The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1060, Chapter 1060 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Yes! I just noticed it! I can't miss, my other side has been pulled out of the body of Naruto!" The nine tail channels in the waves of the waves.

~ ▉ ▉, , , ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

PS: There is a bit of things at home, and now I started writing, updating slow, forgive me. It's really too busy today ...

984 chapter, recovery awareness

bass! At this time, a shadow appeared after the body of Kakasi and the waves, is the night.

"Well? Yu Zhibo is still coming yet, is it me guess?" The night's brow wrinkled.

"Changfeng!" Kakasi was shocked.

"Changfeng Jun, what happened, Naruto?" The wave of the water is rushing.

"Spotted the nine tails in the body!" Night long winds.

"Nani!" Kakasi and the wave wind gardens were surprised. Although the wave wind door gouavedly guessed this, but really heard the night's hard-handed mouth confirmation or some incredible.

"How can this be like this!" The wave of the wind is dark, and the face of the embarrassment is even more dark, "What about the people?"

"Here!" When the night's wind and right hand, put the Naruto from the small world.

"One nine zero", when the Naruto is still closed, but the completion is much better than before, and the breathing is still stable. The night long has already spent a lot of time to force the nun to pull the nun. It turned back, thereby let Yu Zhibo splines hurt.

And it still disappears in front of the night wind!

"Naruto!" The wave wind door saw the niece of the eyes closed, worried about the words.

"Four generations, you don't have to worry! I have stabilized the situation of the Naruto, if you want the Naruto to wake up as soon as possible, I have to wait for me to take the nine tail of the spots to take it into the Naruto. In vivo! "Night wind comfort.

"It turns out!" The consciousness of the territory has almost disappeared, and only the uninterect consciousness is forcibly supporting the body of the belonging.

"I have a way!" Suddenly flashed a golden light in the eyes of the wave of the water, "Kasi, Changfeng Jun, this guy will give you it!"

The wave wind door refers to the soil, then turn around to hold the Naruto and put it on the ground.

"Understand!" Kakari nodded.

"Carti teacher, the left eye to find him is also the turn of the left eye, and let's go to the hand first!" Night long wind reminded.

"Ah!" Kakasi is also a sunny.

The wave wind gorge is squatting on the ground, and the left hand opened the jacket of the Naruto, and the palm of his hand was placed on the belly of the nun.

"Now you must let the Naruto recovery!" The waves emerged in the hands of the nine-tail, and the vain of the nine tails hidden when the movement of the wave wind door.

"Nine tails ... now is a good time to win the nine tail!" The black laughed.

Bang! At this time, the waves of the waves stretched out [out] a black strip, it was an instant to take the strength of the Jiuji Chakra that gathered the waves of the Wave Water Gate.

"What?" The waves of the waves.

"This little child!" The nine tail is also a big angry.

"What's wrong?" The attention of the night is attracted by the sudden situation behind.

"Also give me!" The wave of the waves gathered with the force of the spiral pill, and was hitting the black strip of the sky [out].

! The black strip drilled into the ground, returning to the black body from the ground, and it was even turned into the three tailings of the Waves in the three masters.

"Kao! It was put in a way, and Laozi is now getting bigger and bigger!" The night long-lasting breast is full of anger.

Bang! At this time, a black light flashed, and then the huge explosion sounded, and the portrait of a hand-held tinrel appeared in front of everyone.

"What is it?" Carti and the wave wind garde were shocked.

"Sure enough, I don't expect me!" The night's wind was pinched, and the hand was pinched.

"The big people!" Black and looked back at Yuxi Bozhu

"Black, you move too slowly, so I am here!" Yuxibo spheres appeared at a madness cool hanging day.

"Similar to the previous belt's shape, but it seems that the fitness is higher, this is the gesture of the Ten Tail of Yuxi Boss?" Night wind and confidently observed a descendant of Yuxi Boufeng.

However, the night's wind is not a cold, if the night is desired, he can also force the strength of the cells between the thousand-handles in the white, plus the original written eye. The power, the theory of night growth can also become the tail of the tail, there is no big problem.

However, the night is clearly not interested in the strength of the six cactors, and the position of the face energy level of the nature world is too low.

With the strength of the night, he only has a lot of interest in winning the number of lottery and the source of this world ...?

As for the power of the six cactors, in the eyes of the night, it is good to take the fertilizer for Xiaocheng.

"Black ... What time you want to do with the earth?" Asked when Su Zhibo walked.

"Sorry, the big people! But I have just won the other half of the nine-tailed power from this help!"

"This is almost like! Let me give it together along with the left eye!" Yu Zhibo's mouth is slightly tight.

"I can feel the power of the cactus, it is stronger than the forces of the soil!" The wave of the water door brows.

"Is there a tail of the ten tail?" Kakasi forehead is also a dripping.

bass! At this time, the black truncated bodies were jumped out of the belonging, and the back of the left eye was jumped to Yishibo spots. "Now, as long as the big people are here, even if I leave the territory. Can't you take me! "

"Which is so easy!" When the night's right foot is withdrawn, you will start.

At this time, the belt suddenly opened the right eye, and then pulled the black and sliding back to himself.


"I am evil!" The black is called, and the left eye is returned to the eyelids of land.

"Call ~ ▉ ~" The soil recovered the consciousness, the right eye is cold and coldly looked at Utizhi 4.5 spotted in front of the tail of the tail.

"Hey!" Yu Zhiwei is black, and it is not expected to have this soil at this time.

"The hateful guy, dying is still struggling!" Due to the unfullment.

"Black, you can't go now!" With the cold channel, ", I have something to say to you!"

"What do you want to do with soil?" Night long wind brow wrinkled, "Take him, first put them together and say!"

Night wind is going to start, Kasi reach out to stop the night.

"Wait, long wind, now the situation is still unknown! You must see the time again, this time you can't have a big idea!" Kakasi Shen Sheng.

"Okay!" The night's wind recovered the right foot of the random, turned his attention to the soil of Yisi Bo, "Look at this guy, I still want to say something!"

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