The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1047 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Ni!" Everyone opened his eyes again and shocked.

The original floating four Chakra cannon bullets in front of the night length shielded by four night long-faced hands compressed into a red punch.

bass! The residual shades of three nights disappeared in the air, and the night length winds appeared again, and there were four red balls in the air in front of him. They were compressed by the highest strength of the night. Powns.

At this time, the night long wind is also a fine peep, which is clear that the night grows is still trying to maintain the compressed Chakra Music to explode.

"Well? Actually being controlled?" The black ball that floated not far from the night length of the wind slowly opened a small hole, and the terrained sight was taken out.

"Changfeng, you succeed!" The Naruto excited.

"Actually controlled four ten tail beast jade, it is really a confidant ninja!" This time this time is a true service.

"I kao! You still have a pen, I can't control it, you can't control it, I will not flash, I can't do it!" The night's long wind turned on a few people.

"Let's go first!" The thousands of hands were in the shoulders of the Naruto and Sasi, while the waves of the waves were simultaneous and the hands of Caassi and changed back to humanoid.

bass! bass! In the first moment, the six people disappeared in the original place, escaped from the Di'an-Akan rigir with flying thunder.

"Changfeng, still in it!" Naruto called.

"It doesn't matter, then the kid can't die!" Tryed between thousands of hands.

"I have to go ~ I really understand me!" The last sentence of the thousand hand left before leaving the thousands of hands did not fall directly from the air.

At this time, the night's forehead is already full of hard sweat. He has spawned the Chakra of the whole body to the limit. If it is not the previous combat, Chakra in the night-long body has been greatly increased, he is basically It is impossible to control the four giant Chakra Mangou with the repulsion field of Shen Luo Tian.

However, with the strength of the night, it is necessary to control four Chakra Mangou, and maintain the status quo, Chakla too much.

At this time, Chakra in the night-catching body is already consumed.

"Oh, you seem to have no way to completely control it!" With the soil and found the heterogeneous of the night.

Night wind is all ignorant, but concentrate, four Chakra cannons that are compressed into red balls are gathered together.

"What do you want to do?" Tongli is very unconnected. At this time, the soil is already exposed half a head.

"Child!" Night live air directly.

Yes, at this time, the night's long wind is dying. He compresses the four Chakra Mangou's Chakra to the small, but also bring four Chakra balls together, just to make the explosion energy more huge!

Because the night long-lasting heart is crazy, I want to use this explosion of energy to break my body, there is free labor, there is also a junction, I can guarantee that the Naruto is not hurt, which is simply a broken refining for the night. Body place.

So before the night, the wind did not let the wave wind door or thousands of hands to send him to the big sea to detonate this Chakra Mile, which is to use this energy to break your own body.

"You!" With the soil, he was very cold.

At this time, the Chakra cannon bounced together, there was a dazzling white light, and then the white light was swallowed everything.

Both of the belt and night long winds are swallowed at the same time.

"Hey! This time I see you, you still don't die, little ghost!" With the soil, the holes on the black ball were filled with black liquid [body].

At this time, at this time, the status of the Buddha statue is started.

Bang! The explosion sounds through the clouds, and the bottom of the entire six-red yarn suddenly rises, it is the energy of the explosion.

Even so the comic circle is still not destroyed, thereby visible to the Six Chiangyang arrays more rugged than the four red yang quad.

Bang! The huge energy of the explosion finally rushed to the sky along the Silk Banjun knot, and the whole sky was light.

The dust that is raised by this explosion will be filled with the entire six-Ban, which does not see what happens in the neighborhood.

"What happened?" Everyone who was moved to the neighbors turned its eyes to the dust of the Diyang.

Among the rinsing, the stump rose from the ground is already fried as a coke scattered.

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And in the junior, there is a gold and black two, and it is night long wind and Yuxi wave belt.

"Haha, the long wind is fine!" Naruto excitedly clenched his double boxing.

"Well?" With soil withdraws the black spheres of the whole body, and the black gas is also made into nine small balls floating behind the soil.

Such a near distance, the soil can be obviously felt that the momentum of the night is constantly improving.

"I actually use the strength of the ten tail beast jade to improve their strength?" It is also an incredible color in the eyes of the earth.

At this time, the night's wind is actually sitting in the air, the eyes are closed, and the golden light of its body is getting bigger and smashed.

In the battle, the night's wind did not put the soil in the eyes, it was simply unlimited!

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"It's a arrogant boy. This ninja's world seems to be a new era!" The figure of the night's wind is muttered.

"I dare to be so arrogant!" With the land, the black sphere came out from his hands, and he became a stunning, and the night grewing of the legs.

At this time, the night-long wind opened his eyes, and the eyes shot in the eyes were golden light, penetrating the clouds in all the sky, shot to the endless sky!

The stab in the belt thoughts should hit the night long wind, and the vain of the Buddha statue behind the night, and the vain of the Buddha statue is almost chemical, clearly visible.

Originally, the Buddha statue of his hands suddenly opened his hands. At a moment, the Buddha statue was stretched behind the attacked the ground to the direct shelled.

"Roll!" The night is light, and the Buddha is chinched out in an instant, and then turned into the air of the Buddha.

bass! At this time, the soil instantly aggregated the black liquid in the chest [body] into a round shield.

! The Buddha's palm is shot on the round shield, and the soil is impeved in an instant, and the back is back to the red high wall of the Six Chiyang array.

"My God, this is the column of the ten tail!" Akai can't surprise.

"What are you watching?" Naruto pointed to the Buddha statue behind the night.

At this time, the Buddha statues behind the night-catching wind are once again ten, and the back is the hundred hands and begun!

It is a hundred Buddha statues!

970 chapter, final form

The Buddha statue of the body-cultured in the body of the night is just a low-level western shellfish that is not alone.

However, after the fusion of the night length, the body is superior and the bonus of the night-long wind body is superior and the bonus of the Tie Chakra cannon, the night grows is actually in this rigging world to enhance the Buddha. Level of body.

Night-length wind will raise the level of Buddha's golden body to the first flossing of the Buddha statue. Although it is not able to imagine the distance from the Buddha statue, there is a distance that cannot be imagined, but it can improve the low equity in this rigid world. A level is already not easy.

The god-level skill of the original night, cultivated to light the eight microparticles, which is the power of the eight-headed dragon, and the attacking ability of the night is far greater than the defensive ability.

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