The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1048 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

But now it is different, and after repairing hundreds of Buddha statues, "four or four three" night long wind is now an attack and defense, the overall flesh strength has grown a step.

"Can be evil! What strength is that?" At this time, the land once again flew over the air, and the Buddha just hit the Buddha's palm after night.

"Okay, now I only have two, I can finally do a good!" The night's cold laughed and looked at the opposite rising soil.

There is no reply with soil, but a solemnity look at the night long wind, the strength of the night, let him smell the dangerous breath.

"Let me eat first!" The night grew big drunk, the upper body poured forward in the air, the right arm was a golden light, and the whole body showed a bow type.

At this time, the dragon icon behind the night is roaring, and the hundred hands of the Buddha statue seems to be waving in the sky.

The lifetime of the eight-year-old dragon icon also has a hundred-headed Buddha's power to all integrate into his right!

"Eight-eighth dragon elephant Buddha!" ​​The night grew big drunk, the whole bowed body was released in an instant, and the right fist was swayed.

"Changfeng ... really, also said my name, the name of myself is not good!" The wave of the water door whispered outside the neighborhood.

For a while, the entire six-red rinse is filled with Jin Guang, and the dragon is like a Buddha's roaring.

When the night's wind, I came to take the soil and the right fist!

This box is with an unprecedented momentum and the world's invincible domineering!

bass! In the first moment, the soil will bring all the nine black spheres behind him to the chest, and it has become a small round shield overlap in front of it.

! Originally, the small round shield that can stop all attack power is actually being bombed from the Nine-faced round shield.

! Finally, this punch still fell on the belt, hit the belly of the belt.

Bang rums, the soil, the whole, the lower body is directly lost, and completely eliminating between the heavens and the earth.

"You!" Beling in the earth, rushing a blood, and then fell from the air to the air.

! Only half of the bodies of the body were put on a big pit.

"This ..." The thousands of hands outside the neighborhood and the sounds and other people were watching.

"Is this the strength of the night grow?" Sasuke on the side quietly cleared the right box, "I can play the tail of the tail of the tail!" [ [

"This is over? I haven't challenge it!" The night's wind floated in the air, and the eyes were watching the soil band.

At this time, the belt suddenly went to the air again, and its body recovered at the speed visible with the naked eye.

"I know that it is not so simple, Ten Take Chaklama is inexhaustful, he is almost unhappy!" The night is cold and cold.

"I am evil! In this way, I really said that I will lose!" I murdered four shots in the earth, "I still will be strong!"

Snapped! With the hard work, the back of the red fire wings were launched, and his lower body was also completely recovered at this moment.

! Suddenly, the things that have never been thought of, and the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top is still rising.

"Well, the end of the beast is frowned," What did he want to do? "

Bang! At this time, the ground of the battlefield also shakes, and the range is very large.

"What is going on?" Naruto glance.


"What is going on?" The thousand hand is also surprised.

"Is this going to start reading in the month?" Yu Zhibo screamed a junior of the six-red-and-Magua ...

! At this moment, the ten-tail column is directly spit out of the ten tail, and the ten tails will come again in the comments.

"Ni! He actually spit out ten tails?" Naruto was shocked.

"Be careful, Changfeng, it seems that the situation is not good!" The wave wind gate shouted at night.

! Ten times once again appeared in front of everyone, began to shake it, and its huge eyes swept around, and then slowly closed.

At this time, the end of the ten tail is like a flower. If it is true, it is pleasing, but looks so open after ten tails, but let the night grow hard.

"My Kao, I have to be disgusting than the big snake!" "" ""

At this time, the back of the ten tails slowly grows a meat [ball], and the meat [ball] is still growing.

"Let's take a junior!" Standing in the top of the ten tail head, right hand.

The red rinse of the red rinse on the battlefield is slowly disappeared!

"The nungee disappears, we can fight with the long wind!" Naruto shouted.

Bang! At this time, the ground of the battlefield was unprecedented, and the surrounding the battlefield was a branch of the super-huge trunk, and these branches were also constantly rising.

! Naruto and wave wind doors and Chiraby around Chakra fluctuated the largest, instant, and the trunk of the long-term arbitrary trunk is wrapped around [bypass].

"Well, it is absorbing my nine tail chakra, and absorbs very quickly!" Naruto was shocked.

!! At this time, the top of the tesuo head must be able to shoot three arrows in an instant, and will be wrapped around [around] the trunk of the three people.

boom! The trunk is elongated with exaggerated speed, and there are more and more branches, and the entire battlefield is spread.

"So saved!" Chilabi reached [] The feet of the chapter will be able to get rid of the branches of the broken knots.

However, when he just landed, more branches were brought to Chilabi.

bass! Chiraby immediately ran away, "What is going on, why do you have so many tree vines in chasing me, born stupid!"

"That is the tree of God, that is, the final form of ten tails!" Expenditure.

Chapter 971, Ten Tail Is God Tree?

!! On the other side of the battlefield, the thousands of handles and Yishibo spots also jumped between the growing tree vines, avoiding the wraps of the tree vine.

"What is this thing?" The thousand hand is shocked.

"The so-called Chakra is originally belonging to this god tree, including Chakra here, and the huge Chakra in your body!" Yu Zhibo spotted.

"What do you say?" There is a little confused between the killer.

"Originally, human beings took Ticla from the gods. He now just takes things that belong to it!" Yu Zhibo sphere continued.

"Pot, what are you talking about?" The thousand hand is obviously not listening to what Yusi Bao is saying.

"Endless time the passage will be a fog on the real hood!" Yu Zhibo sphere is still jumping, "Do you know that the ninja is born? The room!"

"A long time ago, human beings didn't have concepts on Chakra. At that time, human beings began to fight each other. The god tree came back to fight with the world. He has been being defeated as a god of God. It is a god tree that is admired by people! The spot opened the story 31 mode.

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