The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1053 of the Chapter 1053 of the Prince of Tennis

And the night's wind is also a flasmatic, cold and cold looks at Unexpello to the ground.

"Sure enough, I lost it. I have lost a boy! I have not changed everything, perhaps you can change it!" With Towne, if you die, rebuild the dream world, in the dream again and Lin meet again in the dream. Boom was smashed by the night.

bass! At this time, a vortex appeared in front of the band.

There is no movement of Kasi, Kakasi left hand -813-, and the right hand pulls out the waist.

"Carti teacher?" The night is very windy.

"Cardi?" Sasuke also stopped.

"Changfeng, Sasuke, I am sorry, let me come! As he once in the same period, he is also his friend, I will send him a way!" Kasi Shen Sheng, it seems to be done. consciousness.

bass! Just when the bitterness in Kakasi is not to pierce into the belt body, a golden flash has passed from everyone.

One hand grabbed Carti waving wrist, which is their teacher's wave of water.

"Dad?" Naruto.

"He is very weak now, solve him quickly, the mully of the roll!" The Ninja coaliter shouted, and for Unexpello, they were quite fear.

"Shut up!" Night long wind turns cold channel.

"Amount ..." The noisy ninja coalitionman suddenly sat quiet.

Yuxi Bo is terrible, but standing in front of his eyes to defeat the wooden ninja to the land of Unexpea, no more than anyone wants to rain.

Just now, the championship of the super-god system in the night long (DBAG), and the night length of the night length of the tips did not heard the sound of the tips, and the ninja of this group of ninja was still stocked. Night wind does not completely listen to the suggestion of the hyperincidence system.

It is also a list of information lists, and the list of information is exhaled.

The huge void panel has emerged in front of the night, only the night cost is one person to see this panel.

On the panel, the night long wind has completed the legendary task, and destroyed the organization.

After defeating Unexpello, the system finally determined that the night's hard work was completely destroyed, at the same time, the night-lived wind received three lucky draw opportunities.

Plus the number of lottery acquisition before doing tasks, the night-long wind now has four lottery times that has not been used four times.

Of course, the night-long wind does not have a mood to draw, now the most important to get the god tree in front of the small world, let the Xiaodiandi's trees absorb the power of the native world.

The tail beasts pulled out by night, and the night length is too lazy, and the source power is more powerful, and the tail beast is not the advanced energy.

"Chang Fengjun, you brought people and Zuo to assist in the first generation of the big people, seal the spots! Give it to me!" The wave of the wind got a lot of night.

"Ah! Yes, there is still a spot, there is no solution!" Naruto turned his head, "Sasuke, the long wind, we will go!"

! At this time, the body of the belonging was actually drilled with a black figure, wrapped around [around] in the belt, "finally got to play!"

And this black figure is turned out to hide the black, which is in Unexpello, which is the boss of spot consciousness.

Another party of the battlefield.

"Oh, this time I changed my attack!" The Yuxi Bo-spotted corner of the cylindrical red door of the fairy martial arts door was suddenly turned up.

"Don't worry hard, spot! The war is over, you lose!" There is a thousand hand.

At this time, the Naruto of the Naruto rushed to the battlefield of Yuxibo spheres and the thousand-handle column.

"Give you!" Naruto said to the Ninja behind him.

"Hey!" Dozen Ninja in the seal class began to pass Qiqi, "sealing and styling, the king of king!"

Dozens of reels are opened in front of each seal ninjet, and Qi Qi is coming to the Yuxi Bottom.

"The whirlpool, you thank the little ghost called the night, replaced the tail from the body of the belt, so, I don't need to weaken himself!" Yu Zhibo spheres .

"Sorry, with soil, I am existing for this!" At this time, black is entangled [around] Yischo belt the body, dyes his body into a black.

"Black!" Sui Zhishi has a sudden time.

"Not good!" Night-length winds want to stop black, it is not anxious.

"Returning to the birth of the birth!" With the soil and zebras.

"You can finally fight!" Yu Zhihu spots suddenly stood up, put the cylinder red door instantly, his weeks began to raise the caching, and the heart of the body seems to be re-enjoys.

"MD, was put!" Night long wind was distracted by superhen system, did not pay attention to the movement of the black, very obvious, just in the darkness of the treading wheel back to make a reincarnation.

bass! The nightmare of the night disappeared in the original place, rushed to the battlefield where Yishibo spheres, he was going to confirm whether the spot was successfully resurrected.

"Hahaha! This body is just like! This kind of hot blood is a feeling!" Yu Zhihu splash look excited about his hands.

At this time, Yuxi spots have been completely revived by the reincarnation!

At this time, Yu Zhiwa's spots were actually ignited with black flames, which was Sasuke's sky.

"The relics of the old age, don't come out, you are looking at it!" Sasuo looked coldly at Yishusi spokes.

"Hey! The consecutive generation of Yuxi, actually dare to have a good for the ancestors!" Yu Zhibo spotted eyes closed.

"Well? Why is it close to your eyes?" Suddenly, you suddenly felt something wrong between the killer.

~ ▉▉ ▉

The second half of the killer is obviously awkward.

977 chapter, eyes closed

"It seems that it is useless to attack this guy. He has a round to look back, you can absorb the sterilization attack!" The night long wind flashed to the side of the Naruto and the thousand hand.

"The most important thing is that the ability after this guy is resurrected, I don't know how much is better than the state of the born," the night long face, coldly looked at Yisibo spots.

Compared with the soil, the night is more taboo, after all, is the legend of the Yishabo family, his mind and ability are stronger than belt.

Yisi Bo has ruthless surface, in fact, inner heart is still full of peace and dreams, but it is only a madness of death.

"The opposite of the two interactions, the room, I still remember in front of the stone monument of Unechyo, is I said to you?" Yu Zhibo spheres at this time still closed his eyes, he felt that the night is close to But still did not open his eyes.

"Well? Why should he be closed? What is he brewing? Or is it in the duting?" The night length of the right foot is retransmitted, and it has prepared 31 to start actions.

"Teenagers, etc!" The thousand hand is stopped to stop the night. He wants to listen to what Zhibo sphere.

"You think the words on the stone monument is the opposite strength to collaborate, you can get true happiness? But I also said, have other understanding methods, right?" Yu Zhibo spline continued.

"That is?" The thousands of hands and Naruto and night long wind did attention at this time that the projection of the humanoid mask on the left chest of the Yuxi Boss is the same.

Obviously, like the soil, Yuxi blossoms also transplanted the cells between the columns to the body, so he can use the wooden tolerance and control ten.

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