The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1040 of the Chapter 1040 of the Prince of Tennis

"I will help you heal! Then you can treat other four shadows!" The big snake pill cold voice, "said that it is so weak, I still see it!"

"Will you be so good?" The doubt.

"With your current state, if I want to hurt you, you have already died!" The big snake pill slowly.

"This is right!" The agency and other four shadows were very serious.

"Xiang Phosphorus, you let her bite you to treat!" The big snake pill has put down the heart of the guard, and then turned to the vortex fragrance.

"Hey ... I am sakura!" The swirls are not afraid.

"Faster! Otherwise, I will turn you into my snake!" The big snake pill cold channel.

"Ah!" The vortex fragrant phosphorus was shocked. "What is it, don't scare me, I will help her treatment!"

The vortex is kneeling in front of the program, letting a hand on the ground biting her arm.

The agency under the agency absorbed the treatment of vortex, the treatment of Chakra, the aging body is also gradually recovering.

"Okay, you have suck too much! Go again, I have to become old!" Swirl fragrant phosphorus.

The agency will release the arms of the vortex, and the slowly stands.

"Opener, you should at least give me a thank you!" The big snake pill slowly.

"Hey! People who betray the village, what is going to save me now!" The master took out a small bottle of gold liquid from the ninja bag of the waist [body], and then in the mouth.

boom! For a while, the master shines in the whole person, and the body is recovering quickly.

This small bottle of golden liquid [body] is a long time, the golden fruit sent to the program for a long time, the master has been reluctant to eat, just pressing it into liquid [body] stored down.

After so long, the energy among golden fruits has disappeared, but the remaining energy still allows the agency to recover most of the strength, the whole person's state and the natural cow.

"Restore? It looks a lot of energy [body], there is a research value, you should send me a bottle!" The big snake pill suddenly interested in the golden solution that just recovered.

"Don't say this first, why do you want to save me? Do you want to use me to attack the village?" Asked the board.

"Opener, you are very cold to your savior!" The big snake pill, "now my interest is getting more and more extensive, I used to be a wind, and then drive the wind turnt, now I am different, I am more The expectation before enjoying the wind blows. "

"You have never changed at all, the net is something inexplicably!" The program wrinkled, and then it was gradually stretched. "I really didn't think that I would be saved by you! You should already know what the war is?"

"Ah! So I came to come to help!" The big snake pill suddenly turned, "Okay, we have to go! You still concentrate on the treatment of the country! I still have to go in advance!"

"Water month, fragrant phosphorus!" The big snake pill called, and then three people disappeared in the same place.

The Operatger is watching the three people disappearing. Some happened.

The lens turns back to the Town Battlefield.

After the golden light is exhausted, the Ten tailed, the golden dragon (Qian Zhao), who was killed by the night, and bombarded it, and the top of the black flame burning on the top of the tenth, has been given by Jinlong. Swallow, hind the slag, and eliminate between the heavens and the earth.

And the one-tailed head is still rotating, and its body is also recovering with the speed of the naked eye.

"Cut ~ ▉ .. . .

At this time, the land that has been disappeared suddenly drilled out from the whirlpool, appeared in the top of the ten tail.

"Ah!" With the earth's hands, he called, and his body is inserted on the right half is a black rod controlled by Yuxi.

Yuxi Bao spots are controlling the soil, and the soil is to try to get rid of the control of Yuxi.

"Originally, I plan to play with the column before I became the column of the ten tail. Now it seems to be a good time to go back to me back!" Yu Zhibo spheres have a hands-on-hand printing, and the cold is in the eyes. move.

962 chapter, want to resurrect?

"Ah, ah ~ ▉ ▉ , ,

"Well?" The attention of everyone on the battlefield was attracted by the tragic scream of the territory.

"That is ... with soil?" Kakasi brow wrinkled.

"What is the bottom card?" Night live wind is also a look, standing in the top of the faucet, looking into the soil.

On the other hand, the Yuxi Bottle is sitting on the ground, and the right hand gathers in the chest single-handed print. It is shrouded with a faint golden light. I saved your life, it is time to report! "

"Spotting controls his Chakra!" Standing in the thousand-handed plots of the four-Taiyang stretches, it is the direction of the Zhizi Boura, "Is it the ban on the six ways, is it a natural life? No I can't let the guy "27" completely resurrected! "

"Teenagers, you have recently left ten tails, now hurry to stop the people on the ten tails!" The thousands of hand rushed to the night.

"I know, give it to me!" Night long-lasting horns slightly forsake, "Returning to born surgery? It seems that this guy seems to have been premedus, but even if he is completely resurrected?"

Night live wind is now big, and there is no fear of Yu Zhibo spheres and Yisi Bo belt soil, even ten tails, and no wind is in the eyes.

Because the night grows, he did not play the power of the gods in Jaja.

bass! At this time, there were five woods behind the thousand-handles.

"In this knot, can you only create these borders?" The thousands of hands were frowned, and then rushed to the thousand hands. "

"Oh!" There should be a thousand hands, and both hands have been printed.

! Two shadows are displayed behind the thousand hand.

"Hey! Only two? I actually be so wolf!" The thousand hands did not think that he actually only forth two.

"Now there is only hard scalp!" The thousand hand and thousands of hands are started simultaneously, rushing to sit in the legs sitting on the ground.

"I know that it is possible to stop bringing soil, is it going to attack me directly?" Yu Zhibo sphere sound is cold, "You should understand that I can't stop me!"

At this time, the top of the tail head has grown, which is a precursor to the birth of the born.

Sasuke is already taking a thousand snakes second generation, the first side of the end of the ten tail, the whole body boils purple rush to Yisi Bo belt.

"Sasuke this guy, it is more active than me!" The night is laughing, and it is also a backward, and the lightning is flying toward the soil.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ At this time, the Tie rod on the right of the rushed is suddenly emitted, and it is shot to the flying sakura and the night grow.

boom! Sasuke's eyes, black flames appear in an instant, burned black TIE batter to the slag, the other side of the night, the wind does not avoid it, let the black Tie stick on his own Buddha, not being boused, It is directly broken and falls down on the top of the tail.

~ ▉ Help the right hand showing lightning light, it is Rain!

He dragged the power of lightning, went to the soil, and the other side of the night is the right arm, and the body is faster to fight the land!

At this time, the Yuxi Bao's mouth flashed a smile, he had already determined that he was successful.

At this time, a golden flash has passed from Sasuke and the nightly wind, the first one came to the belonging.

It is gold flash, also a teacher with soil - wave style!

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