The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1050 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

At this time, the eyes of the big snake pill floated to the help, "His mood looks good!"

"What is going on? When you have the flower bone bloom, the unlimited month read is complete. But now it has been completely opened, and why didn't I have a signs of flowering in Chakra?" The branches of the column are somewhat puzzled to watch the flowers of the trees on the tree trunk.

! The body of Yuxibo spheres and the thousand-handles is still on the branches of God trees [out].

"Why didn't God have not blossom?" The thousand hand is thinking about the spot.

"You should know, octave and nine tails are not dead!" Yu Zhibo sphere is actually an answer.

The division between the killer is the crowd that tells this news.

"How is the IQ of the spotted, a set of words!" The night grew away, "That is to let the god tree blossom, complete the infinite month reading, you must have eight tail and nine tail of Chakra. "

"Hey! You must want to stop the moon reading when you don't let the god tree caught eight tails and nineth tails?" Yu Zhibo spheres have seen the minds between the killer.

"Wrong!" Yu Zhihu sphere left hand palm down, stretch [out] a branch, "There are fewer in the gods, there are fewer Chakra, and it is necessary to bloom. Time. "

"It is about 15 minutes. In this period, I have to stop the soil and replaced it is your kind!" Yuxibo spheres.

On the other side, the wood of the killer will tell everyone everything.

"Five-minute? Replace the earth?" The night is frowned. "That is to say, even if it is now killed soil, Yisi Bao spots can be replaced. The earth, the words of the gods, it will be difficult! "

······ Flowers ······

"It seems to solve this unlimited month reading, the key is to be on the god tree of this noodle world!" The night's eyes looked at the god tree.

The infinite month read surgery is invalid to night long wind, because he has the blood of the dead, and he is born to mask all illusion, including unlimited month readings.

That is to say, even if everyone in the world of shadows enters the world of dreams, the night is still aware.

However, if Su Zhiwei belt or Unexhom sphere is completed in the end of the unlimited monthly read, it is equivalent to controlling the power of the entire Ninja, which is more troublesome, which is obviously not a long-lasting. of.

.... [... [......

So night long winds also try to stop the soil or spotted infinite moon reading.

At this time, Yu Zhibo with the gods suddenly raised his right hand, "It is too long to flow, and then absorb some Chakra!"

Yisi Bo took the earth to open her hand to the Naruto.

At this time, the Naruto barely stood in the same place, and the nine tail of Chakra has been absorbed by the god tree.

bass! bass! ~ ▉

"Not good!" When the night's wind turned, he was about to go to the battalion, and the gods of the gods were actually stretched out [out] huge and large number of branches to attack the night.

Almost in an instant, the full body of the night, and the golden light in the air is also dark.

"Changfeng!" The Naruto struggled and wanted to share Chakra again but failed.

"You still have someone else, or I am absorbed by me, so you will not have pain!" Yuxi Bo took the right hand.

Tree vines flying to the Naruto, suddenly accelerated, almost wrapped in the three people such as Naruto in an instant.

! At this time, a purple light flashed, and the trendy tree vine will be cut off all down!

It is a sakura for a long time, at this time, Sasuke stands in the top of the warrior's head, and instantly solves the tree vine!

973 chapter, all countries gather

! Purple must be able to complete the body block in front of everyone, and Sasuke looks up and look at the night long wind that is completely packaged in the air.

"Hey ~ ▉ long wind, do you want me to save you!" Sasuke deliberately.

"Haha, the key time saves everyone to play the limelight, it is really your style!" The loud laughter came from the trunk.

The ribbon of the giant sound, the tree of the god tree [out] is exploding in an instant, Jin Guang is free.

The hundred-year-old Buddha statue behind the night is in the moment, the branches of the gods, the branches of the gods, and the branches of the branches!

"This little child!" Yuxi wave frowned, you have to know that this goddess is dry [out] of his stunning and flexibility to be much higher than tree vine, but it is so easy to be looked so easy. The destruction is destroyed.

"Hey! The wind is you!" Sasuo helped his mouth, "zero seven zero" turned his head and looked at some sluggish Naruto. "Have you give up?"

"Fart!" Naruto suddenly rushed to the body, the whole body gold Jiuji Chakra coat reproduced, and the Naruto also opened the cacto mode. "I will not lose to you!"

"This little, the power of the immortal plus the nine tail Chakra is the same as the big brother!" The thousand hands on the side sighed.

! The Naruto jumped again, and his whispered appeared in the golden nine tail of the nine-tailed Chakra, the Naruto actually had a successful life in the case of Chakra in the body!

Night wind is also slightly surprised, "Naruto is really uncomfortable!"

At this time, the wave wind gate is also transported to the nine tail of the nine tail, and his body is also half the tail of the nine tail, now it is used to support the Naruto.

"Sasuke, long wind, let us go together!" Naruto took the initiative to regard himself as the captain of the seventh class.

"The words come back, this guy is now ignored all of the tissue, and only I can attack him! You will return it, I will solve it alone!" Night wind and the wind, this is his habit of singing alone .

"No! I have discovered his weakness, the force of the immortal can attack him!" Naruto suddenly said, "Although I don't know what the principle is, but it is really!"

"Oh? Intanimi is effective, but the fairy is effective? That is to say, as long as it is the power of nature, I can attack the tail of the tail." The golden light in the eyes is flashing, and then turned to look Sasuke, "that What do you do? "

"Hey! I am more discovered by you first!" Sasuo helped the channel, "heavy!"

At this point, the night's long-term talent pays attention to Tianzhu He Weiwu is also in the body of the warrior.

Tianzhu started to be bert-made, and its side faces fell out of countless black ripples, which will be able to complete the body cover.

"I will go ~ How much is much more ugliness than before, it seems that it is a bit like it and the style of the big snake!" The night did not help the Tucao.

"Ah, fragrant phosphorus, you see. That should be a curse of Sasuke!" Surpery suddenly.

"Sasuke's mantra should be disappeared?" Squi Phosphorus is a bit.

"The mantra of heavy procons are the power of Xianlia. When I was injected into Chakra in the experiment, I immediately released the curse immediately! Now Sasuke's must be able to adapt to the heavy chaks, and there is no big shock. Let it! "The big snake pill slowly analyzed.

"That is to say, this is a kind of Xianke!" The final summary of the big snake pill.

"Do you want to be a must? It is good, it is true is the style of the big snake pill!" The night's mouth is slightly forth, "Sasuke this guy really has the potential of the second Yuxi Boss ..."

"Sasuke, your strength is different from the two guys behind me! Also used all the experimoctivies, I used to think that Jun Ma Lu is higher than you, but it seems to be wrong!" Big snake pill Think, he is still very interested in the body of Sasuke.

"Your power is far more, I can see, I use the intelligence collected in a lifetime to give me this intuition, one day, you will become a more powerful ninja!" The big snake pill is quite high.

"As for the little child!" The eyes of the big snake pills drift to the night, "the current strength seems to be surpassing the legendary ninja in Yuxi Bao and the thousand-handles! His strength beyond my intelligence range, perhaps He does not belong to this world at all! "

If the night grows, if you hear the big snake pill, it will be quite surprised that the reasoning ability of the big snake pill is very close to the truth.

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