The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1062 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"You!" Yu Zhibo spots felt the giant force of the night.

"In this way, it will be pulled out by this kid!" Yu Zhibo spots finally knew why the land had been tailoring the tail, and was pulled out by the night-lived winds.

Because the power of the night-catching wind is too big, it cannot be judged with common sense.

call! Yuxi Bo-spot right hand tin pole suddenly waved down, his black sphere behind him agglomerated into a black curved knife, and instantly went to night.

bass! The night long wind is full of golden light, the Buddha is open, and it is not flashing, and it is made by the black bend knife.

~ ▉ Splash, night long wind is not damaged.

"This little devil's body is too high!" Yuxibo spheres helplessly, under the urgent urgency, commanding the black bend that is already a cracking that is already cracking, it will be cut into instantly.

Boom, the explosion sounded, the black bend knife cut out a deep pit in the ground.

Night wind and Yizhibo spheres and tensiles are also scattered, and the night-long wind hand is more than two red gray energy, which is some of the eight tail and the nine tail of Chakra.

"Carti teacher, four generations, you will first take a while, I will help people treated!" The night long wind is coming to the Naruto, by the way to Kakasi and the Waveloquence.

"No problem!" Kakasi and wave style nodded.

"Yu Zhibo is like a long-awaited turn to the left eye, you don't let him take the eye to drag him as much as possible!" The night length low.

"Know it!" The two nodded, and the night lengthy winds forced two Chakra's power into together, then injected into the body.

bass! The Naruto is suddenly turned to the golden light, and the face is getting more and more rosy.

!! ~ ▉ Outside, Kakasi and the land simultaneously use the Qiwei to limit Unexpell, the waves are also attacked with spiral pills.

However, it is very effective, and Uchiwaze is a ten-tail column to obtain the force of the six immortal attacks.

The wave spiral spiral pills made from the waves are not as simple as the Naruto.

"Teacher, you don't seem to have a way ..." Kakasi and wave wind doors are all retreat.

"To tell the truth, Xianke is my least good, not only Checkla is too long, but I can't maintain long-term maintenance, so I usually don't use Xianke!" Wave wind water gates Taoism, "and now the beginning of the could not be printed, the nine tail of Chakra is also taken away!"

"I think I have not much more than a strong battle!" The strength of the waves of the golden flash is not only like this, but in the state of the earth, it is still difficult to play the strength of the whole [] peak in the past. .

"You are fine, Kasi!" Suddenly, a green figure flashed in front of everyone.

Is the bright blue beast of the leaves - Woody Kay!

"Akai, you are coming!" Kasi was shocked.

"Oh? The teacher is coming, this should be able to support (Zhao Qian)!" Night wind speed, reinjug the tail of Chakra reinjug the body.

Of course, the speed can not be too fast, because the Naruto is still very weak, this degree is very difficult to grasp Chakra and energy have very precise control.

Fortunately, there is a base forbearance level skill, which is a few people in Chakra's control, so this difficulty is still no problem, but it takes a little time.

During this time, the night grows can't participate in the battle.

"Is this people spotted?" Akai swept a Zhizhi Boss.

"Be careful, Akai, his body is immunoassay attack!" Carti reminded.

"Oh, is this not just right?" Akai suddenly smiled and looked at everyone. "Now this situation is only the bright blue beast of my wooden leaves!"

Akai is open, and Chakra, who is around, is boiling ...

987 chapter, the youth of the wooden leaves

"Eight-door armor! The seventh door is shocked ... Open!" Akai double punch, the blue Chakra bluntly exploded in Blue Chakra!

When the rumble ~ ▉, the ground under the Aka is instantly crackled, and the gravel is splashed, and the whole body is rising.

"Blue vapor?" Yuxi Bao pointed to blocked the right hand to block the slammed stone.

The two people in Kakashi and the Wavelet is also very surprised.

"Very good!" Night long-standing surrender is unable to start, and the gravel that splashes is scattered into the ground.

Bang! Akai's momentum is still constant, and his wavy layer is pushed away, and it is blowing around the waves around, and the range is getting bigger and bigger.

"One of the deaths in the eight-door armor?" Yu Zhibo sphere seems to have a "second ninety three" to eight-door armor.

A loud noise, Akai has instantly in front of Yuxi Bouc, and its speed is comparable to the night grows in the ordinary state, so as fast as a blast.

"Never touch his black spheres and cane!" The wave of water is rushing to remind him.

boom! boom! The bombing ~ ▉ , a series of swing and flying motives, forced the ten tail column-tensioned Yuxi Bouvet is also back.

The two people have a long ditch [] in the continuous extension, gravel!

"It's amazing, the silly child of the year can be opened to the seven doors of the eight-door armor!" The wave of the waves of the Waveness was so surprised.

"Accepted!" Suddenly, the Akai in the high-speed movement, and his hands were in an instant a posture.

"One hit must kill the punch - a tiger!" Akai was a big drink.

Bang! A white tiger vain is shot from the hands of Akai.

Roar! Tiger grewing the Yuxi Board in an instant, the huge explosion sounded, and the smoke and dust shrouded the whole battlefield!

!! Among the smoke, the figure of Akai and Yizhibo spheres is simultaneously reversed.

Yuxi Bin spheres came into a round shield to block the attack on the sky, but it was also slippery on the ground, and he was hit by a hit by Akai's violent.

"Hey!" And Akai made this trick, the physical strength is exhausted, and the waves from the tiger blows directly, and the heavy fell is on the ground.

"Death!" Although Yu Zhihua blocked the attack of Akai, it was still grays with the dust, which made the shape of the shape that just changed a hanging day, and the right hand tin cushion suddenly waved.

bass! bass! Hey ~ The remaining eight black spheres behind him, instantly moved to the ground on the ground.

"I have worked hard, the teacher!" The night's body suddenly flashed in front of Akai, and the right hand was paired.

!! ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉

In fact, it is the low-cost moment! Bamboo

"Also give you!" The night grew right hand, showing hands! "

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉ The black spheres stopped in the air actually rebounded in an instant, and the impersonal spot is not far away.

! Yuxi Boupeters bent in front of the tin cushion, blocking two black sneakers shot to the chest, and other black spheres were wiped his neighborhood.

Yuxi Bao Zhou Zhou is handsome and handsome, and it is directly wearing a few big holes and looks a bit funny.

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