The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1066 of the Chapter 1066 of the Prince of Tennis

"Well ..." Naruto thought about it, and there was no way to refute six cactus. Now he doesn't know how to go out.

"I will talk about my mother and my son!" The six immortals saw that the Naruto was quiet, and they opened the story mode. "My mother's big tube Hui night is from the distant place to you here. It is the fruit of the god tree! "

"You have seen the god tree before you ... Many years ago, there was a Chakra fruit on the god tree. My mother had a strong force, and I got a powerful force, fixed this land!" Six Roads The immortal will be in the past.

"Where is the night? What is it better than the six cactors?" Naruto came to be interested.

"Wherever you come, this is not important ... The important thing is that my mother is very strong, it is strong than anyone!" The six immortals repayed it, "people called her God or ghosts, but also revered again. Is fear! "

"After this, my mother gave birth to two children, one of them is me!" The six immortals have fallen into memories.

In order to take a war, the Shenshu, who was taken to take a war, and the two of our brothers, in order to make up for the sins left by the mother, it is ten tail battle, and seals it in their own. In the body! "The six cactus continued.

"After, I also have my own children. I gave my brother to Dostolo, gave your brother to Ashura, and taught them to Izone! But they have a lot of differences, with my strong Chakra The inheritors of other genetic factors are completely different from other genetic factors! "

"Old, you can't understand, can you simply?" Naruto said.

"Simply, it is a good brother, Dhalo and the brother of the legs. Ashura ..." The six immortals directly.

"Refill after it? His father is a six cacto!" Naruto brow wrinkled, there is a familiar feeling.

"Don't say this, even if your parents are excellent ... The descendants will not inherit excellent power, I think you should understand, after all, you are also ..."

"Yeah, more less understanding, this is not a focus!" The Naruto is dissatisfied.

"Oh ... Naruto, you and Ashura are really like, acting almost the same!" The six immortals suddenly laughed.

"Yes?" Narler was shocked.

"The two of Dostalo and Ashura have embarrassed the road. Brother has a genius, which is known as genius, no matter what they do, he can do it. He knows Your own strength is different from others, it is special! "

"So, he realized that the power can turn everything possible!"

"And Ashura is just the opposite. If a person is doing, so he has to rely on his own efforts and others in order to get the same strength and others ... after he is in a hard cultivation, his Meat [body] Chakra power show the front of the front ... The power of my brother is right ... "

"And he realized that it was because of the help of everyone, he can have powerful power now, so he knows that you have to understand and love others ... Love can turn everything possible!" The six cacto looks solemnly, It can be seen from his tone.

He is more agreeable with the concept of Ashura.

"I spoke up new possibilities from my younger brother Ashura, so I scattered the tip of my body and gave them a name! I am convinced that this kind of truly is really power! "The six cactus slowly."

······ Flowers ······

"Well!" Naruto nodded, listening to Tianjin taste.

"So I started to guide Ashura and everyone as a protector, I used to think that Brother Dharo will help your brother, but ..." The six immortal words turned, "Due to Dotho did not agree ... Since then, the long dispute begins ... "

"My eyes are very clear to see Ashura's Chakra in you!" The six immortals looked at the Naruto suddenly.

"It turned out, this is said, that Sasuke is ..." Naruto browbowned, "Who is the return of the wind, he is stronger than us!"

"Look at your expression, you already know who the brother of Dharo's reincarnation is!" The six immortals pointed to the Naruto laughed.


"Is Sasuke!" Naruto nodded.

Hey, at this time, the surface of the sound of the sound begins to fluctuate, a huge figure appears in front of the front, it is an eight tail.

"Ah! It is an eight tail, how are you here?" Naruto shocked.

"It's a little bit of the little, pulling it in the body of the nine lama. In order to save you, now I have injected us into your body!" Eight tails.

"Ah, it is the long wind! How is the outside situation?" Naruto hurriedly asked.

! At this time, the figure of the nine tail is also in front of the two people. "There is no time to explain, the Naruto, go out, then the kid is a big battle!"

"Oh, you are coming!" Naruto shocked.

"The old man, the agreed time is coming, but things are expected to be very different, a teenager called the night, holding the entire situation!" The nine lama of the big voice.

"Yes, who is the reincarnation of the long-winding?" Naruto hurriedly asked, in fact, although the Naruto is not high, but feel that the night's long wind is different, because it is too obvious. .

"This is ..." The six cactors have been white beard, "I can't see it ..."

"Cut ... Are you not a cacto? You should know!" The Naruto is dissatisfied ...

992 chapter, space distortion

"Naruto, what do you want to do next? I want to know your true idea, for this battle, what kind of results you expect?" The six immortals did not pay attention to the minced, but the question.

"That ... I am really similar to you, but I am different from him, I am not anything else! I am the whirlpool of the village, I only know that I have my partner, and I Just want to guard them from harm, this is not! "Naruto is also a rare root.

Naruto's dream is to become the rigs of Wapan Village, becoming a big hero of the top sky, and now he is most want to do to guard the village he loved, and the favorite companion is not injured.

"Is that your answer ..." The six immortals appeared in the spiritual world of Sasuke.

That is to say, the six immortals appear in the spiritual world of Naruto and Sasuke, explained everything to the two, and asked the same problem.

"Yes!" Sasuke is also nodded.

"I used to give everything to the younger brother Ashura, I can't do it, my brother is the root of the disaster!" The six old man still have a self-knowledge, know all this is the biggest relationship with him. .

"Stretching [out] Your usual hand, this time, I will pass my strength to your body as the life of Dharo!" The six immortals said to Zuo.

"Now everything is entrusted to you, starting from now, Naruto and Sasuke ... What do you want to do and expect any results?" The six immortals have left a pile of rotten stalls, and another I have experienced the expression of your two ''.

Naruto and Sasuke, standing left and right [out] their own usual hand.

The six immortals are to let the cocuck float in the air, and the bunch of the hands of each of the respective and Sasuke and Naruto, the six immortals send the power of the two people to the body and Sasuke.

At this moment, the body of the Naruto and Sasuo shakes.

In the Night Great Breeze in the Nango World and Yuxi Boupeters, I feel that among the small world, Sasuke is recovering awareness.

On the right hand, the night length will be transferred to the small world. Night wind does not want anyone to know his biggest is also the last brand - the world of Xiaotong.

At the same time, the battlefield is still filled.

Kakasi and Akai and the wave gates will find the battle of Changshi and Yuxi Bouvet at all, and the only one is still fighting.

Because the vibration of the earth has not stopped from the beginning, and the explosion is continuous, and there is bloody and golden light, and the sky above the battlefield is illuminated.

"Call ... call !" In the state of the eight gates, the night lengthy wind has maintained fifteen minutes, and the breath is some disorders.

Although I opened the Buddha's gold, it is still soreness, and the muscles are also a painful feeling, and then repaired instantaneously by Chakra and then torn.

This kind of sour "feeling is true, but it is quite fragmented with the muscles of the night.

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