The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1054 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"You Zhibo and thousands of hands can get true happiness, don't you understand? The room!" Yu Zhibo sphere sounds more cold.

"Hey! It seems that after you leave the village, it is still planning a lot!" The thousand hand of the brow wrinkled.

"No, it is the companion in our department happened. It seems that someone is the same as my thoughts!" Yuxi spots suddenly baked on his left arm with his mouth, blood from his arm.

"But this time I reborn, completely within my plan!" Yuxi spots suddenly roared in the sky, and then the hands closed, instant printing.

! In the first moment, the Sui Zhihu spots suddenly moved, almost instantly came to the three people, and the right foot was instantly lifted, kicked the Naruto.

boom! The Naruto flew out directly and pulled a big pit on the ground of the battlefield.

! Yuxi Board's left foot will kick the night long style, want to kick the night, but fail, the night is flashing.

The speed of Unechebra is too much faster than before, but there is a distance from the enchanting speed of the night.

Snapped! After the night is jumped, the killer is directly instantly instantly in the middle of the Qi Zhibo spotted.

"I can't move!" I can't move! "I didn't know when I was inserted behind, which made the killer could not move at all.

"Tell you to talk nonsense with him, now it is good!" The night is unfortunately shaking his head.

"Let's try the current strength of Yuxi Boss in the thousand-handed columns!" The night is shameless to open the watch mode.

His reasoning did not show it to see what changes will change after Unexpected Shot.

The hand of Yuxibo spheres is on the neck between the killer, he seems to be absorbed.

"Although the order seems to be against, but there is no relationship!" The protrusion of the character of the thousand-handed-made ahead of Yuxi Bao has changed. It turned out to become a thousand hand-opening.

The epidermis between the transcorneys of the paste is constantly falling off.

"Is this the Xianli Chakra?" Yuxi Baozhi a pair of disdainful expressions, "this power, but so, it seems that there is nothing difficult to control!"

call! At this time, the night's long wind suddenly became a blind body after Yuxi Bo, and was very casual.

"Well?" Yu Zhibo spheres instantly released the thousand-handles, and the left arm erected.

! The night-catching wind is kicked on the left arm of Yuxibo spots, and kicked the Yuxi Board and kicked out.

"Oh, this is the resurrection of Yu Zhibo spheres, but so!" Night long-faced corners did not precaution, looked at Yisi Bo spokes that flipped in not far away.

"The strength of the stinking ghost actually reached this level!" Yu Zhibo's brow wrinkled, but did not open his eyes.

bass! At this time, Sasuke pulled out the long sword between the waist, rushed to Yuxi Bao, and continued to attack Unexpectedly with the long sword, and Yu Zhibo spots were constantly dodging.

"You now have meat [body] all, it is a good opportunity for me, so you can completely kill you!" Sasukes constantly waving the long sword.

Night wind did not move on the side, and he was observing the action of Yuxioba and Sasuke.

Although the action of Sasuke is fast, and there is a write-eyed bonus, but there is still no way to attack Unexpell.

Because the absolute speed of the two is fundamentally gap.

"Sasuke's attack is too messy, but the words are correct, the resurrection of Unexpectedly does not have a non-dead characteristics of embarrassment, and I am a chance for me!" The night is holding down the chin.

The battle of Yu Zhibo spots before the reincarnation of the dust, the night is not too exhaustive.

Yuxi wave is not the most 273 state, and the cool [sense] of the do not have a punch to the meat, hitting his body is like a boxing on the bubble.

"I have regretted it, I am spotted!" Sasuke accelerated the rhythm of the attack.

! Yuxi spots turned over in the air, after the air continuous holiday, quietly falls.

bass! A cold light appeared, and Sasuke used the write-eyed eye to pre-regain the action of Unexpellbus, and finally a sword stabbed the right arm of Yuxi.

"Actually hit?" At the time of watching the night, "I am going ... The spots after the resurrection are not very strong, or say he deliberate?"

Yuxi spots left the left hand and died, and the long sword of his right arm was stunned, but he still did not open his eyes.

"I feel, your kaleidoscope is a straight hook! Is it so agile? Before my round, I would like to be a good ä." Yu Zhibo spheres.

"Before my turn back? What does this mean?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, "That is to say, it is not blind, but his eyes are gone?"

"It turns out that he has dug in the eyes before dying, so after he resurrect, there is no round to look back!" The night grew in the world.

978 chapter, then War Zhimbo Pleble

"That is to say, I guess the wrong, absorb the fire of the sky, is not the ability of the round to the eye, but the ability of the cells between the thousands of handles?" Night wind overturned the previous guess.

The lens turned to the dying belt.

"Bring soil, you are not used here!" Black left the body of the belt, and the half of the body appeared in front of Kakasi and Wavelet.

"What have you done?" Kakasi urgently asked.

"Spot ... Survival!" Said that the land is very reluctant.

"Well?" Kakasi and the wave wind gardens were shocked.

"You used the reincarnation of the birth, you will die, well, the final task, give me your left eye!" Darkness reached out to the left eye of the left eye.

bass! Kakasi and the Wavewood Water Gate I want to stop it before, but I fled into the body of the belt, and he attached to the land.

"When I live, you should be able to support more than a period!" Black reficed channel.

"Who are you, you should not be a human beings!" Wheat water gates asked, "Why do you have to attach to the terrible?"

"I am the incarnation of the scorpion, I will remove all the people who block the spotted road!" The black attacked in the belt, turned out to stand up.

"I have all said that the black has been caught!" Kakasi has got a message that is black-neutralized by the Ninja coalition.

"You are the same as the land, you are too small to see the spot." The black is in fact, it is only a small part of his small part.

"This waste does not follow the point of view. Before the death of the earth, I will use his body and you, I'm dead, I will use it!" Black refused channel.

The lens returns to the perspective of the night length.

Yu Zhibo spheres took the attack of Sasuke. "But just kill you, it seems to be a bit too unfortunately, you have the same growth eye, it is better to be like this, as a small family of Urcho, you, how. ? "Yu Zhibo spheres and swap.

"Hey ... This goods still don't understand the character of Sasuke, maybe it is not difficult to win his words. If the guy is succumbing to, it will be difficult!" Night long-faced mouth slightly.

"Don't misunderstand, you are dead!" Sasukes really refused the proposal to reject the spot.

"Well, there is no time to leave you anyway!" Yu Zhihu suddenly laughed, and then his mouth BA drum.

"Fire, dust hidden!" Yu Zhibo spheres.

Bang! One time, the smoke shrouded the whole battlefield, the flame hidden, the dust is very high, and more important is nothing clear.

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