The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1055 of the Chapter 1055 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

This makes the transition depending on the eyes of the eyes, will not judge the actions of Uti Waquel, and Yisi Bao spots also disappeared in the same place.

"The spot has recovered the power, bad, his next goal is ..." The killer is absorbed by Unexpectedly, and the black stick is inserted behind, and it will not be able to move.

! The disappeared Unexhimba suddenly appeared in the rear of the Ninja coalition, and instantly killed a ninja. He took the case of Chakra in the body.

"Well, I will handle you, the animals!" Yu Zhihu spots although the eyes were closed, he still perceived seven powerful Chakra individuals in front of it.

That is, seven tail beasts pulled out of the night!

"Ah, the situation is not wonderful!" The Ninja of the Ninja is spread.

The tail beast also felt the pressure of the release of Yuxi Boss. At this time, the tail beast also decided to jointly jointly attacked.

At this time, the night long wind flashed to the front of the tail.

"It's your boy!" A tail guard is obviously a deep impression of the night.

The long wind called the day, the fire bones, almost bother, how would this be deeply memorable?

"Do you want to get our strength?" Asked a crane.

"I remember this kid, I have already handed over when I was controlled by Ukuo!" The four-taire monkey pointed to the night.

"Don't worry, I can't see you, this uncle can't be seen!" The night long turning is cold and looking coldly, "and the legendary ninja Yuxi Bomb is a battle, this is I want the battle! "

"You!" The night is small, and the few big beasts are especially angry, rushing to the night long.

"How? I am not a Naruto, I am not interested in being friends, if you interfere with me, I don't mind if you have all your energy!" The night long-lasting corner flashed a contempt.

The night-long body that has the power of the eight dragon icon is no longer incarnation of the night-catching in front of the big tail beast. If the night is now looking to capture the tail, let the trees in the small world absorb them. The energy is not difficult.

The lived beast has seen the temper, and the tail guard can't be retired. The live beast is also retreats, and I dare to worry.

They know that night long wind is not a Naruto, and there is nothing to end.

"A group of idiots!" I saw this everything through the Naruto in the Naruto. Although some angry attitudes are at night, but the nine tail has witnessed the gains of the night.

The nineth tail of the old dedication, of course, will not take the initiative to provoke night long winds.

"Well! Now we have two people left, I want to get the power of the tail, I have a pass first!" The night is cold and cool.

"Radust!" Yuxi Bao just resurrected, his self-confidence is extremely expanded, and he still has some taboo night, and now he does not put the night long wind in the eyes.

! Yisi Bo is on the right foot, and the lightning is rushed to the sky of the night long. It is very (king.) Obviously, the exmosphere should be fly from the night long wind, directly absorb the strength of the tail.

"Want to go? Not that is not so easy!" Night long-winded Chakra boiled, golden Chakra light shines in the night length.

Since the night-length wind is repaired, after the golden body, Chakra in the night-long body was made, and it turned back to gold, and the density was higher than that of the black Chakra before.

That is to say, Chakra in the night-catching air is increased.

In fact, the night's long wind is more than a year. Although Chakra in the body is continuous, it is still the old emeraightest in Chakra or the old monsters like Tang Shanto.

However, in this final battlefield, the night-hard wind has a Chakra who has a movie-level ninja, and more terrible is the high energy density of the golden Chakra, which is already in Chakra. Low energy forms of limits.

Chapter 979, hanging Yu Zhibo

In the first moment, the night-long winding opened his hands in the high-altitude, the invisible repulsion field.

"Super · Shen Luo Tian!" The night is very hot, the air of the surging field is high, and there is a physical trend, and when a golden color is hidden in the air.

"Well?" Yuxi blob suddenly found that his body was not controlled by his own, and his hard student stopped in half.

"The stinky ghost, actually use the gods of Tianzheng to block my actions!" Yuxibo spheres have not fallen, and the night-long wind has fallen behind him.

"Oh, look at the legendary Yuxi Bao spots can be the best sandbag I have encountered!" The night's cold is directly kick directly to the higher sky.

"Good high!" The Narler looked up his head and shouted on the side.

The night cost is down, the body is very fast, it is even in the high-altitude clouds catching Unexpell spots who are kicked by themselves.

! This time is a punch, directly playing in the top of the head of Yuxi Boss.

Among the high-speed sports, the night length can clearly see your fist almost embedded in the head of Yuxi Boss.

boom! Yuxi Bo pointed into the body instantly and started with exaggerated speed.

"I haven't finished yet!" The nozzle of the night's body disappeared, and it was actually in front of the Yuxi Bousee of the high-speed drop.

!! ~ ▉ -473- wind is in high altitude, continuous repeated hit Yu Zhibo spots at all, do not give Unechelly asthesia.

"I actually put the spot of the whole day, there is no strength?" The thousands of hands looked up at the air of the air. For the strength of the night, there is a new understanding, "this kid is already surpassing The ancestor of the past! "

"Is this my action?" Xiao Li also observed the battle of the night long, he was studying the fighting skills of the night.

What didn't think of Xiaoli, the night is actually a way to make his continuous high-speed attack, and only the feet kicked out in a certain time in a certain period of time.

From a distance, it seems that the night length is dozens of hardships, just like playing table tennis, playing the body in the air in the air.

Use this time to describe it, but it is appropriate.

"Haha, Yu Zhibo spots, but so!" The night long is laughing, and his dragon is constantly roaring.

Dragon is like a whistle, and the whole sky is looked down by night long wind.

"The last hit!" The night long wind came to the top of Yuxi Bo, and a punch in the chest of Yuxibo spheres is that he has a thousand-handed avatar bumps.

boom! The thousand-handed avatar raised in an instant crack, and Yishibo spots are generally hitting the comet, and the blink hits the ground.

Bang! The body of Yizhibo spheres took out a circular pothole on the ground, and the smoke of the smoke will almost shroud throughout the battlefield!

"Good!" The people of the Ninja coalition forces were not easy to stabilize their body shape, but they just shaken it again.

"Sealing and Succession!" The Outlet turned to the head, she wants the seal class to seal the Yuxi Boze in an instant.

"Let me come!" I fly in the air in the air, my love, my hands.

One time, the dust of the entire battlefield rose, and then gathered into a huge sand sea.

Bang! Sand sea instantly gave the pothole that Yizhi Body bodied, swallowed Unexpected Spots, and finally formed a tall pyramid.

! There is also a seal pattern on the pyramid, and finally aggregated together.

"Desert layer big funeral print - finished!" I love Luo is still facial expression.

"I am going ... I love Luo, what are you doing, I haven't played enough!" The night is dissatisfied. "

"Stinky boy, Yuxi wave spot is very dangerous, still seal well!" Ahead.

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