The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1064 of the Chapter 1064 of the Prince of Tennis

! The Yuxi Bo spots in the pit hole were lying on the ground. The horns in the top of the head were actually broken, and the whole body was even more small in the hole, stretched out [out] blood.

"Oh, evil ..." Yuxi Bao 067 turned over, because there is a ten tail of Chakra in the body, so his body will be recovered.

Moreover, Chakra in Yuxi Boques is much more than the previous belt soil, so the recovery speed is also very fast.

bass! On the right hand, a new tin cushion gathered in the right hand in Yuxi Bo, and his face is ugly to die.

"Little ghost, you really angered me!" Yu Zhihu suddenly jumped, flying again to the air.

"Little ghost, you can't kill me!" Yu Zhibo walked coldly looked at the night's live wind in front of him, "And you are so painful now!"

"This is not dead?" Carti and Akate were stunned, "Sure enough, is it a substantive harm?"

"Oh ... are you afraid,?" The night's mouth flashed a lot of disdain, "I just forgot to say more, I haven't used one more power!"

boom! The moving figure suddenly disappeared in front of Yuxi Bou.

"What about people?" Yuxi Bao is a glimpse, and the black spherical formation of the whisper [body] The black cover condensed into a hemisphere will be strict and strict.

The night is not wrong, scared, he felt a powerful threat on the night's body!

989 chapter, Balance Blood Punch

"Your grandfather is here!" The night is suddenly flashed to the top of Yuxibo spots.

"Nani!" Yu Zhihua is wrong, he did not pay attention to night long wind, because his speed is too fast.

"The next thing is given to you, then it will go!" The night is overwhelming, a punch.

Bang! The fist in the night is brought into a bloody long dragon.

"Go!" Yu Zhibo spread his hands, and his black spheres gathered into a big ball and immediately launched.

The body shape of the night is a flashed to the front of Yuxi Bo, and the air is bursting with the night of the night, and the sound explosion is connected.

It is also a bloody long dragon being rushed from the front to Yisi Bang from the front.

! Two bloody long dragons were on the top of Yuxibo spheres in front of Yizhibo spheres, the huge explosion sounded, Yishibo spheres were overwhelmed by blood color!

"It's amazing!" Everyone stood on the ground and looked at the movement of the night, it was too fast.

"Ah!" Yu Zhibo spurt his blood in the mouth, and it has become a black, and it has not been the arrogant scenery. "I can't move?"

"I haven't finished yet!" The whole body boiled with the fire, the wind, the flame of the whispering was turned over.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉, actually there is a three-night long wind.

"Frame?" Everyone glanced.

"No, just the speed is too fast!" Akai took the way, and the eyes were flashing with an incredible gaze.

"Bailong Blood Punch!" The air ten night long wind simultaneously showed the back of the arm, and then continuously waved.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ , ..

Night long winds in the air, every figure is in the blink of an eye!

For a while, the entire sky was filled with the vain of the dragon icon, and a bloody flash will dye the face of everyone under the night.

"What are you looking at what? ▉?" Not far from the other side of the party, everyone is attracted by the general vision of this world.

"That is the long wind ..." The ape course looked up with the sky and his face was amazled.

The other four shadings are also widened, they know that people who can cause this heaven and earth are only night long.

"The kid is fine?" The golden light of the old man in the old man, "terrible ... small ghost!"

Bang! The ten body shape of the night-lived wind came into a way, and the air on the air, the bloody dragon icon is also Qi Qi, gynen, hit in the air.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Among the continuous explosions, the sky is shaken, the sky is unlimited, and there is such as the end of the day.

Everyone stands unstable to the ground, and the night grow is not flashing, and the exults fly in the air.

And the dragon in front of him is exploding a head, and then it is getting faster and faster.

The blood color of the explosion continues to rise! And Yu Zhibo spheres are in the center of this blood color, and his black hawk he is at all, it can't stop the impact of explosion.

At the beginning, I was hitting directly, and this is just a lack of start.

puff! puff! Hey ~ ▉ , spit on the dragon icon.

The vain of the dragon icon seems to be like a bloody breath, and it is more crazy to rush to Yuxi Bang, and then it is continuous explosion.

Several people under the night length cannot see the situation in the air, they can only see a red energy sphere that is rising.

The sound of the explosion has been lasted for a few minutes until the mistake of the last dragon icon exploded. The whole blood color energy has risen to thousands of meters, flew in the air to close the three-quarters of the people in the top of everyone. .

"Good!" Kakasi looked at the blood of the blood, his writing ribbling could see the constant explosion, there is an energy constant fluctuation!

This Bailong Blood Box is a trick that night long has just thoughtless, and its biggest feature is to integrate the strength of the whole body and the bars, and become a similar air gun attack.

And this kind of attack is superimposed, and the more critical is that the control of the night long wind is wonderful, and it is possible to accurately concentrate all energy within a certain range, without a waste of waste.

Of course, the energy of the vain of the March Dragon is too big, so the night grows can only bind them in the space of thousands of meters, this is already the limit.

The smaller the blood-colored energy ball, the more accurate the power of the power of the Balance of Balances.

Originally, the night-long wind is now in eight gates, the whole body Chakra and the power boiling explosion, it is very powerful.

Of course, the highest realm of Bailong Blood Punch is far from here. The highest realm is to concentrate the blood energy ball into the body of the attacker.

If it can achieve the level of compression, it can be said that the night-winding is also walking in the high level.

It is also a few minutes, in the Words of Kakasi, the explosion in the blood color energy ball is finally stopped, and the red light of the sky is also gradually becoming silent.

! At this time, a black unknown object in the sky fell quickly from the air, and then a unclear pothole in the ground.

"That is ... Yu Zhibo spheres?" Everyone dared to believe in their eyes, the nearly invincible Unexpected Boss was hit by night, and they were still bombed, and they didn't even see it. Clear?

"Call ... call!" At this time, the night length stopped in the air, and the mouth was also spit a few mouthfuls. The night length wind is also oozing and sweating, and the flame of his forehead boiling is an instant to evaporate.

Continuously swaying a hundred dragon icon, (ok) is also precise control, which consumes a lot of energy and physical strength.

And at this time, the night-catching bump is also substantially lifted, and the entire arms of the arm are torn.

Good in the eight-door state, Chakra in the night long body is very massive, the bloody Chakra is constantly repairing the arms of the night long wind.

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