The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1063 of the Chapter 1063 of the Prince of Tennis

"The stinky ghost!" The anger of Yuxibo spheres has reached the vertices, and the black sphere flying in the body is also stopped in the air, and then flying back to the bodies.

"Changfeng kid!" Akai struggled to stand up.

"You are fine, Akai!" Kasi is extremely speed to the side of Akai.

"Ah! It's just a broken arm and a few ribs!" The right arm of Akai high-speed waving is already caught up.

"Akai, which is actually opened, is it a spotted spot?" Kakasi god, looked slowly to rise in the air.

"Wait, Cardi ... Now I am not able to make it too early to be too early! My youth has not faded!" Akai left his right arm.

"But ... you are now ..." Kakasi, "Do you want?"

"Ah!" Akai slowly went forward, "The bright blue beast of the wooden leaves is not there, the era of red beast is coming!"

"Do you want to open the last dead door!" Carti shocked ...?

"Akai, must not do so! Think about it, if you do this, the consequences of this ... Your father is ..." The wave of the water is rushing to persuade.

"Don't think about it again, I have been aware of!" Akai double punch again.

Night wind waved in front of Akai, "" The teacher, let me come! The red beast of the wooden leaves is not only one! "

"Changfeng kid, you!" Akai, "Do you want ..."

"Yes! Isn't you forgotten, I am also a master that is proficient in eight-door armor!" The night is full of confidently.

"No! Long wind, even if you open eight gates ... also ..." Kakasi brow wrinkled.

"Will it die?" The night long wind turbulent angle slightly.

"Yeah, you know it will give up!" Wave wind gates attached.

"You are too small to see my flesh power!" Night wind is already all imprisonment of the body, this is not only to defeat Unexpected Boss, but also to explore [search] eight doors A deeper level of armor.

The night long style always feels the mystery after eight gates, and open this mysterious key is the eight doors, and keep not die!

If now which is the body of the world, the strength of the body can be opened, and there is only night long.

Of course, this is not absolute, because the night's wind has not yet opened eight, so the long wind in the night does not know what will happen.

"But the long wind ..." Everyone wants to discourage the night's wind.

"There is nothing but it is ..." The night is swaying, "I went to see the Naruto, I have injected the tail of Chakra into him, I should wake up."

"Well!" The wave wind door has a point.

"Even the eight gates and not dead ... this is very interesting, isn't it?" "Night's mouth is slightly fighter," this time let me show yourself! "

! The nozzle body shape suddenly started, and his electro-optical rock rushed to the direction of Uzhibo spots.

! The weighing combat was pulled down by Night's wind and right, at this time, the night-long wind is full of muscles, the whole body streamlined muscles shine on the fire!

988 chapter, eight gates!

"Well? Chakra gradually concentrated on the point of the dead door?" Yuxi Boupeng looked at the very high-rise windy wind, the right round of the right eye can be clearly seen in the eight-door armor, the seven doors of the eight-door armor Instantly open.

More critical is that this Chakra is still gathered in the eighth door of the night-catching chest, in order to say that the night grows is opening the eighth door of eight-door armor in your body - dead door!

Bang! At this time, the upper body of the night-long wind boiler luo has become popular, even the hair is also alone, Chakra, which is burning, is a bright red, very bright eye!

The momentum of the night-catching wind is constantly, the body's most hidden ban is also opened by night, and all the potential of all cells is pressed out of the moment.

Golden Chakra exploded in the night length. The Chakra cable in the night-long body is already bursting, and the blood is mixed into Chakra with a flood.

Chakra became bright by gold, and shrouded the night long!

"Ah, ah!" The night's wind is mad, open the Buddha's gold, the fire red Chakra is, the vain of the hundred-lived Buddha statue behind the night is also bright red.

31 "The eighth door, dead door ... Open !!!" The night's hands are exhibited, eyebrows, hair, all body is the boiling burning red flame, and the power is unprecedented.

Dragon is like a dragon, and the dragon behind the night is almost condensed into an entity. In the state of eight gates, the night-length wind will be able to give 100% vast power to play the power of the Ba Dragon.

"Changfeng, you are actually true ..." Kakasi and Aku were stunned.

Especially the Akai, he did not think that the night's live wind was in such a short period of time, and his position was more than the general eight-door eight gates.

"Well?" Yu Zhibo frowned, accelerated into the high altitude, he smelled a dangerous breath, "red steam ... This is unique to eight gates ...... Blood steam?"

"Oh ... but in my opinion, these red flame vapors can only let me think of the width of the deep autumn, just like the leaves!" Yu Zhiwu watched the night long wind, cold channel .

"You know a fart!" Night costart double boxing, never felt so strong, "This is the red is to tell you ... Why is the flower so red!"

"Come!" Kakasi, Akaihe wave wind garde is solemnly looking at the back of the night long boiling, in this back, they saw the hope of hope!

"Burning, my blood!" The night long-term wind is long, and it is automatically opened in the burning of this life.

This is equivalent to a red buff that the night growth is lost, and the body's tearing pain is also slow. The whole body energy is like spring water.

"This little ghost!" Yu Zhibo spots felt that the momentum of the night is just a straight line rose, but suddenly has a step!

boom! Next moment, the night-long wind is already a flasmatic, and a no flower, the no-flowing, a bombardment, the backrest of Yu Zhibo spots.

"So fast!" Yuxi Bao himself couldn't help but launched, and the black sphere behind him automatically cooled into a huge round shield behind the Sui Zhibo spheres.

The huge explosion sounded, and the night's wind waved this boxing directly to the center of Yuan Shield, and Yuan Shield was in a moment of night!

Now, the eight gates of the night, plus blood in the state of the blood, the power of his fist is nearly ten times in the ordinary state, the yin and yang defense is a paper paste in front of the night.

"Good, long wind!" Until now, Kakari only solves Unexpell spots at night.

! It was the speed and strength of Urcho spots and strengths that became a column of Ten Tail, but they couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the long wind. The first fist from the night is on the back.

If it is not a black round shield and the Yisi Bozhune, the tin stick is behind, and this punch is enough to suffer enough.

Even so, the tin cushion of Yuxi Bouchen is still in a moment of the night, and the body is even like a fast-fled kite, and the heavy fall is on the ground.

Bang! The huge mushroom cloud rises, the bloody energy is raised, and the clouds in the high altitude are scattered.

"This is just a general punch!" Akai has been standing, and the state of the eight gates of the night far exceeded his expectation.

Yuxi Bao is directly in the bottom of the ground, and the whole round of the hole is deep, exaggerated.

"This is not. Just just appetizer!" The night long mad smiled in the air instantly in the air, head down, left hand.

Just a night's long wind is right, and the right arm of the night is now a bit of pain.

"MD, it seems that eight doors are not so good, or if I have a Buddha statue, the fist just waved is enough to abolish my right arm!" Night long-faced broodbrows.

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