The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1065 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Is it successful?" The guests were wiped to a smooth black, and they couldn't see the appearance of Unexpected Boss.

! At this time, this squatted epidermis cracked, and stood up.

"..." Everyone couldn't help but suck a cold, and then he couldn't help it back.

At this time, Yishibo spots are also a broken meat, and the blood is still flowing, and there are many white bones in many places.

Can only be described in the fierce, Yuxi Bumang original handsome appearance, now look full of broken meat, quite nausea ...

990 chapter, are you six?

"Cough! Cough!" Yu Zhiwa sparked with a fight, the breath actually gradually becomes smooth.

"Haha! You can't kill me, little ghost!" Yu Zhibo spheres have laughed in this situation.

Kakasi and the wave wind gardens are stunned. "This is not dead? This is too ... strong!"

Chakra, the ten tail of the Yisi Body, was just protecting the key to the body of Yuxi Boss [part], which maintained the life of Yuxi.

Otherwise, Bailong blood is enough to bomb the Yisi Bo tone into a slag, after all, people in the world, even if it is a legendary ninja Yuxi wave spot, its flesh strength seems to be Pu Tutong, even the tail Beast is better.

"Since the battle with the column, I haven't been hurtful, I almost killed this little ghost!" Yuxi spots were recovering with the speed visible to the naked eye. "This is the first time I have So painful, the little ghost, I want to thank you! "

The face of Yuxibo spots is already a bit crazy ...

"The Ten Tail is still still trouble, it seems to have to force the tail of his body to pull out!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

Although he is expected to live to Yishibo spheres, the night is not thinking that the Yizhi spread is so fast.

"Little ghost, can you continue? Is there anything more than a fight? Let me enjoy the fun of fighting!" Yuxi Bo-843-spots paired the night-long winds of the air.

"I cao, I really don't die, I am so mad?" When the night's eyes flashed a smell, this is not to be alone than yourself.

At this time, the arms of the night long have been completed. It is not possible for the average person for a long time. However, no problem with the night grows, in fact, the night grows still has no real show. The eight gates of the eight gates have been opened.

drop! At this time, the Naruto's eyes slowly opened, he heard the sound of dripping.

The awareness of Naruto came to the space filled with water, and he was floating on the water.

"Where is this? Is I dying?" Naruto a face.

"If you say something yourself, you have different points of death and my era, less (dbbd) year!" The old voice passed into the ears of the Naruto.

"Who?" Naruto hurriedly sat up, and the body that was incomparable to the weak seems to be returned.

"In this place, this is indeed a question, my name is got from your pioneer, I don't know if it is unanimous ... I am a person constituting the peace of order, named a feather!" Appeared in front of the Naruto Is a bright old man, talking is completely different from the style of today's nignet.

"Now I am coming to ask you, I have already understood the clues you are in that state!" The old man slowly.

"Sorry, the old, I ..." The Naruto was dripping a cold sweat.

"Really, this guy is talking about, it is difficult to understand than the long wind! It's really awkward!" The Naruto is secretly complained.

"So ..."

"Ah! The eyes!" "Naruto was shocked, pointed at the eyes of the old man," How can your eyes turn back to the eye! "

"It seems that you still have a certain eye! The rest is to let you understand your current situation!" The old man slowly said, "You haven't died, now it is just in your spirit!" I understand Your mood, but now you are in a hurry, so ... "

"How can this old man have a round look ... Will not be an enemy ..." The Naruto born alert heart, "But the words come back, he is talking about people, how is it so hard to understand!"

"Please let you say it again!" Naruto suddenly pulled his old man.

"We have a long-lived gap, experience a long time change, cultural traditions and concepts ... all have changed, every time I feel like this, I'm deeply feeling that the hugeness between each other is deeply affected. Difference ... "The old man does not understand that the Naruto can understand or understand, it is a burst of blow.

"Although you can learn from new culture and language ..." The old man is still talking.

The Narler smashed his mouth, and his face was impatient. Suddenly shouted, "Wow, you are not annoyed! I have no time to chat with you!"

"If the words are unknown, it will cause misunderstanding ..." The old man said a big pass, simply, the time has been too long, the old man can't keep up with the era, will not a new human language.

"You ... do you have any universe? It looks very majestic ..." Naruto a very embarrassment.

"You are too much, what is the universe! Where am I am like a universe!" The old man is somewhat unfold.

"Hey?" Naruto is a glimpse, "it is the best way to speak, just simply, this is OK!"

"Well ... Simple is a bit!" I nodded.

"Shoot ..." Naruto Changshu, "" finally can talk normal! "

"The words come back, the old, what are you? Where is you? Where is it? Can you tell me how to leave here?" The Naruto looked around. There is only water and one ignorant, and there is no.

"Don't take all the questions from all the questions ... I am dead for a long time, only Chakra is still in this world, cross the era, the future practitioners!" The old man slowly replied.

"My name, I have just said, my name is a feathers, it is the beginning of the role of the mountain ... also called the six cactors!" The people who were in the Naruto spirit consciousness are actually a famous six cactus.

"What? You are the six cactors that have a good color cactus and the long wind. Is the legendary immortal?" Naruto instantly rose big mouth ba, a unbelievable look.

"Hey? Do you know me?" The six immortals were slightly surprised.

"Of course I know, isn't you originally creating a sickness?" Naruto shouted.

"It's not tolerance, but I've been auspeted!" The six immortals launched the left hand, slap, the left hand condensed a tin cushion.

"My Ibee's purpose is to create hope, can't talk to the creation of war, I will talk to the war." The six immortals were obviously dissatisfied with the Naruto.

"Well ... If you are six cactors, I have a lot of questions to ask you!" Naruto voice did not fall.

Snapped! The six cactus hit the water in front of the water, the water waves spread, and spread to the feet of the Naruto.

"Well?" Naruto, looking at the water waves under the body, the corrugated is gradually showing a shadow.

This figure is obviously the shadow of the Naruto, but its appearance and the Naruto are somewhat different, and the dress is even more big.

991 chapter, transistor

"You are my son. Ashura ..." The six cactors have a deep voice, "In short, now all kinds of conditions have, I have something to pay you!"

"Ashura? Entrusted?" Naruto did not understand what the six cactors said, now he is eager to go out, see how the battlefield is.

"Don't say these inexplicable words, hurry to let me go out!" Naruto urgently.

"Sorry, for this matter, I can't do it ... Can you go out or look at you!" The six cactus repay, "I can do it only!"

"Your words are more and more, how can I go out this place!" Naruto is very distressed.

"No matter what, you are still in an urgent matter ..." The six cactors slowly, "So, you will listen to me, anyway, you can't go now!"

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