The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1041 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

~ ▉ in hand, it is difficult to draw, and is drawn by him.

Hey ~ The squad is mad and faded, and the top of the top of the tail is heavy.

"Is it originally you? Bring soil!" The wave of the water is shocked.


Before the mask is also attacked the soil village, summoning the nine-tailed fox, and a wave of Warm War.

The wave of the gardens were printed behind the soil, so he could instantly flash to the belonging to the territory. It is more fast than the speed of the night, because it is instantaneous movement, belongs to The category of space forces.

"Oh?" Sasuke, stopped the flying footsteps, while the night's wind is also turning over the top of the ten tail.

At this point, the thousands of hands and thousands of hands have come to the front of Yuxi Boss, surrounded by his group.

"Spot, you!"

"Failed, but it's all!" Yu Zhiwa sphere has no difference, smiles and looked at the division between the killer ...

"Successfully stopped Yu Zhibo spheres, it is four generations of fire!" Akai surprised.

"It has been labeled with the instant surgery with shadow. Once I have marked him?" The thousand hands is also a glimpse.

Ten tail head.

"The marker of the fly thunder will never disappear. I have never taught you, bringing soil!" The wave of the water is sad, "With the soil, you are still alive, I hope you can become a spike. Ah! But why? "

"It's really disappointed, then just kills the blot of the translocation of the past, this war is over!" Sasuke slowly went to the front of the belt and waves.

"Oh, Sasuke, what you think is too simple!" The figure of the night's wind appeared in front of the three people, he looked coldly with the ground, "Don't be killed, so easy If you hang it, you will not have to fight for so long! "

"Head boy, I didn't expect you to understand me!" The land suddenly opened, "the war is not so easy, and my rebellion is the same!"

"What!" Sasuke and wave wind gardens are surprised, and the night long is a roar and so expression.

Between the bombing ~ ▉,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Not good!" Sasuke and wave wind doors are instantly jumped.

"It's coming!" The night's hands were on the exhibition. When the moment, he opened the repulsive 5.6 fields back to the top of the land bone dragon.

bass! The huge vortex has a powerful suction that will be jumped and the waves of the waves are forcibly sucking the swirl center.

"Naruto!" The night grew is called.

"Ah! Give it to me!" Naruto hands, standing in the head of , Jiuji Chakra's outer coat [out] Jiuji Chakra's claws, will take Sasuke and wave wind gates for arsen to pull Ji's head top.

"What happened? What happened?" The wave wind door was shocked.

"Is the ten tail to change the form?" Naruto brow wrinkled.

"I am afraid it is not so simple!" The night is looking at the ten tail of a white ball in the air, the face is sinking.

PS: There are things in the morning, updated late. Dear friends, forgive me ...

963 chapter, ten tail column

"He has just got rid of the manipulation of the spot, and the previous print is also for this moment!" The night is cold and cold looking at the white sphere in front of him.

! Suddenly the white sphere suddenly broke, showing a new soil.

"That is?" Everyone is shocked.

The styling of the belt is completely different. Ten tailed directly to the soil, in other words, with soil has become a tail column!

"That is ... The people of the ten tails!" Naruto and Sasuo shocked at the same time.

"Okay, this is playing!" The night is in this time, actually laughing.

"What is going on?" The thousand hands were embarrassed.

"Not a wonderful, actually is a column force!" The killer looked at the hair and white, the body was full of cyan new Unexhoe with Towne Road.

At this time, Turkiao has a half-length, behind the six cactors, the whole person flies above the sky.

"A 8th, is it the final form of ten tail?" The Chilabi stood behind the people was also surprised.

"No, not! Although it is very tricky, it is not the final state of 31 ten tails. It seems that it is not waiting to become a mouthful of mouth, it is used by people!" Eight tails.

"Well!" Suddenly, the golden light in the eyes of the killer.

! The cylindrical red door of the fairy martial art door from the sky is directly pressed into the ground, and the cylindrical red door that is continuously dropped from the air!

!! ~ ▉

"It is calculated to be a column, and the Ming Gate can continue to press!" The thousand hand-related cold channels.

"It's amazing!" Naruto is happy.

"No, this door has not been bound!" The night long style is justified.

! All the gates of the Ming Gong do be cracking in an instant, and then breeze and exploded, and the fragments are scattered.

The shape of Unechyo belt once again appeared in front of everyone, there was a raised rushing behind him, and the raised is red flame in flash.

"Actually broke free, fairy seal that can suppress ten tails!"

"It is strong to this point!" The thousand hands and arrogance are a big shock.

bass! At this time, the red flame behind the soil suddenly elongated into a red paw, grabbed the red wall of the four-wheeled yang quad, and then pulled to the limit.

"Well?" The four generations of fires were a glimpse.

! In the first moment, even the four-tailed four-tailed borders of the four-tail column is easily destroyed, and the red nodules disappear.

"It's impossible, in addition to the night-long boy, someone can destroy the four red yang, and still so completely!" Akai, who was watching the battle, is already a shocking.

"It seems that it is more powerful than the previous ten, is this my illusion?" Chilabi has forgotten to sing.

"It is only very straight to ten tails just now, and now the ten tail column is concentrated!" The sound of the eight tail rigid.

! Jumping with the land of the earth, almost instantly came to the opposite side of the under the people under the night-length wind, and the speed is not known for the speed than before.

"Stop, bring the soil, save your hand!" The wave wind door rushed toward the territory.

"Belt soil?" It flashed in the earth, and it seems that I forgot who I am general.

bass! After the junities were unwrapped, the thousands of hands, the thousands of hands and the three people were directly flashed to the front of the night.

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