The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1059 of the Chapter 1059 of the Prince of Tennis

The spatial space of the Naruto and the space of the small world is not fit. The high temperature density of Xiaocheng is also high, and the gravity is also several times the world.

Taking Naruto Nowadays, the small sky is actually a very dangerous place.

It is good to have a small world of absolute control, and it is the rule of the rule. He specializes in the place where the Naruto is involved in the world, and the world equivalent energy density and gravity.

At the same time, it is necessary to control the energy of the god tree to injection into the people, the energy is not too much, and the transportation can not be too fast, so the night length is a lot of time to find the appropriate injection amount and speed.

If the breath of the miles, the breathing of the silk is gradually gradually, and the vitality begins to recover.

In fact, even if there is no tail beast, the night is still relying on this method, but it is only too much.

It is even possible to spend thousands of times, which is of course not what is willing to see.

At this time, the top of the outer road.

There is a slap in the mouth, and a black bar is directly inserted. [Into] The top of the thousand-handed, the whole face of the thousand hands is normal, and it began to drop skin debris.

"To be honest, I have wanted to do this so early!" Yu Zhibo spheres, "is your mart of the kill! Although it is nothing to do with a walking dead!"

"Spot, what do you expect to live to come to the end, what do you want to do?" Qianli people asked, "our era is over!"

"Hey ... I have to replace the national construction of his failed to complete! It seems that this world has failed, for a dying patient, you need to use a rude therapy!" Yuxi Bozhi The theory.

"I am gone first!" The vintage of the outer road is in the bottom of the ground.

983 chapter, ten tail column stress

"What is the practice of using unlimited months is what you want? Do you think that is treatment?" The monk of the monk is obviously spoiled.

"Yes! There is contradiction in the country to create, people are eager to be peaceful, but it is also eager to fight!" Yuxibo splashes both hands, and a pair I was the expression of the Savior. "Life has come to have these two Natural, there is no war in the world of only a world! "

"You said that there is a few points ..." The rodd between the thousand hands suddenly flashed a smile, but the heart is, "but there is no meaning in all the world!"

The thousand-handed mantles BA suddenly drums, and the chacla needed in the mouth suddenly shot from the Yuxi wave.

call! Yuxi Bo said right hand, the blue Chakra Shield is over, and the Chakra pin is blocked.

"Good opportunity!" At this time, the giant eagle on the top of the outer road is jumping into a man who holds a long sword. It is Yuxi Bo.

"Well?" Yu Zhibo spheres instantly feel the threat from the top, the right hand is lifted, the blue Chakra in the hand is boiling.

! The high-speed landing, I want to attack Ukiota from behind, but there is a happiness in the air, it seems that there is something invisible to the bundle.

"Obmal!" Sasuke the forehead oozing the fine sweat, the long sword in his hand, slipped away, and inserted the head of the outer road.

"In order to protect some things, you have to sacrifice something!" Yu Zhibo spheres to the right hand out of the long sword in the top of the outer road.

"Stast to stop, spot! There is no need to ..." The sound of thousands of hand did not fall.

! The long sword in the hands of Yuxi Bouvelle [into] " " "

Blood was spread in the chest, and he was blown with blood in the mouth.

! At this time, the pang of the outer road of the outside scene suddenly disappeared in the same place.

Yuxi specks turned over, and the Sasuke was heavy in the ground.

"Your eyes have proven that you have lost a lot in order to find something, but still want to seek anything ... But all this is over!" Yu Zhibo sphere pair.

"Can be evil ..." Sasuke's blood flows in the mouth, but he is still struggling to stand up, "I must not die, I can't die! ... this life ... can't ... This place, in truly creating a new village, a real moving birth ... "

"Well?" When the night's wind opened his eyes again, Sasuke is already closed, and the paralysis is on the ground.

"I kao, what a plane? How come hurt one?" The night long wind is very fast to get around him, slightly, and slightly.

The situation is quite bad!

The night length sweeps a wolf battlefield, Yishibo spheres have disappeared, but the night growing can feel that there is a strong breath that is constantly improving, it should be that Yizhi spots are undoubted.

"Not good! He went to find another round of eyes?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, and the right hand stretched will also throw it into the small world, and the same method with the Naruto is Sasuke.

"It seems that I am really a baby's life!" The night is helpless, and then the figure disappears in the original place, and the night-long wind is at speeds of the position to Yishibo spots.

"It's evil ... Don't say that it is used in the instant, even the body has no way to move, the bouncing of the born!" The thousand hands went to see the night of the night, but could not move.

On the other side, Yu Zhibo spots did not pay attention to the night's wind, there were many secrets in the night, which made Yu Zhibo spots a little jealous of night wind, and the continuous attack of the long weather, it makes it feel that I have resurrected, But it is not necessarily a night-long opponent.

He needs another round of eye, and the strongest Ten tail column.

Come to the battlefield, where there is a distance from the center battlefield, but it is still full of great thoughts.

Snapped! The Unexpell Piece is confirmed around without anyone.

Bang! For a while, the super huge ten tail was taken out and appeared after his body, and he pulled a deep pit behind his body.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ At this time, the ten tails suddenly began to shrink sharp, then they were directly inhaled in the body from the back of the back, and the speed of change was much faster than before.

··· ▉ ▉ ····

Deviation flying, the shape of Yuxiobang is a speed change, black liquid [body] is surrounded by him, his hair is also black and white, and there is a slow reflection of six cactors.

Snapped! After a few breathing, Yisi Bao is a new ten-tail column, and its shape is more handsome than before.

The same is that nine black balls are suspended. The left hand is dark as night, the spikes of the spotted, and he never feels the powerful power. "Is this the strength of the six cactors?"

"In this way, there is only the left eye. Once I get the left eye, there is no one can stop me!" Yu Zhibo's mouth is smirk, and the right hand is loud, the figure is instant, and disappears again In place.

...... [...? ... ▉ ..

The lens is turned back to the battlefield of the fire world of the world.

At this time, the waves of the waves turned the spiral pill left hand, and Kakasi right handed up, the power of the thunder is shining, the two have been fighting with the tread of being controlled. It is time.

"You are really hard to be wrapped in two!" Due to say that the two people said.

"The awareness of the soil ... has gradually disappeared!" Kakasi looked at the tape that was trimmed in front of him.

"Kakasi, we are!" The wave of the water gates turned.

"Wait! Water gates, you will feel the Kikra!" The nine tails in the wave of the waves suddenly passed.

"Well?" The wave of the waves just felt some unsatisfactory, and now I can't feel the nine tail of the Naruto.

The nine tails in the nine-tail and Naruto body in the Wavelet Swage are stem from one, each of which can be induced by many distances.

"Don't say ..." The wave of the water is stunned.

"What's wrong, teacher?" Kakasi turned his head and looked at the waves of the hair.

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