The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1061 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

985 chapter, no gun mode

"For you, what do I do?" Suddenly asked.

"I am going ~ What is the earth saying!" Night wind is also speaking to the land, if this is not in delaying time, it is the middle school disease is not saved, the fool is seen, the spot is taken to make him shoot.

"Oh, don't say smile! Don't ask this kind of boring problem again, you are ... !" Yu Zhibo walked.

"Negative this world is spot, put this ideology into the heart and conduct actions, people who implement the unlimited monthly read plan, is not someone else, it is spot!" This is the road I have chosen! "

"When I am in the time of sleep, I will give you everything, let you walk in front of me, that is the road I open! After you reached the goal, you can act as the Savior of this world, becoming a new world. Observing! "Yuxi Bao's tone is already a savior.

"The world of the six cactors opened ... failed!" Yu Zhibo splash swept 31, "listened, the six cactus teach Chakra, which is originally connected! It can connect people with people's spiritual power Let people understand each other's hearts even if they don't communicate, they can reach the wish! "

"The power is widely promoted as a wide range of none, and it is a six cacto! But I don't know when, people are no longer connected to each other, but to connect Your spiritual energy and body energy use Chakra! "Yu Zhibo spline opened the story mode.

These things are undoubtedly the information he obtained from the monument of the Yishabo family.

In fact, the night's long weather wants to know how much the stone monument of the Urcho family can record such a large amount of information.

"This is a way to improve Chakra in your body. In order to convert it to force, Chakra turned Chakra into a tolerance!" Yu Zhibo sphere continued, "it is ironic, returning to the mother of the six cactors Ji Put Chakra as the old road used by weapons! "

"I am going ... It's really a born, heroes!" The night's wind shook his head smiles, "The midnis of this guy is not light!"

"The behavior of the six cactors only fell a contradiction between people! No matter what, Chakra has only a dispute and false hope, you and I am pursuing peace, it is also pursuing battle, this is not struggling The fact! "Yu Zhibo spots are forced to say that it does not stop, it seems to be disappointed and dissatisfied with this world in vent.

"And this world, under Chakra's role, more people fall into the unlimited pain, have the strength of the strength, no strength, will lose everything!" Yu Zhibo honest with a tin cushion directly on the top of the head. "I have to surpass six cars and create a new world!"

"I will read the unlimited month, create a dream world who can't hate Chakra! Finally, I will guide you by I have the most strong chacla! After you, you will become me, you will no longer bring soil! "Yu Zhibo is looking to belt soil, and the tone is high.

"It's enough!" Night winds finally can't stand the evil-like script of Unexpell Bell. Brain, he came to Yishibo spots.

"MD, usually your guns are forced to force me, now Laozi let you see what is the strongest gun!" Night long wind is already full of Yuxi Bao, this pair, 'I am sad. 'To transform the world's hypocritical face.

"The stinky ghost, it is you!" Yu Zhibo's brow wrinkled, and the eyes were overflowing.

Originally, it is a matter of tissue plan. It is essentially the plaque plan. It is very uncomfortable. Now the night grows again to drink themselves in front of everyone, which makes the Sui Zhi spot.

"What is the pursuit of peace, what Chakra is the root cause of all pain, have you finished it?" The night is cold.


"Changfeng!" Yu Zhibo spheres and Carti and others are all glimpse.

"The absolute peace is not existed at all. Some people will fight, this is the relationship between Chakra without a cooked!" The night-long wind gun mode is full.

"What are you talking about? Little ghost!" Yu Zhihu is very angry.

"I said, you tm is a madman, I still want to bring everyone people in this world!" Night-lasting airless check.

"New Dream World? It's a shit!" The night is cold and cold, and the Sui Zhibo spots that have become a tail of the tail will not put it in the eyes.

"You!" Yu Zhibo sputtered urgency, the expression of a side paralysis is some distorted.

"The material is bidding, the adaptive is survive! You give everyone to the world of unlimited months, this is a reversal, let the whole world's level retroiled!" Night, the wind, "Even if you succeed, Sample, do you think you can have a residence? "

"Time!" The night is growing, "this world will give birth to a new conscious individual to read you unlimited months, because the world is eager to make progress, not to step!"

In fact, every world has a sense of heaven, that is, the so-called heaven, these senses have some independent awareness, there is an angry and sorrow, some are complete and artificial intelligence.

But in any case, the world is evolving, although the process is slow, the low-grade world always evolves into a higher level of 997 world, which can be said to be the law of nature.

And Su Zhi Bao wanted to violate this world rule, and act against all the people in the world, prevent the world's evolution, which would obviously be blocked by God, that is, the so-called spirit.

Of course, as Su Zhibo spheres and the people in this rigorous world, even those who claim to be said to be the six immortals, they cannot understand these issues.

"A sent a non-whistle!" Yu Zhibo spheres.

The Kakasi and the Wavelet Water Door on the side are desirable, they are all high-profile people, carefully think about the words of the night, which seems to be true.

Their eyes are too small, there is no way to think about the problem from the perspective of the whole world.

"For anyway, even if I am simple, you will not understand. I am too lazy to say anything more! If you want anything, use your fist to talk!" Night is lazy and lazy. Yuxi Bao is scrapped, and there is no way to save in the late Chinese second disease.

Such ratio, the night-length wind felt that the big snake pills and pockets can be said to be the world's most likely the world, which is not bound by the world rules.

And the goal of the big snake pill is to become a whole world or even the universe of the universe. In this regard, the superpulsion of the big snake pills and the streets of the land.

986 chapter, recapture the end of the beast

Night hard wind has decided not to talk nonsense with the late school in these two diseases. At the beginning, the night-catching is inexplicably binding to a variety of worlds, and the night grows is a deli.

Because the real world is really boring, every day is the test of the work test, boring boring.

But the world who has experienced in the help of the hyperincidence system is different, whether it is a game, or a fight, at least is a hot life.

Night wind is eager to become stronger, eager to overcharge the binding system, and the real freedom is in the world of all wonderful blood.

And the night is not completely invincible. Although in the rigid world, most of the night growers are rolling opponents, that is because the hierarchies of the fire shadow world are too low, and the long-winding growth is very enchanting. .

But the night grows is a sense of crisis, because it is unclear that the next world will become a crisis, once again improve your strength as much as possible, only its own strength is king, others are clouds.

Just when the night length, the idea is no longer able to waste, when preparing a lot, the belt suddenly flashed in front of Yuxi Bou.

Yuxibo spheres were smashed by night, and the attention was all on the night.

With the ribbon right, the kaleidoscope is open, and the right hand is directly extended [out] Yuxiobang.

"You!" Yuxi Bao is shocked.

"What do you want to do?" Black a lot.

"What?" The land suddenly came up, "I don't understand the little ghost, but I don't want to be your chess, spot!"

bass! At this time, the right hand suddenly grasped the left eye of the belt, he wants to retrieve his back to his eyes.

But he failed, his right hand passed directly from the head of the belt, and the land was used to use the Shenwei to escape the smock of Yuxi Boss.

"Take it ... Is this the power of your original eye?" Yuxi Bo is cold, he did not think of this time, and the land actually dare to resist himself.

"Your waste is pulled out by the devil, is it going to take back from my body?" Yu Zhibo scored, "Do you think you have to win now? "

"Don't try to know!" The land actually pulled out the nine-tailed and eight tail of Chakra in the nine-tailed and eight tail, and the two colors were pulled out.

"Well?" Yu Zhibo sphere is also slightly surprised. "It seems that the previous immortal should have made your body, but it is useless, your strength is too weak!"

Yuxi Boupel is one in the body, and the two long returns of the two strips returned to Yisibo spots.

"What am I donered?" The night's long wind suddenly became the side of the belonging, the right hand, and the moment of gravitation field was launched.

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