The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1058 of the Chapter 1058 of the Super Short of Tennis Prince

! The outer road is instantly closed, the head nine super disgusting eyes open at this moment.

Night wind is too lazy to go to the outer road of magic, but a sound that will be dying in the air.

The Naruto was pulled out of the body's nine lamas, and the people who were pushed out as long as they were pulled out of the body.

"All is pulled in ..."

"There is no success, it is ..." The Ninja coalition forces are all stayed, and they are dead.

"Hey ... I said, no one can stop me!" Yu Zhibo spots slowly from the body micro-bundle printing.

"More than a few seconds ... ......, but a lot more than the soil!"

"How do you have so much mouth, you are the failure of manufacturing, you know that the owner's platform!" Yuxi Bou sphere is also a good way.

"Haha ... The title is a poisonous tongue, my title is rap!" Due to the big smile.

"The battle over there ... no problem?" White referred to the black, which made Yuxi Boss think of black and detachably controlling the land.

"No problem, after all, the guys of the black, the guys fight is good!"

bass! At this time, there was no action, the second-generation rigid, thousands of hands, suddenly flashed into the top of the outer road, and the body of Yuxi Bao, holding a bitter breeze, no smile blossom-like stab.

"Fei Lead!"

call! Yuxi Bouvet flashed the attack between thousands of hands, and then waved the thousands of hands in the hands of thousands of hands, and hit it to the sky.

At this time, the right hand of Yuxi Boss [out] sharp black [iron], he is preparing to attack the chest of the thousand hands.

bass! At this time, the figure between the thousands of hand disappeared, and he did not marked the bitterness of the flying, so I used the flying thunderstorm to the top of Yuxi.

Snapped! I have a bitterness in the air instantly, "Yes!"

"Well?" Yu 3.1 Zhimbo's spot turned back.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉, suddenly there are several sharp black bats that have pierced the back of the thousand hands.

Snapped! There is no moment in the hands of the thousand hands, and the body is also falling to the ground and cannot move.

At the same time, the night long shoulders squatted with a nun, stabilized.

The breath of the Naruto is getting thinner and weak, and the eyes are slowly closed. "I am so sleepy ..."

"Naruto, don't sleep!" The night grew radially, he knows if the Naruto is sleeping, it is basically awake.

"Stinky boy, nun people are nothing?" The ahead appeared around the night, "I will treat him!"

"Users useless, general treatment methods are useless!" The night's wind and right hand, and threw their eyes into the small world.

982 chapter, renewed

"Well? I disappeared?" The apeted man's surprised expression, although she saw the long-winding weapon, the weapon of the dagger, but this is still her first time to see the night's wind put a big living person. No, it should be a dying person to disappear.

"What about Naruto?" The master hurriedly asked.

"It's not urgent to explain, in short, I can't die!" The long face of the night is very uncomfortable, and the nine tail beasts will be sucked into the outer road of the nine, which makes the night grow very well. Angry.

The Naruto has been thrown into the small world, under the control of the night, and the god tree shot on the body of the Naruto.

That is the most pure energy absorbed by God, and the lightest wind is renewed in the power of the god tree in Xiaocheng.

But it is just a renewal, I can't die temporarily. The real wants to save the people or need the tail of Chakra or simply use the reincarnation.

Of course, the former is undoubtedly more reliable. To control Yisi spots to make the nicknames back to the birth of the born, it is obviously not the task that can be completed.

"What should I do now?" Outlet on the forehead - 353- ooted the fine sweat, she has formed a reliance on the night, which is very eager to ask.

"Rest assured! I can pull it out of the tail of Unexhoe with soil, and pull it out of the tail of the outer road. When I injected into the Naruto, I will be OK!" Night long-term cold Tao.

On the top of the outer road.

The thousands of hands fell in the top of the outer road, and the back is full of black bats, and Yu Zhibo is cold and looks at the thousand hands who can't move.

"When the opponent is confident that you will win, the opportunity to launch a deadly attack ... You have been used in this kind of routine, let the little ghosts are stranded, then your last fatal hit? Spot cold channel.

"Take each other, do one another!" The thousand hands went to drive.

"Oh, now I control the heavens, even the heavens stand in me, your first god-speed legendary, even fell to this field!" Yu Zhibo spikes, "your brothers can't play once Forces are reasons! "

"Whether it is accidentally still, although there is a little variable in the way ... (DBDF) ..." When you say this, Yu Zhi Baozhi Yu Luminous has a loud life that is not far from the outside, "Total Say the current situation is beneficial to me! "

"Another new eye has grown into!" Yu Zhibo spots felt the eternal kaleidoscope wrote the eyes, "Although I don't know if he will help me ..."

At this time, Sasuke is flies with the flying eagle in the air, and it is a scene that is previously and the thousand-handed dialogue.

"Wait! Yuxi's teenager!" When Zuo is about to jump on the flying eagle, there is no way to move the killer, "I want to give you a technique!"

"Skille?" toad

"Yes, I took my Xianli Chakra, I want to give you the age of Xianke Chakra to bond him!" The thousand hand is explained.

"Then you do it yourself, you should be able to recover quickly!" Sasuke replied, "Not as good as I helped you pull out the things on the back!"

"The black stick on my back seizes my cavity, I can't continue to condense Chakra, and you don't easily touch these black bats, I will give you all the rest of Chakra, to help the night. The young boy blocks the spot! "The thousand hand is slow.

"Why is it as a Zhiwu family?" Asked Zuo.

"Because you are very like ... ... Yuxi Boquanna!" Trying between the killer.

"What is it, what is the relationship between this and preventing the spot?"

"Spot, it is a gentle man, he has loved the brother, there is a good faith and sincere. So he just gave you a chance to live!" Try between the killer, "Otherwise, you have just ...... "

Sasuke is silent.

"If you are you, you may use a non-force to prevent the spot!" The trolley is still very deep.

This is also that he knows that if you have more grasp of your own Chakra and the night, but find it.

Because the killer has also seen the battle before the night grows, open a big way, no counsel!

In the awareness of the thousand-handles, the night-length wind is a chance to kill Unexpected, this is not what you want to see between the killer.

He wants to stop the spot, but do not want the body's first existence, especially the spot has been resurrected, is quite complicated.

"Come on, come to me, I will give Chakra and I will give you!" The thousands of hands said to Sasuke.

At this time, the night's wind has not yet moving, he is closed his eyes to control the gods of the gods.

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