The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1042 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"It's, this guy is stronger than I am now!"

"Ah, it seems to be this!" .

"Big brother, now only one battle!" The thousand hands came slowly.

On the other hand, there is a slowly standing on the ground, "" Although I look at the fear of the fire, I feel good, but I can't wait! "

"With the soil, it has become the same as the six cactors. It is likely to be first robbed before making the kill!" Yu Zhibo flicked in the eyes.

bass! At this time, the land of the hand was slowly opened on the back of the hand, and the holes were black in the hole in the condensed.

"What?" The night long-faced frowning wrinkled, and the tilles that changed to the tail of the tail have become difficult to expect, and the model of its attack needs to be explored.

! In the first moment, completely disseminated attacks, the two people between the killer and thousands of hands are generally destroyed!

The thousand-handed column is bombing half of the body is wood, but the thousand hands is the sprinkle, but it is still a state of transcurrence, so it can still be recovered.

"What!" Naruto was shocked.

"It's so fast!" The wave style is also a sink.

"The four generations of fire, you will jump with them, and the stinky boy there is also flashed!"

"This is ... The attack mode of the second-generation rigid adults!" is also jumping open, just in a moment, thousands of hands will be filled with soil.

"The speed is really good, it is worth the first person in the world!" The night is looking muttered in the thousand hands.

! At this time, the thousand-handed hands and one hand, and the detonate of the whole body exploded.

"Water gates, stinky boy, let you go!" Flying in the air and said loudly.

"Ah! The speed of the second-generation fire, the speed of 423 is really fast!" The wave of the wind is one-handed, "Flying Thunder!"

In the first moment, the wave wind door with a nun, and the direct space under his directly disappeared in the same place.

And the night grows is the silk, and the legs are sitting on the faucet faucet and open the watch mode.

"The stinky boy, still don't go!" There is no way to get the night in the night, at this time, his attention is full of the tail of the ten tail, "big brother!"

"Oh!" The division between the killer has been bombed half, but it still slammed the branches of the two branches to the end of the branches.

"Sure enough, this little thing is to kill him!" The thousands of hands slowly walked to the face of land.

"Taking nonsense, the detonation can get it, and still play the hair!" The night is disdainful.

"Stinky boy!" The thousand hands were taken by night, but now he didn't work hard, but turned to look at the soil in front of it.

"The dirty is the tactics that I invented. It is also ... but this is still the first time I use this tact!" The thousand hands will be left forward.

"Oh? There is still a reincarnation?" The night's eyes looked at the movements between the thousands of hands.

"The appearance is the mutual explosion of the second-generation rigs!"

964 chapter, attack and defense

"Try this!" Qianli's right hand, countless out-of-white, "" Do not stop the summoner, constantly blast, continue to hit the explosion! "

The sound of the thousand hands is just falling, squatting, squatting, and the explosion is continuously exploded in front of the territory.

The explosion has been connected to a piece, which seems to never stop the general continuous explosion, and the soot will be fully enveloped.

"It's too powerful, I can't see anything!" Naruto was shocked, and his under his body is also swaying because the ground is constantly shaking, so that the Naruto has fallen.

"Don't panic, Naruto, you have to see the situation!" The waves on the side reminded.

"Summon the rune with Rune, then continuous detonation, the idea is good!" Night long-lived looked at the intensive smoke point in front of him, "But this explosion should not be true unlimited, say it is still Stop! And the power of the explosion is too low, and there is no harm to the tail column! "

The night long-term winds have just fallen, and the smoke is gradually spread. Unexpectedly, there is no loss in front of everyone, and he has black unidentified objects around, protects his body, continuous explosion, even in him. Leave a little marks on the body.

At this time, the three-generation rigging old man standing on the side is also attacking the land, and his back suddenly showed a huge dart.

"Hands in the sword shadow!" will throw the huge darts behind it directly to fly to the air.

bass! bass! ~ The big darts instantly in the air become a few different darts, and then all the tapes, the weeks of the belt are shrouded.

! At this time, the soil right hand is exhibited, the black liquor around his arm [body] has a small round shield with steel thorns, and all the darts that will be taken into the day will be shot. Go to the broken, quadrated on the ground.

"Well? This kind of attack mode and the dust of the old man are very similar, but it is a fluid state. Who can change and keep the shape to comply with the attack and defense fighting, the attack and defense is the attack mode of the ten tail. ▉? "Night lived on the movement of the belt.

! At this time, the land has been flashing in front of the sun, and his left hand arm is also a black liquid [body], instantly become a long steel thistle, the left shoulders of the old man .

"What!" The flying was big, the pierced left shouldered into debris flying in the air.

"The stinky childhood analysis is good, this should be a combination of four or more attributes, compared with the blood seas and blood, and eliminate the special attributes, and the sky is big.

! At this time, the small round shield of the left-handed left hand was also chemically formed on the back of the right hand of the belt, and the right hand with soil was lightning to grab the head of the day.

"It seems to have time limit!" ..

Boom, the black ball on the right hand on the right hand, it is also bombarded by the round shield.

For a while, debris flying!

"The three generations of fire, the old head is very clear, it is worthy of the Ninja, which is called tolerance, but the words come back, this three generations of old heads are very popular, the picture is beautiful!" Night is very bad. I thought.

The three generations of rigs are reincarnated by the embarsets, so the night growing is not worried that they will be directly killed by the soil, which is also the benefits of embarrassment, just take a time to recover.

However, it is not short that the recovery time required for the next half is directly bombing.

"Three generations of fire grandfather!" Naruto worriedly called.

"Naruto, don't call, I have to be deafled by you!" Night long wind spit, "they are deliberately rushing to send death, then analyze the enemy's tricks and capabilities, look at it carefully, change for a while We are gone! "

"Changfeng Jun ... Not only strong strength, the mind is also a one-class!" The wave wind door couldn't help but admire.

"Okay, Changfeng said that it is true! The translusion should be restored to restore, and then change me!" The wave of the water gates came to the belonging to the terrible, and the Tieclaki jacket burned. Boiling.

"Then my body is also actions!" I have been observing the body of the killer of the battlefield to start actions.

At this time, there is no action, Yisi Bouvet, is jumping to the doorman, blocked his way forward.

"Don't let me wait again, the room!" Yu Zhibo screamed in the killer.

The two of the two crucial, the superior Ninja is looking for, everything is like the next day, there is no trace on the face of their transfusion.

! At this time, the ten tail of the tail flew in the air suddenly swells, and the waist is exaggerated, then it is directly dropped, and the ground has smashed a big pit.

"How ... What happened?" Naruto is surprised.

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