The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1039 of the Chapter 1039 of the Prince of Tennis

"Oh! You see the biggest monster in front of it, I want to come to a super jump to it!" Naruto pointed to the ten tail.

"Sakuo adult, how do you tell?" Sasuke called the second generation of the 10,000 snakes, no generation of stasis, and stronger strength.

"You just have to go forward, the farthest monsters will be solved by me!" The Eternal Kaleidoscope in the eyes shines with the fascinating light.

At this time, hundreds of undead, hundreds of undead creatures have been smashed by the divided split, and the three are the ocean of ten tail splits.

Although the undead of the night, the undead, although powerful, but there is no command at night, and the number of ten tail splits is too huge.

Ants can bite the big [icon], not to mention the opponent is not a ants but is increasingly powerful ten tail split.

With the ten tail of Chakra Night, there is no matter how much the undead creature is not only, so the night is chosen, the thief is first smashed, first getting a ten tail, these separators will naturally die.

"I'm gone!" The night grew well, and the land bone dragon under the cold feet started.

"Follow up, !" The sound of the voice is just a super jump, and the high jump is tall.

"Wan snake, keep up!" Sasuke also directed the role of the second generation after the night length.

directly jumped directly to the air, the ten tail split was unable to attack the Naruto.

Sasuke is to let the messenger from the ten tail split, the snake flexible crawler makes the attack of the ten-tailed split are all empty.

Finally, the night grows, and the night grows only let the land bone dragon under the body run quickly, and the whole body burns the black flame hands to expand two invisible huge repulsion sites to bounce all the huge tail splits.

call! call! Call ~ ▉ At this time, the hand-held long [gun] in the ten-tailed split "is smashed in the air, the [gun]!

And Yan Ji is pulling out the short knife in the waist, and waving the short knife instantly pops all long [gun].

"It's good, ! More than the original!" Naruto.

"Don't talk nonsense, Naruto! Now the most important thing is to hurry, be careful, I will take you from my head!" .

"The attitude is also more arrogant!" Naruto hands, "I know!"

bass! At this time, Sasukes standing on the mensisheat ignited the purple flame, and then the top of the head, the purple Chakra giant was turned on, and the mature state of the needed to be opened.

"Are you ready?" The night's hard work, at this time, the bone dragon has come to the ten tail.

"Ah!" Naruto his hands, raised a large hand sword spiral pill, jump on the top of the ten tail.

Sasuke also rushed to the ten tail, and the top of the Chakra armor warrior in his head pulled a black arrow!

"Good! Attack together!" Night Changfeng also jumped in the air 247, the right arm is back, the whole rose doubles, the vain of the dragon icon is booled after the night length.

"Wind, large spiral pill, sword!"

"Heavy, you must add lit!"

The Naruto threw the spiral pill of the head to the ten tail, and it was almost almost simultaneously to let Chakra armor warrior shot the arrow of the black flame.

The attacks of Naruto and Sasuke were integrated in an instant. The fire winds, the two powerful attacks were two, and the power is not only one.

! The rising black arrow is shot behind the ten tail, and the horse is burning.

Hey ~ The end of the end of the violent roaring.

"Hit! Good!" Akaihe Chilabi screamed.

"I have never seen so powerful toothing, the same Chekli quantity, is it difficult to have this cooperation in many years!" The second-generation routine is rare.

"Yes, there is still the arrogant boy!" The attention of the four-generation rigs is put in the night long wind that is still in the air.

"It seems that the kid is going to attack the ten tail, it is really daring!" The thousand hand is not exclaimed.

"Haha! Ten tail! I will give you a big meal!" The night grew away and slammed the right punch against the ten.

A punch!

961 chapter, spot plan

At a time, the night's long-term wind is full of golden light, and the whole person has become a golden person.

After the night length of the body, it was flying out of eight golden long dragons. A long dragon is a dragon icon.

Jinlong roaring rushed to the ten tail. The sky of the entire battlefield was dyed by Jinlong, and the face of everyone standing on the battlefield was also dyed.

"Is this?" The four generations of fires are a glimpse.

The golden dragon that emerged after the night length is lifelike, which is a lot of vivid than the wooden dragon that has been reminded between the killer.

If you look at it, you can even see the scales and rips on the Jinlong, there is a real god dragon.

During the sound of the dragon, eight flying gold long dragons flied to the ten tails, eventually gathered into a huge eight-way gold dragon, and then hit the body to ten tails.

bass! Hey, the world has become a gold!

The junction of the four-red matrix allows the golden light to the sky, and the whole juncture has become golden, and the ten tails are completely engulfed by this golden light.

"How strong energy fluctuations, if you collide with this golden dragon, even I also ..." The thousand hand is quite shocked.

The boxing of the night-catching wind is turned into a gold dragon, and its energy is much stronger than the superior plus of the super-plus of the namman and Sason.

"Good! Hit!" Naruto waved his punch.

"Dead, ten tails!" Sasuke's eyes flashed.

"MD, this is not dead?" The night was frowned, and he still felt Ten That. Chakra.

The lens is turned to the big snake pill.

The big snake pill is in the ill, and there is a ghost light and swirls in his side.

"It is evil, why do I want to be separated from Sasuk!" The vortex is very dissatisfied with a very dissatisfaction.

"I have to save, I don't want to go to the front line and those monster battles!" The water month is a very feminine expression that I didn't have to act together with the help.

"Where there is ah, " Big Snake Pill, etc. Come to the desert.

"Big Snake Pills!" At this time, the agency and other four shadows are treated in desert.

After the night, the long wind body went to the impeller, the spot was a perception of the night's long wind, and it was a few different fresses.

The five shadows were also gave a very wolf, and the cost of unmisciting is resolved in the boss of Yuxi.

However, five shadows were also seriously injured, especially for the other four, with the body's Chakra, and the face suddenly became aging.

"Big Snake Pill, Are you guilty?" The master looked at the big snake pill, "What are you doing here?"

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