The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1046 of the Chapter 1046 of the Prince of Tennis

"The gun is over, don't be bb, use strength!" The night is almost a punch to take the soil back to the back.

Bang! With the soil of the night, the fist of the night, and the heavy, it is a big pit.

For a time, the dust is flying, the night grows is the side of the Naruto and others.

"Great, long wind, you hit him!" Naruto shouted.

"Ah! But the Ten Take the That of Chakra is strong, his body's fighting ability is much stronger than before, this hit is not enough to defeat the land!" Night long winds. (Of)

I have just been using the best, but I also used the effort to use the five-year dragon icon. Its fist is gram the mountain stone, but it is only the body of the hole, and there is no substantive injury to the land. .

At this time, the black sphere behind the soil is repairing the wounded wound, and the wound is recovering with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Strong recovery is one of the strongest points of the Ten Tail. The recovery of Naruto, which is the column of the nine tail, is strong enough, but the tail of the ten tail is obviously stronger than the nine tail. Its recovery ability is indeed unprecedented in the world.

"Can be evil! Even the long-standing close attack doesn't matter seriously injured?" Naruto wrinkled.

"Nothing is not good news, at least he doesn't have a way to use Shenwei to move your body to the space of the Shenwei, as long as you can hit, even if you want to fight, the sandbags will finally be exploded!" Night and cold Channel.

968 chapter, Liu Chi Yang

"The tail of the tail has such a weakness. After absorbing the ten tail, she can't penetrate! It is evil!" The body of the soil is so fast in powerful recovery.

But after the soil became a tail, it could not use the Shenwei to let the opponent's attack penetrate his body.

To a certain extent, it is convenient for the attack mode of night long wind. Although Irrigation can't hurt the ten tail column, the most powerful thing is the strength of the flesh.

bass! At this time, the body with soil slowed down again, and the red flame was ignited behind.

"Almost, I should have prepared for the month reading." Take it. "With the soil, it is completely different in the direction of the night, and after landing, the hands are taken on the ground.

Bang! One time, suddenly there is a bump of a stump drilled from the ground from the ground speed rising from the bottom speed, the most conspicuous or raised a few oversized dark red flowers slowly opened, and the flowers spitted in the top ten The shape is simply as nausea.

"I cao! What is the ugly thing?" Night long-term looks with stumps that have just risen in front of them.

"This real world, there is no such thing worth leaving!" With the soil again slowly, "the world is dead!"

With the earth's words, the flowers-630-flowers on the huge stump began to gather the fire red Chakra, and the previous Ten Take the Chakra cannon played the same.

Fire red shells continue to rise, the energy fluctuations containing the energy fluctuations and there is no difference in the previous ten tail release.

"I kao! This is to shoot four Chakra cannon. How is this stuff like a high-shot stool!" Night lives looked at the four Chakra cannon bodies in front of his eyes, couldn't help but Tao.

"Not good, if you use the flying thunderstorm, one can only turn away! Even if the four generations and I can turn it, I can't force the remaining two!" The thousands of hands are in the middle of the thorn The direction of the battle between the column, "What about the big brother?"

Another battlefield, the battle between the killer and the battle of Yuxiobang is fierce.

"Spot, wait! Your companion is too messy!" The thousands of hands have emergency.

"We are reincarnating, don't care! Continue!" Yu Zhibo spoke.

!! The completion of the body warrior and the woodman began to fight.

"Okay! The big brother is dragged by the spot!" The thousand hands is embarrassing, "Four generations, do you have a (DBCG)!"

"Changfeng Jun, I remember it is right, can you rebound and pull the opponent's attack?" The wave of the water gates and asked the night.

"Ah, you said that God Luo Tian Zun and Vientiane! It can really pull or bounce with Chakra Mangou!" Night long-distance head replied.

"That should be able to control two of you at your speed, then push them to the sea of ​​the sea!" The wave style proposes.

"Well! Four shots to different directions, to control four a little difficult! But two still don't have any problems!" At this time, the night is not thinking about what is a good way. In fact, there is a Buddha's gold and super The high wind of the strong meat body is basically no fear of the attack of this Chakra.

The energy of the explosion is instead to give no night's body, but others can't, especially those who are in Kakasi, and their flesh strength is different, and there is no tail bearerkla or must Zuo Can protected, the probability of a continuous four explosion shock is still small.

"Good! Four generations, stinky boy, let us go together! As long as you can control two, I will use the flying thunder to pass you to the beach, and then pass you back!"

"Hey! I want to be beautiful!" The land seems to have long unexpectedly, his right hand is exhibited, the black ball on the right hand turns into a black rod by him to rotate to four directions.

!!!! The four black rods were incident with the red flames in the four directions of the battlefield.

Suddenly, with the soil of the earth, the fast print, and finally the hands and one, "Six Chiyang!"

Bang! At this time, the flame on the black rod with the bodies in the battlefield was suddenly turned into a red light, and finally the red wall comes with the previous four-red matrix.

It has a lot of many strong and scope compared to the Siqianyang, the power and scope of the Liujaguang quad.

It can be seen that the territory is to let Chakra cannon bomb in the combo, and then let everyone die in this comment.

"It is evil! It is the junior of the Siliyang array, this is more robust than the four-red and yang queen!" The thousand hands were shocked.

"Ah! What should I do now, the long wind?" Naruto grabbed his head and worried.

At this time, Chakra cannon bullets converged before the flowers have risen to the limit, and it is possible to launch at any time.

In addition, flying in the air belt whispering into a big ball will bring the soil to cover the whole person, it is clear that when the sphere is completely covered with soil, the Chakra cannon shoots the explosion.

"What should I do?" When the night is slow, I went to the people, "Of course there is only one word - do it!"

At this time, the night long body is once again big, the vain of the Buddha and the dragon icon slowly launched in the night length. His momentum is constantly rising.

"Head boy, what do you want to do?"

"Just try to see, you and the four generations of fire use the flying thunder, try to pass them out of the knot, and give it to me!" Night long-winding.

"Do you want someone to destroy the stump?" For a long time, it is not open to frown.

"Anyway, I am used to it!" Night long-faced horns slightly, the right foot suddenly withdraws!

Bang! In the first moment, the night is on the ground, the body is like the rocket to the side of the stump.

"Little ghost, do you want to be a hero?" He looked at the night long wind in the territory, and he was quite alert to the numerous secrets of many secrets.

At this time, there are all-in-life, and the nine-tail signs and the Sasukes who open the Eternal Kaleidoscope write the eyes, but the tail of the Ten Tail is the most threatened person or the night. .

"Oh ... I said that you can change the move, will only this trick?" The night-long's body flew to the air, suddenly the body became four, just flew in four Chakra balls. before.

"Is it?" With the soil, "No, this is not bleaching, but the speed is too fast, it looks to the four people, in fact, the little ghost."

"Do you want someone to take a person to receive the realized tail beast jade, you are too arrogant!" The earth flashed a murderous, "Dead!"

Black liquid with soil [body] Condensing at this moment into a complete sphere!

Chapter 969, hundred-handed Buddha statue

"Finished!" The wave of water is in front of the Naruto, and Sasuke is a mature body that must be protected in an instant. After the eight-tailed, Kakasi and Aku are behind him, they all think that they have to explode.

I have waited for a few breathing, and the expected explosion did not arrive.

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