing to start attack. .

"Please wait a moment!" The thousand hand is suddenly orally.

In the four-red matrix, the ten tail once again opened [chrysanthemum] Hua's mouth, and began to gather a larger flaming-style Chakra.

Among the rinsing, the crushed stone flew, and the ground at the foot of everyone was beginning to sway.

"It wants to break through the junior, all the people, the spirit of the spirit, ready to pick it up!" The wave of the waves emergency.

"I know!" .

"Next ..." The killer and thousands of hands were also flashing.

"No, let me come!" The night's long-lasting, the Buddha is open again.

After the night of the night, the vain of the eight dragon icon was roaring Pentium, and the four-generation rigid shadows of the scenes of the sky were stunned.

"What is this power?" The past is not a joke before you say that the night's four is not a joke, because they feel a different terrorist force different from Chakra in the vivid shadow of the dragon icon.

"The stinky boy, actually growing to this place!"

At that time, for the safety of the village of Wile Village, the day of the day also sent a lot of secrets of the secrets of the secret, but unfortunately they were harder.

··· ▉ ▉ ···

At the beginning, the strength of the night, the strength of the explosion is completely unreasonable, and numerous blood drops limit the body of one person, and powerful to enchanting.

All this is a fan.

And the feelings between the thousand-handles and the sky are somewhat different. As the ninja God has the strongest wood, the royalty-free room is the same, and the strength of this power can feel at all. Nightie world.

"It seems that the world really has changed!" The thousands of hands muttered.

At this time, the night long wind has been rushed to the front of the four red yang.

"This little ghost is too anxious!" Qianli's mouth, "big brother, there is no help you open the door!"

! The voice of the thousand hands is just falling, and the night is straightforward is just a boxing of the two borders of the Sanyan.

....... ... [.. [..

It can be trapped in the wall of the ten tail, actually in a round pit hole that is hit by the night, and the thousand hands is hard to face, and the original night does not have a thousand hand. Open the door for him, but it is hard to go in.

"Night wind, this stinky, actually broke the junction of the four red, this is ..." Akai grew up, thorough speech.

"I fly, you really cultivate this super ninja!" The thousands of hands were also looked enough.

"Oh ... this kid is like this, I have been used to it!" I laughed in it.

"When it is not a chat, this stinky kid opened a door. If the ten tail of Chakra cannon bombing is troublesome from this mouth!"

"I didn't say it, I will give it to me!" After the long wind entered the four-red, the hands were wrapped in Chakra Music for the Ten Tail, and then a boxing Ten tail [chrysanthemum] flower, no, preparing is the mouth.

~ ▉ ▉

The loud noise, under the eyes of the four shadows of the past, the ten tail [chrysanthemum] has a large hole directly exaggerated by night.

"This kid is too messy!" The killer is amazed at night, the flesh of the flesh is helpless.

959 chapter, split

~ ▉ Night wind, a punch, after a punch, the ten end began to scream, the roar is constantly, it is obviously a mad.

"Call your sister!" Night's wind left hand, the fire red Chakra cannon pulls down the night long-term wind, flashing.

! The night-catching wind flew up is the top of the ball.

Bang! In the first moment, the shells were kicked into the nozzle of the ten taires.

! Chakra cannon bomb directly exploded in the end of the ten tail, the power of the explosion into red light column, and dyed the entire sky into a red.

The ten tail is more than the big shot, and it is a hole in the hole. It is hurt.

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