The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1052 of the Chapter 1052 of the Prince of Tennis

Bang! At this time, the head of the god tree spread into the head of the trees became the dragon's leading attack to the Ninja coalition, the point of the tenth of the Ninja coalition was slow.

"It's trouble, this is coming to help, it's clear to mess!" The night gregary shook his head, and his current attention is all in Yishe Bo, while the night is still partially observed. Tree changes.

!! Yuxi Board has once again blocked the Naruto and Sasuke attack.

"Next is the time to sleep, I will take you to the world of dreams!" Yuxi Board with the land, his black round shield suddenly became two black big hands, and the nine-tail namman and Sasukes who must be determined to live in the dead.

"Breast ... The speed is too fast!" Naruto is desperate to struggle and not to break away ...

975 chapter, single battle

At this time, Unexpello belt with Naruto and Sasuke two times suddenly landed down.

Bang! It is also a position of the mountain, the Naruto and Sasuke were lying on the ground by Yuxi Bo belt, and smashed a big pit.

"Ah! What happened?" The Ninja coalition forces almost stand unstable on the ground.

At this time, the completion of the handle of Sasuke must be destroyed in an instant. The nine tail coat of the Naruto's neighbors is also disappeared in an instant. Two people are very wolf.

"I have said, I have said it, I will give it to me!" The night's wind is also turning over, blocking in front of the nun and Sasuke, looking coldly looking at Yisi Bo.

"If you go on this, the Naruto will start his mouth. Before it is again, let me first complete the task first, I will say that the land is swearing and saying!" The night's feet turned, and the momentum of the whispering was continuously improved.

At this time, the night-lived wind opened the top three doors of eight-door armor, that is, the night's wind once again unopened the bondage of the flesh, and completely opened the power of the eight-headed dragon icon.

The dragon behind the night is unlimited, and it is constantly roaring, and the face of everyone on the battlefield is reflected in a golden.

"What is it?" The Ninja, the Ninja, the Ninja, who was in the scene, was stunned, and everyone stopped.

"How can this teenager have this power?" The body between the thousand-handed columns of Yuxioba is also attracted by the change in night.

"Is that a little ghost?" Yu Zhibo's brow wrinkled.

"Let's go! Stinky boy!" The apeer did not look at it.

"I will follow the fidelity of the big man ..." The night is laughing, the muscles of the whole body are raised in the moment.

"With the territory, I advise you to give your black turtle shell, this uncle is going to be serious!" The night grew well looked at Yisi Bo with soiled.

"Not good!" The black sphere behind the soil fly in front of him, the most red condensed into a round black small round shield, and the earth's momentum is constantly rising, he Smell the danger of fatality.

"Hey ... Do you think that these breaks can block my attack` ▉ ▉! "The night and the right foot withdrawn, then it was backward.

Bang! The ground exaggerated explosion under the night length of the body, and the body shape of the night is coming to the face of Unexpello.

"Serious Series - Continuous Ordinary Punch!" The left and right arms of the night long wind simultaneously showed the launch of the small round shield in front of Yuxi Bo.

There is no fancy movement, which is a continuous left and right waves.

The boxing of the boxing, Yischo belt soil was shrouded by the golden light of the night. No one saw something happened. Because the light is too glaring, people can't look straight.

But everyone can feel that the night-catching wind is a punch, and the land of the battlefield will tremble. Even the god tree is also a constant swing.

Between the blink, the night growers don't know how much fists you have.

The only thing that can be confirmed is the black liquor in front of Yuxi Bo. [Body] is a small round shield that is condensed, and it has been bosted by the night, even if it is not landing, it has been evaporated by the high temperature of the night. Smoke disappears in the world.

"Too strong!" The Ninja coalition forces were shocked, and the tail of the tail of the Sakura and Sasuke took the soil. It was actually a power of the last wind and this ordinary swing.

"Oh, now there is no yin and yang, how do you block my fist now?" Night wind looked at the unbelievable Unexpello with soiled.

"Be evil!" Yuxi Board has an instant, and his god tree behind him [out] countless wood dragon to the night length.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ When the long wind, it is a hundred Buddha statue. The hundred and the Buddha statue is constantly moving the Buddha palm, and there is a hundred palms, and the wood dragon faucet stretched out [out] is blossomed by the Buddha. Head, it has become a wooden slag, and it is randomly scattered around the night and Yisi Bo.

"Death!" The nozzle of the night is brushing from Yuxi Bo, and his fist is directly in the hole!

"Hey!" Between a moment, Yuxi Bo belt mad spurt.

And all this is not finished, and the night's hard is known if it is just an attack of ordinary punches, and Yisi Bo will quickly recover with Chakra helping the ten tail.

The last punch that night long-lived is just gathered with unrestricted dragon icons, and it is a stamping.

The so-called stacked fists is to bring hundreds of ordinary punches to a punch, and integrate hundreds of boxing in the strongest punch.

boom! boom! Boom ~ Swing body has been exploding, and the soil is directly blown to the sky.

~ ▉ ▉ ,

It was such a loop to reciprocate hundreds of times. After that, the chest of Yuxi Board suddenly took the nine light column. Each light column is different, and the night-catching winds feel familiar with Chakra, which is the nine tail beast. carat.

"Is this the tail beast Chakra?" Night long stunning, looking at the nine light column in the belt of soil.

"That is the nine tail beasts in his body, the little ghost, and pull them out!" Nine tails passed the Naruto to the night.

"It turns out!" The night's hands were exhibited forward. Just because of the three doors in the body, Chakra reiled in the body, "Vientiane Tian!"

Night-catching light, the light column emitted by the Yisi Bocetra, the most powerful gravitational field, and the nine wanted to returning to the tight-tube-tiles to pull hard.

"Let's come back!" At this time, the earth was already full of blood, this tail of Chakra is his last hope.

"Since I have been bombered out, I still want (ok) going back? Joke!" The night's cold is gradually grasped into two claws, and the arm is slightly utilized.

Bang! How is the forces of Unexpell Belt that might be the opponent of the lunch of the eight-headed dragon, and the night long wind will force the nine light columns out of the body of Yisi Bo.

"Dry, the little ghost!" The eight tail and the nine tail couldn't help but shout through the Chilaby and Naruto.

Yuxi Bo belt soil is in an instant, he felt power at a speed of speed, and the cyan epidermis on his body was gradually peeled off.

"Winned?" Sasuke and Naruto, and everyone of the Ninja coalition forces were shocked, and the night grew is once again, and the strength of the one person, showing the strength of all people.

! The light columns pulled out by night, finally constrained into each tail beast, fell steadily on the ground of the battlefield, and the eight tail and nine-tailed light columns were each returned to the Silabi and Naruto.

The spirit of the two is one of them!

976 chapter, resurrection

"I ... lost?" Yuxi wave closed his eyes closed his eyes, and his head was dropped. The whole green skin has been [fading], the body will return to the original look, half is a meat, half is white colour.

! The end of the body, the end of the body fell on the ground, and he slowly opened his eyes, and he died stared at the bright red moon on the top of the head.

"Win ...?" The Ninja coalition forces were shaken to stumbled to the ground, and they were turned over, "Is there any of us to win?"

"What about the land? Is it still alive?" Akai's gaze is searching for Unexpello.

"There, it seems to be alive!" Xiao Li pointed to the place where land was down.

bass! At this time, Sasuke pulled out the long sword in his hand and rushed to the soil.

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