The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1057 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"Hey! Are you a fool? As long as I leave the body, the two guys in front of me will kill me, before I pick up my eyes, you forgotten, I was responsible for searching for information, The ability of their two people, I have already analyzed it! "

The lens returns to Yizhibo spheres and night lengthy and the battlefield of the tail.

··· ▉ ▉ · · · ·

"The left eye seems to have a little time!" Yu Zhibo spheres.

"Is this, it seems that it also needs a little effort!" White is slow.

"Don't mix me with the boy who brought it back to the pet!" Yu Zhibo spotted.

"But, you have just played the lifelong and the beast of the night!"

"Hey ... I just want to test the recovery ability of the plum cells!"

"It can be different now, I am really real me! It takes up to a few seconds, you better not to blink!" Yuxi Boupeng jumped directly to the top of the outer road.

"Wheel Tomb · Prison!" Yuxi Boupeng had a hands with his hands and suddenly heal.


"I don't know what to use, I have to be careful, everyone!" San Tail pinned.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉ , nine tail beasts are almost hit by red, heavy [slip] falling on the ground.

"What happened? What happened to it?" I love.

"Wow! The tail beast is scattered at once!" The Ninja coalition forces were surprised.

"What is this forbearance?" With the strength of the night-long wind, there is no way to capture the example of Yuxi Boli just now.

"Kid, you can't stop me!" Yu Zhibo spots were obviously the night's greetings.

The two hands instantly change the printing, the murderous murderous on the right eye, "Now I want to wear a circle!"

Bang! The outer road is suddenly opened, and the lock chain of nine outer roads in the mouth.

"Hey! It's this trick? What do you do not exist?" The night's hands raised their hands, and the empty exhibition, "Super · Vientiane!"

Among the void, an invisible big net is open, and it is a big network that is gathered by the valerian of the night.

! The nine magic of the okami in the outer road, pulled it directly to the night long-lasting gravity.

Snapped! Night-long wind is holding the nine chains directly.

"The stinky ghost, actually hinders me!" Yuxi Bao is a bit, from this, he has just been reincarnated by him, and the night is always hindering his battle, which makes the anger in the Yisi Bo breasts becomes more and more .

981 chapter, Naruto is dead

"Lao Zi Xincheng pulled out, you easily want to pull away, too innocent! Spot!" The night long-term arms suddenly rushed, "Give me!"

The night long wind is pulled back, the outer road is actually given by the night long wind to the air.

"I ..." Ninja coalition soldiers were stupid, "this is too big!"

!! ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

! The outer road is constantly roaring, and the lock of the magic is finally broken.

"The worsen little ghost!" At this time, Yuxi spots have turned over.

"Look, I said earlier, don't solve this kid called the night, the boy is not dripping!" The expression of the white is an expression.

"Go!" Yu Zhibo spheres did not pay attention to it, but "a sixty-seven" waved.

It is also a red light flash, and the night is suddenly felt that a cool man is rising from behind.

"What?" Night-length style instantly a low body escaped this time I didn't know where to come from.

Bang! The ground in front of the night wind is a big hole.

"Is there a kind of attack? What is it for sickness, why can't you capture the trajectory of the attack?" Night costs were somewhat.

Just in the night's hard work, the spot jumped to the top of the outer road, let the outer road of the magic of the mouth [out] nine new magic image chains.

This time the magic lock chain is faster, and it is more rough.

! The head of the magic image is a dragon-shaped ripple, and the nine magic lock chains are almost tied at the same time.

"Ah!" The nine big beasts were a painful sorrow.

"I said, little ghost, you have no way to stop me!" Yuxi Baozhi has some embarrassment. "

Bang! Eight-tailed cattle was pulled directly on the ground directly, and constantly [slip] moved.

"A Ba, you are fine?" Chilabi is also nervous at this time, I have forgotten to sing.

"It's evil! It's really annoying!" The nine-tailed nine lamas grabbed the lock of the magic image, and he wanted to break freely, but there was no success.

"Yes!" At this time, the Naruto held in the nine tail head and one hand, "as long as the tail and animal state can break away!"

"It is useless, once it is deducted, it is absolutely unable to break away!" Yu Zhibo spheres.

"Sure enough! The nine lama can't return to my body!" Naruto brow wrinkled.

! The nine tail is getting out of his body, and the Naruto is constantly retreating in the nine tail.

"Can be evil ... Is it going to pull it out?" Naruto was shocked.

"The big people, should start from one end!" Eight reminded it under the outer road.

"I know!"

"Need to be stripped from the human column, it is exactly the last eight tail and nine tail. It is better to put it in the end of the seven tail! Otherwise, the ghost called the night and the night will be destroyed. ! "" White proposal.

"Bastard! I will not let you take away the nine lama!" Naruto habitually shouted.

"Yeah, the kid is a trouble. In this case, first ..." Yu Zhibo spheres look at the tail guard, "starting from this guy!"

"Kao! It took a way!" Night wind was attracted to the attention of inexplicably attracted attention, and he did not notice that Naruto and Chilabi were directly pulled out of the tail.

Bang! A tail guard was almost instant by the outer road, and the second end to seven tails did not persist too long. They were directly pulled into the big mouth of the outer road.

"Sorry, it is better than!" The eight-taitar ghost is also unable to break away from the mouth of the outer road.

! When the night's long wind is flashing in front of the nine tails, the lock of the magic will be pulled out in an instant.

"You are late, the little child!" Nine tails sighed, and finally suddenly drilled out the latch of the digital magic image from the outer road magic. The lock was pulled into the mouth.

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