The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1056 of the Chapter 1056 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"Cut ~ ▉, don't think this thing can seal him!" The night's wind turned around and stunned, and his mouth was still embarrassed.

"Success ...?" The Ninja coalition forces are all in the face, and they are more fearful for the resurrection of Yuxi Bozhu.

Bang! At this time, the pyramid was cracking, with blue light shining!

"Nani!" I loved and the Ninja coalition forces were shocked.

And a pair of blue big hands suddenly stretched out in the pyramid. It is the Qikra giant of Yuxioba.

"I said earlier, it won't be so easy!" Night cold looks at the blue Chakra Giant standing in front of the blue Chakra Giant.

"Do you have to be?" I love Luoyi head crumpled.

"You will follow it!" The night grew right hand, and he obviously felt that the attention of Unexpell spots on the tail beast behind him.

"After a while, I will pack you with this little ghost. Now I want to wear a collar for the tail. You don't want to escape!" Yu Zhibo spheres in the center of the blue Chakra Giant, the whole body Chakra boiled, just now The wounds that were played by the night-lived air attack also healed in an instant.

Yuxibo spots in the body, the vicinity of Chakra in the body, and now he still has the power of the cactus between the killer, and it is very fast.

"The beauty you think!" Naruto recovered the power of Jiu Takla, once again, he stood in the top of the golden nine-tailed head, shouted from the night length, rushing to the night length Blue Chakra giant before.

Bang! The nine tail stretched out [out] giant claws, and put the blue Chakra giant to the ground.

"We also attack it!" Chiraby is also a tail and beast, and I also ran over and joined.

"Good!" Between the time, the nine big beast gathered together, and came to Yuxi Boupeng.

They have no longer want to be controlled by anyone. Now no chalet is bonded, and the tail beast decided to fight for his freedom!

"Let's get the tail!"

"Ah!" The nine tail beasts turned over, and the tail behind him was slammed, and the blue Chakra giant on the ground.

Bang! Between the sky, the blue Chakra Giant is overwhelmed by the tail of the nine tail beast, and the smoke is shrouded.

"These idiot, isn't it called them? It actually delivered death!" Night wind is also speechless.

bass! At this time, a blue shining is shot from the smoke, it is Yu Zhibo spot!

Yuxi Bo is slightly smashed at this time, but it is still not a substantive harm.

! ~ The continuous [sliding] of the land is more than ten meters, and Yu Zhibo is stopped and stopped.

"This guy is too difficult to get wrapped!" At the end, he looked at Udiwa Pone.

"This is not nonsense, my boxing doesn't have a way to hit Yuxi Bao, your tail attack is useful!" Night live wind is very dissatisfied with the tail beast.

980 chapter, right eye return

"Just now Yishibo spheres did not come back, is it in what big tricks?" The night is cold and coldly looked at some gray faces at this time, but there is no expression of Yisi Bo.

At this time, the ground around Yuxi Bao has a white figure to drill from the ground!

Actually it is a white!

"I am late, my big people!" White is slow.

"You are finally here!" Yu Zhibo spoke a loan.

"White? Is it still on the body?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

"Is it brought?" Yuxi Bao asked coldly.

"Of course!" White is right-handed [out], the palm is grip, it seems to have something.

! Yuxi Bao is instantly waving, cutting the right arm of the white extension [out], and then actually grafted his right arm.

! Grafted to Yisi Bo Packed Right Arms and had a white-eyed white smoke, and then perfectly fits together, like Yuxioba's right arm.

"I am going ~ ▉ ▉

At this time, Yu Zhibo splash stuffed the things that the right hand held into his own eyes.

The right eye is slowly opened, and the right eye on the right eye of Yuxi is the rotation!

"It turned out, the white brought the round eyes!" The night grew, and the spots of the round eyes and did not have a rounded spot, which was obviously two completely different grades.

"Wow, hahaha! This eyes, this feeling, this fight is true, this is the real me!" Yuxi spots suddenly started to laugh.

"Come, the real battle is going to start!" The golden light in the eyes of the night flashed.

bass! At this time, Yuxi Bumble spots broke his thumbs up his left hand, and then scratched a blood mark on the right hand, and shot on the ground.

"Tongling's technique!"

Bang! At this time, drilled the outer road of the beach on the right shoulders of the terrestrial, and the heavy falls.

"Well? Don't he want to fight with us with us?" The wave of the water gate looked at the positive things in front of him.

"Let me come!" The hook jade in the Kakasi demon's red right eye, finally embedded a dart shape, "Shen Wei!"

The space in front of the road began to distort, a huge vortex formation, Kakasi wants to inhale the outer road into the space.

! At this time, the outer road of the two disappeared.

"Is it successful?" The wave of the water is shocked.

"No ... failed!" Carti's ▉ sounded.

! The outer road of the outside is behind Yuxi Bao, it is from the Spot Spot.

"Is this playing? Can you get a new move?" The night grew well looked at the outside road.

At this time, the right arm of the outer road is broken, and the unknown liquid [body] exits from the broken arm.

"Is the right arm broken? It seems that there are some people with this good eyes!, But it doesn't matter!" Yu Zhibo spheres looked at the lived beast, the sound is cold, "Rong is ready to prepare Then, then put them in it! "

"Now there is only one eye, there is another eye to bring it!" Night long-term analysis, "Yu Zhibo spheres this old fox, the plan is very comprehensive, almost all changes are enough!"

At this time, the soil fell to the ground, and the displacement was forgive to bring the soil to reach the left eye, and the soil in the strong rebellion, he didn't want to return the turn back to the eyes.

"It's stubborn, people who are dead! This left eye arrives in your hands through the long gates, but now it should go back to it. In this world, I opened my back to the eye, only the six cactus and Yuxi Bouvelle! You don't possess it! "Black reficed channel.

"The right eye has been hidden by me, and this left eye, I will let Kakasi ruined!"

"Oh ... I have already found the right eye, and now I have already got to have a big man's hand!" Black is constantly increasing control, and the end of the belt is already sweating. "If the fast-dead waste is not Resist, or if I live on you, you have already died! "

"Then you leave my body, wait for me to die and then take the wheel and go back!" Talking to the ground.

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