The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1049 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"And one day, the god tree of the millennium is outstanding, although people don't understand what this means, but it is not allowed to pick the fruits of fruit. However, there is a princess to seek strength to the god tree in order to achieve the victory of the war. ! "

"Then she took the fruit of the banned [taboo], and he ate it. The legend she got the power, then calm people with people's battle, the name of the princess called the big tube Hui night!" Yuxi Botel continued.

"she is?"

"She is the first person with Chakra, and later the big tube Hui night has a child, and the child has Chakra! But the god tree who lost Chakra is to take the power, then start to rush, that is the ten tail ! And stopping it is the child! "

"The big tube! It is the principle of Dictionary Chakra, pioneered the ninja the ancestor, and the people who call the six cactors!"

"Why do you know these things?" Qianxuancheng asked.

"These deeds are engraved on the stone monument of Up!" Yuxi Bo touched, "You have seen the result, she fails to change. The war will not only stop, but more fierce!"

Yuxi Board has a big eyes, and it is desperate at the eyes. "When I learned this, I desperate! This world does not have any so-called dreams! Cylinder!"

"When the human beings hit the fruit, they were cursed. The curse made humans more hate, and the ninja itself is a stupid symbol, the sphere! Don't you think so?" Yuxi Boss is a bit excited.

"Is this the so-called 'future dream'?" The thousand hand is frown.

"Ah! There is only a little different!" Yu Zhibo spots, the trumple under the two people is still elongation.

At this time, the difference between the people is flying in the air, and the tree vine is not a matter.

Because Chakra in the night-long body is actually transformed from the energy of the Xiaocheng's gods, there is no mark in the world's origin.

"The final form of the tenth is actually a god tree?" Night wind couldn't help but remember the god tree in Xiaotian, "Since Chakra, the world's world comes from this so-called god tree, if you get the god tree into the small world to let Xiaoti If the god tree is absorbed, it will definitely not think about the change! "

The night's long-awaited looks at the constant spread, more and more tree vines.

At the beginning of each world, it will be born at the same time, a collection of buddies in the world, this collection, but the trees, can be a stone pillar, or may even be a person.

Generally low-grade, the world is treated, because the trees have trunks and tree roots easier to absorb the origins of the world's birth, so the gods in the small world and the nigs are in essence, there is no trees.

However, the plane level of Xiaocheng is obviously more than that of the world, and the level of the god tree is different, and its capabilities are different.

For example, in the world of Xiaoti, the god tree in Xiaocheng is the support of the entire small heavens and the earth. If there is no god tree, the small world will be destroyed, and the owner of the night will also be very serious, even the anti-anti-anti-anti-.

If the god tree in the nigned world is destroyed, the most is that the world is less powerful, and the architecture of the world has been stable and will not be affected.

The level of the level of the world and the importance of the god tree determines the difference between the Shenshu in the world of themselves.

However, the god tree in the fire shadow can exist with the situation of the beast. This also sounds the alarm for the night long, if the Xiaodian's god tree is too strong, the energy is too much, it is very likely to be born.

The gods in the world's small sky and the small world can be separated from the owner of the night.

Of course, I think that these are too far away, the level of Xiaocheng is obviously the high world, and its Shenshu has to grow to the birthplace, and I don't know how much the amount of energy can be promoted.

"MD, it seems that it is necessary to throw this of the Shenshu of the Tier World into the small world!" The night's eyes looked at the god trees in the rigid world, "But, I can't receive this small world." Among them, it must be conscious and must be annihilated with this share! "

Just when the night length is still thinking about how to give this goddess to the 007, the Naruto shouted.

Naruto has the power of Jiuji Chakra is also a focus on the growing trees.

Moreover, the Naruto is too close to the ten tails, and is directly wired to the air.

"Naruto!" The wave wind door worried about sweat.

At this time, the thousand-handles were blinded in front of the trees, and the faster printed in both hands, "Water, water break!"

The smelled mouth is spit out of the water column completely cut off the tree vine, but the trees that were cut off also spawned more tree vine, and wrapped the Naruto died.

"It is too much, there is too much! If so, even if you can understand the Naruto!" The thousand hand did this pay attention to the night cost of the head floating in the air, "Hey, stinky boy, the nun people are dangerous ! "

"I saw it!" The Naruto in front of the night is being absorbed Chakra, and the neighborhood of the neighborhood Chakra coat was absorbed by the tree vine, and the Naruto slowly closed his eyes.

"Hey ... It seems that I am a babysitting!" The night's wind is coming to the front of the Naruto, and the right hand is exhibited.

Bang! Naruto whispered tree vine was pressed in the morning and instant!

Snapped! The night-long wind will be almost fainted to the shoulders, and the moment is flashing back to the sideways and the waves.

972 chapter, fifteen minutes

"Give it to you!" The night-long wind threw the shoulder's almost emblem.

"Ah!" The thousand hands took a hands in one hand, and took the shoulders of the waves of the waves, and fled with the flying thunder, came to the relatively safe place to stand.

At this time, the ten tail is the god tree in the world, and the body has finally stopped growth, and the figure is already big and spreading throughout the battlefield.

The night is cold and cold looks at the front [shrug] into the trunk of the cloud, the top of the trunk is a huge bones to be placed, and the high-mounted moon in the sky has become bright red.

The huge flowers are very demon under the lining of the bright red moonlight.

On the other hand, Yu Zhibo spots and killer stopped fighting, and his eyes were attracted to this tree that was stretched into the air.

"Oh ... the room! You see, the flower of this gods bloom, the eyes of the flower [heart] will be in the moon in the heavens! This is complete, and ... completed His people must be me! "The cold light of the two rounds of the eyes.

"The situation is not wonderful, the born stupid ..." Chiraby is not easy to get rid of the surrounding of the tree vine, it is already tired, and Chakra, which is recovered by rest, is almost the same.

"Don't use it, it is over! The new world is about to be born!" Yuxi wave rose before the main trunk of the god tree.

At this time, the five major five-year five shadows treated by the agency, flying from the distance to this side of the battlefield.

"What is that?" I saw the long trunk of the Shenshu elongated in the battlefield.

"That is the god tree, the final form of ten tails!" Scholars suddenly in the old man.

"What? How do you know?" The other four shadings are surprised.

"I thought it was just a legend, hey ... It seems to be true now!" The wild wooden face is gloomy, "I will explain everything!"

The lens returns to the battlefield.

The night is far from the place where the trees are not far from the trees, he is observing.

At this time, Yuxi Board is already in one integration with the god tree, and the god tree spreads the whole battlefield. It is like the arm of the belt, and it is easy to move.

At this time, there were three gods to flash around the Naruto.

"So cautious, you are not like your boy!" The coming is the three people such as the big snake and the water.

"Hey ... Is the big snake pill?" The night long turned head sweeped a big snake pill and did not change the same.

"Ah, let you wait, Sasuke, we!" The water is still happy.

"You come too!" The emphasis is just just arrived, and his purpose is to protect the help of harm.

"Wow! This tree is too big, how much time you want to cut, how much time!" Water Moon looks up at God's channel.

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