The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1043 of the Chapter 1043 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"Hey ... I have not fully controlled the strength of the ten tail in half a day, bringing the soil!" Night long-term cold channel.

"Yeah, let's take this opportunity!" The wave of the water gates fell out two people and rushed to the land on the ground.

"Homemade Sushu, I also have!" Two wave windmen a printed, a tag is bitter, while rushing to the belt, "I have a long-lost spiral flash over the three-game!"

"I am going ... this movement name is not so long?" Night wind spit.

At this time, the body of the tail of the tail starts to deform.

", below!" Naruto felt malicious Chakra.

The section of the tail of the tail is actually drilled out from .

! .

At this time, the upper body of the belt is like the usual elongation of the serpent, and the hands are condensed with a black liquid [body] into a black steel thorn to the blow to the waves.

Bang! At this time, the top of the subtracks turned out the purple Chakra, and the [out] big hand, blocking the attacker with soil.

! The wave wind door is directly kicked by a double [leg] that has grown with soil.

boom! boom! At the same time, the upper body of the belt suddenly elongated, and the left and right hands were each clamping the head of Sasuke and Naruto.

The speed of the belt is too fast, so that the two have not reacted at all.

"Bastard!" Naruto found himself unable to break free.

"Be sure to dare!" The wave wind door is shocked, "the flying thunder!"

There is no situation, and the flying thunder of the wave style is actually invalid at the critical moment ...

965 chapter, control of ten tail strength

"The tag is missing?" The wave of the water gardens did not expect that the mark of the flying thunder in the critical season was disappeared.

At this time, the left and right hand clamped to clamp the Naruto and Sasuke, the black sphere on the back is slowly deformed, and it is the same move with the previous hole.

"Naruto, Sasuke these two guys do any plane, after this, I am still a babysitter!" Night long-term winds.

!, the body shape of the night-catching body appears behind the terrible, and his right hand lights.

The upper half of the belt elongation is directly returned to the night, directly into the ground, and it is a pit hole.

Snapped! Snapped! The Naruto and Sasurable two people were a night-long wind to pull back to the waves.

"Good insurance, I almost think that I am dying!" Said the voice of the Naruto.

"You are fine, Naruto, Sasuke!" The wave of the water is rushing.

"Ah!" The two were turned over, and the eyes of the three were again invested to the tail column.

At this time, the body of the soil is getting more disgusting, and the waist is completely turned into a snake shape. The upper body includes the face and the upper out of control, and a pair is completely out of control.

"What is it?" Naruto was shocked.

"He can't control his body, it will be -230- must seize this opportunity!" The wave of water is in a hurry.

At this time, the soil [out] The right arm of the arm, the black sphere on the arm, and the black sharding is shot from the direction of the people.

"Roll!" The night is very big, and it is coming to the three people.

"Changfeng!" Three people are all glimpse.

boom! The night long wind is burned with black flames, and the invisible repulsion site is unfolded in the night, and the protection is in the people.

! The black shard is heavy, on the luminous field mask, and then being repulsed directly.

The arrow changes back to the black ball and pops up!

boom! At this time, the black ball suddenly returned to the right arm of the belt, and the right arm of the tilled its own rising deformity was more than half.

"What happened? What is the situation?" The doubt of the Naruto.

"He hit himself?" Sasukes.

"Now the consciousness of the Ten Tail is not dominated by the land. The strength of the ten tail is too strong. The consciousness of the land can only be barely attached to the tail. He now can't control ten tails!" Night Long wind cold analysis road.

"Ah! The long wind analysis is correct, after all, is a ten tail beast, which is more difficult to control more than other tail beasts!" Wave wind gates attached.

"Fortunately, if it is completely controlled by him, if you are hit, you will die! Still not close!" is scared.

"Changfeng, next, I want to display the spiral flash over the trial! I will create opportunities for you, defeat him!" The wave wind door is engaged, and it is the six markings, "remember Be fully attack! "

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉

With the territory, he called Lin's name, and the whole bodies were overwhelmed by the big bodies.

"I am coming, with soil!" The wave wind door began to rush to the land.

"Who are you?" The consciousness of the land began to blur, the body is constantly painful.

"Ah, ah!" The voice of the earth screamed suddenly stopped, and his body began to shrink.

"Well?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, "he gradually control the strength of the ten tail!"

After breathing, the belt suddenly floated in the air, the body also recovered the original, and his hand had a black tin cushion, and his head is also a nine black spheres, the body and before. Change.

"What?" The wave of the water is, and then accelerates the soil.

"Finally, the teacher!" With the slowdown of his eyes.

! In the first moment, the waves stabbed the soil, and the soil was broken into the instant (DBBA).

The left arm of the belt is always exhibited, and the black ball that has emerged behind is suddenly moving.

"Worse!" The wave of water is not good, and the right arm is coated by the black ball.

"Dad!" Naruto called.

bass! The wave style has returned to Naruto in front of the flying thunder, "although it is trick, but there is no relationship, I am escaping with the flying thunder!"

"This is not good!" Tongli finally opened, refers to the right arm of the wave wind gate being broken. At this time, the right arm of the waves is a black sphere floating in the air.

"Ni!" The wave of the waves, "I know, it is transferred with me!"

The black sphere suddenly lit up the dazzling white light, and the versatile fluctuations around the energy.

"Is there a force that has been completely controlled?" Night long wind brow wrinkled, right hand, "Vientiane Tian!"

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