The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1045 of the Chapter 1045 of the Prince of Tennis

Moreover, the printing is required, and the flesh speed of the night long wind is not limited.

"Naruto, this time I use the written eye to cooperate with your Chakra ratio!" Sasuke the high channel.

"Ah!" Naruto's right hand, and Chakra on the spiral pill is gathering.

On the other hand, Sasuke left hand opened, and it is blanking in a flash.

Inflammation · !

Wind, spiral pill, sword!

After the two were buddy, the two powers gathered together in the air, and the crazy rotated.

bass! At this time, the thousand-handed rooms and the waves of the waves came to the belonging to the land with the flying thunder.

"Before and after piffness?" The black ball surrounded by the terrible surrounding turns into steel stabs, thousands of hands and wave wind gates were all in the body.

"The Airae of Fei Leizhen!" The two people took the trend of the trend with the cost of the body, and then left the flying thunder.

"Ah!" At the same time, the nunpeak and Sasurable attacks were also arrived, and they were dominated.

"Not enough!" The nozzle body of the night suddenly appeared behind the land.

"Buddha statue!" Night wind full of golden eyes, hands forced to stand the arms of the belt, not let the earth have a chance to leave.

!! ~ ▉ ▉

Bang! At this moment, the attack of Naruto and Sasukes finally hit the earth with soil ...

967 chapter,

~ ▉ ▉ , between the first instance, the joint attacked by Sasuke and Naruto hit the front of the pair of flames that burn the bears.

The night-long wind is that after instantaneous disappears, this is the advantage of the night length, and the eight particles in the lighter of the night, the flesh strength is rising, and the speed is also the same.

"This stinky kid is really fast!" Even the second-generation rigid shadow thousands of hands could not help but sigh the speed of the night.

"Good! Hit! Dry, long wind!" The Naruto excitedly called, and the roof corner of the squad is not perfect.

The cooperation from the seventh class, successfully hit the soil before the tail column, the black liquor [body] changed to the bunker!

"It should be not so easy!" The night greeting looked at the black flame burning, he could feel that Chakra, which didn't disappeared.

At this time, the earth was once again displayed in front of everyone, and his black flame he worked was bounced by a sudden raised stab in his body.

Naruto and Sasuke and others are all stunned, and the land is rising slowly in front of everyone.

"Attack is actually invalid!" The thousands of hands were cold and looked at the soil flying in the air.

"The form of the guy is almost perfect, there is no weakness!" Naruto brow wrinkled.

"It seems that he has indeed gaining fantastic powerful power!" Wave wind door slowly.

"No!" Looking at the right arm of the waves and the right arm of the wave wind door.

"What's wrong? The second-generation rigs is adults?" Asked the wave of the water.

"You have lost a arm, according to the characteristics of the earth, the debris has gone to restore it!" The thousands of hands were in the middle of the stream, "the body of the embarrassment actually did not recover now!"

"That is, it is to say that the earth's current attack can suppress the force of the anti-rogue?" Night wind is also looked up with Unecho floating to the air.

"I have already got the power of the ancestors of the Ninja, with your past experience, I can't estimate it, I'm suddenly open mouth, a pair of Laozi is already the tone of God ', and the previous long-door control Tiandao Petion has a bit of similar feelings.

"Ninja the ancestor? Luoxao cacto?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

At the same time, the thousand-handed rooms also passed through the cold light, "Is it ... your tissue ..."

"What does it mean? The ancestor of the ninja?" The wave wind door is very confused.

"Four generations, you can't be seriously injured, even if you have a born body! I guess he uses Yin Yang-based sickness, which can make all the stems ineffective. That is even It is a born body, as long as the middle move will not be reincarnated ... death! "The thousand hand is slowly analyzed.

"Yin Yang, ?" He nodded at night, "so, only the power of the flesh!"

"Sasuke! Changfeng!" Naruto suddenly called.


"We have to be more desperate than just now!" Naruto Shen Sheng.

"Don't look at Yishibo!" Sasuke is not full.

"Naruto, this kid, I called myself, what I want to do?" The night grew shook his head.

"Well!" Naruto hands and one, "upgraded to the nine-tail mode, and the tail is good!"

bass! Chakra, which namman, was so boiled, and then disappeared, and the model of the nine tail coat was also disappeared.

"Well? Al? What is the situation?" Naruto is failed, and a very embarrassment.

"Sure enough, this is the same!" The night greetings, a pair, I obey your expression.

Naruto consciousness sea, Naruto is very dissatisfied to look at the nine lama, "Nine lams, you also give me some Chakra!"

"Let's take a few tails!" The Nine Lama replied.

"He is not the opponent we can easily overcome!" Naruto urgently.

"If you want to go into a complete tail mode, you will wait in the normal state!" The nine lama replied.

"Really!" Naruto is very helpless to return to the real state.

"With the territory, you have said that it is very navigated, why do you want to do this?" The wave of the water gathered suddenly asked the soil.

"You ask me why? Now taught me now, don't you think too late?" Looking at the waves of the wave, "Teacher ... You always arrive at the crucial moment!"

"Haha, what is the navine, what dreams ... all escape the excuse of the reality!" The land suddenly laughed.

"Teacher, it's really sad! You died in the identity of Huang Shaoxi, but now I lost my face in front of my son, even my old apprentices couldn't overcome!" With the land of the bubble. People, suddenly frown.

Because he didn't see the night's wind, "Well? That little ghost?"

"I am behind you!" The night's body suddenly flashed behind the terrible, "Since I can't do it, I will use my fist!" Is working and my taste! "

"It's so fast!" The thousand hands and the wave wind doors are all glimpse.

! When the night length of the wind, the right arm is exhibited, and it is just a boxing on the back of the land, the speed of the speed, the black object that belts the terrible body is not reacted at all.

"Hit it!" Sasuke and Naruto were shocked.

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