The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1044 of the Chapter 1044 of the Prince of Tennis

The invisible gravitational field is unfolded in the middle of the night. Under the midst of Night Wind, the gravitational gravity is strong and the density is very high. Its goal is a sudden illuminated black sphere.

bass! The black sphere released by strong light was pulled directly from the night, and at the same time, the night-long style came to the side of the territory.

Bang! The huge explosion sounds, the explosive white energy instantly encloses the night wind and the belt.

"Changfeng!" Naruto screamed.

"What?" The wave wind door is shocked, and the Sakuo is also surprised, the night is too big, and there is no black sphere that has not been left away.

On the other hand, Yuxi Bao Parm and the thousand-handed columns have been opposed to a few minutes.

At this time, Yu Zhibo pointed is finally calm, and the top of the head begins to showcase Chakra, and finally gathered into a blue Chakra Giant.

"Mu Wei Mu Dragon!" The thousands of hands were engaged in one hand. He directly smashed a huge wooden dragon, his shape was lifelike, and the wood dragon is displayed before Up-Zhiso. There are a lot of thousands of handles.

At this time, the train station is standing on the top of the wooden dragon, and the cool looks at Yuxi.

bass! At this time, the blue Chakra giant on the top of the Yuxi Bottop showed a blue Chakra major knife on the right hand.

boom! At this moment, the blue Chakra Giant and Mulong also attacked the other party!

After ~ ▉▉ , the wooden dragon has a blue Chakra big knife with a blue Chakra Giant, while the tail of Mulong is swept forward.

Bang! The blue Chakra Giant is directly hooked by Mulong, and the heavy fall is above the ground.

One time, the dust is flying.

966 chapter, both sides of the battle

"Don't hinder me, spots!" The thousand hand is rid of the wood dragon.

"Although there is no time, I don't do anything!" Yuxibo spots loured blue Chakra giants to stand up again. At the same time, the burning Chakra flame is more boiling.

Blue Chakra giant began to emerge armor and tiang dog helmets, gradually changed to the warrior of the warrior.

And the thousand-handles between the hands, the eyes flashed a golden light, "Mu Weiwu's Operation!"

Mulong under the thousand-handed columns began to change, and finally changed a huge human figure, and there is a shadow between the eyebrows, Mulong is wrapped in [around].

The thousands of hand is worthy of being the first person in the history of the world, and its wooden restriction has arrived at the top of the peak.

Huge blue Chakra Samurai and the huge domineering wooden man stand.

"Waiting for you, you are mine!" Yuxi Bo is cold, cold channel.

"Well?" The thousand hand of the brow wrinkled, commanded the wood people.

At the same time, the completion of the body must be able to pull out the blue warrior knife in the waist, and instantly cut into the wood.

The confrontation of the two legendary masters is not very common!

Under the control of the killer, the woodman flexible low, flashing out the attack of the warrior.

!! ~ The continued explosion sounds, and the mountain after the woods will be swept away by the knives of the warrior, the whole mountain is cut, powerful!

! After the wood man hid, it is necessary to complete the attack of the warrior, and directly hugged the waist of the warrior to fall directly.

"Well?" Yu Zhiwa was shocked, and then the warrior's arms of hand were handled on the wood.

Bang! The wood man instantly fell to the ground and pulled the ground a deep pit.

! It must be able to fly with the full body warrior, kick the wood!

!! ~ ▉

call! The wood people turned over in the air to steadily and stabilize the shape, then the hands of the hands and one hand of the warrior.

"It's amazing! It is a battle of the legendary ninja!" The eight tail and others have attracted all the attention by this war.

! Wooden people 's arctive dragon body [out] will once again to complete the warrior, two people, warrior and wood people have come together.

boom! The wooden man is exhibited by the right arm, and it will be able to fly directly to the warrior of the whole samurai, and then the right to right.

! It must be able to complete the warrior's hands in the chest, blocking this punch, but the body is also a retreat.

The two were once again opposed, and the thousands of hands were watching Yu Zhibo spots. It seems that it returned to the scene of the battle. "It's just the same as the year!"

"However, this ending will not be like the last time!" Yuxi Bo touched, and then he had to pull out a warrior with a samurai.

The lens turned to the center of the black ball explosion, and the ground is a huge pothole.

"Is the kid and the tail of the tail of the tail to do it together?" The thousands of hands were coldly looked at the pothole.

At this time, a golden black two sphere rose from the pothole.

It is to open the night-hearting wind that is like a golden body and use the black ball to cover the two people who are hurt by explosion.

bass! When you return to the side of the Naruto, you will knead your hands, you will pinch the knockp pinned. "It seems that the power of explosion is not very good!"

Night wind just used the black ball's explosion to quench your self, the effect is very small, and the Buddha is not going to further rely on cultivation and fighting. It seems unobsive.

"Head boy ... is really arrogant!" The thousands of hands were in the room, and then looked at the soil, "I only hit the attack!"

"Ah! It seems that I have to rely on my spiral flash over-wheel dance three-style ... to make opportunities!" The wave of the wave of the water got almost made the night length of the three black lines.

"I am going ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ , how many times you said, no success, and the name is still so long!" Night is a false expression.

bass! At this time, the Sakuo and Naruto after the night length of the body rushed out, and the two rushed to the soil.

"What planes, what are you doing?" The night's life smiled and shook his head, this is completely not to listen, fighting a chaotic.

"I will make opportunities!" Naruto shouted.

"Or let me!" Sasuke is also unhappy.

······ Flowers ······

"Dad, long wind, there is also the second-generation rigs, you come to attack!" Naruto urgently.

"It's really! How do you not listen to the command!" The wave of the water is helpless.

"We are on, the four generations, stink!" The thousand hands took the hand in the shoulder of the wave style, "I made a mark on it," You also give me a mark, we turn to use the flying thunder! " "

"I am not used, my speed is much faster than you!" Watched the night when you don't politely.

"Headless boy!" The thousand hands were in the wind, but this is also the fact that the flesh speed of the night long wind is indeed comparable to flying thunder.

... ······

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