The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1067 of the Chapter 1067 of the Prince of Tennis

It is still the time when fighting, the fighting power of the night is the fastest growing.

At this time, the night long wind is still burning the blood color Chakra, and Yu Zhibo spots who are not far from him before him are all broken, and the corner is not stopped from ▉ There are also several can't be black, and it is quite wolf.

"Ha ha ha, playing well! Not bad, come again!" Yu Zhibo spheres are a very happy expression, and he has ten tail of Chakra power to the abnormal recovery ability, and there is a kind of vitality as a sparring The feeling of objects and toys.

This makes the night long, "MD, this intensity seems to kill this guy ..."

Call ... The night grows long vomiting a turbidity, then the whole body's blood color Chakra boil again, and this time is also a great momentum than before.

Boom! The air waves from Chakra with the night, the air waves, a layer of layers, and blow the surrounding smoke!

"what's happenin?"

"Is the long-wind little child burst?" Akai and Kakasi hands were in front of the eyes and blocked the gravel surrounded.

"Changfeng, what do you want to do?" Kakasi's written eyes stared at the night of the night, the eyes of his writing, the eight acupoints of the night, that is, eight Chakra in the door brings together into a line of injection into the right arm of the night.

Bang! The ground in the loud feet is in an instant, and the corrugation of the cracks is spreading in a thousand meters. The whole land is shaking!

The vain of the dragon icon behind the night is not only such as an entity, but the simple texture on their body is getting clearer.

This is the high-level hierarchical prototype of God-level skills, in fact, the power of the dragon icon is not the true power of the imaginators, and the dragon icon can also evolve.

But after you have to light up hundreds of millions of power, you may have to make the power of the dragon icon to produce new changes.

However, after the potential forces of the night-catching eight gates and almost gathered all the cells of all cells, the night length is forcibly improved the level of the dragon icon.

Of course, this is not evolving, but there is a prototype, but even if it is just a prototype, it is also several power before.

Night-catching winds have the power of the dragon icon for the power of the bone muscles to raise the dragon icon!

"This power, this powerful Chakra density, it is really bloody!" Lian Yuxi Bo pointed to the tremor in the momentum of the night-length wind.

This is not afraid, but excited, because Yu Zhibo spots feel that night long wind is more terrible than the multi-hand of the whole day.

"Well, small (get money Zhao) ghost! I admit your strength! I can force me to this extent ... I only have this little ghost!" Yu Zhibo spheres, "If you let you Growing for a while, I can really kill me, but now ... "

Yuxi Bo is not finished, and the night grows is already in a huge force, step by step.

At this time, the night length of the night has been reluctant to be relieved, in this state, the night long wind is suffering from the fire, and the whole body is like the trend pain.

This state, the body is strong, and the night is not supported.

"MD, this time Laozi see you have much harm!" The night's hands are engaged, the face is somewhat, his back is the dragon icon and the dragon.

The space begins to distort this moment, and the night grows only rushing, there is no punch!

PS: Watches in the morning, now start full of writing ~

993 chapter, can't die

"What? The space is distorted?" Yu Zhibo screamed his right eye, a unbelievable look, and his hinges in his hands were a magical curvature.

"Eat me ... Dragon Elephant Wave!" The right arm of the night is exaggerated several times, and he is behind the Dragon Elephant Immediately into the body of the night.

At this time, the upper half of the night-length wind is full of golden dragon icon, and his whole body is red and red, and the face is more somewhat.

The loud noise of the ghosts, the right fist of the night, in an instant, in the body of Yuxi.

Yuxi Bao is here to come. It is not an urgent mobile to dodging.

"It can't see it!" Yu Zhibo sprayed a blood, sprayed blood, evaporated in an instant before encountering the body of the night.

Hulah! Under the eyes of everyone, the night's fists tested to Yuxi Bouchet, instantly [slip] on the battlefield, moved to 100 meters away.

A deep ditch [Gully] appears on the land after two people slide [-107-].

! At this time, the bones of the night long windstar have been completely broken, and the Sui Zhibo spot is directly bossed by the nightstream.

!, is another two loud noise, the two-section body of Yizhibo spheres each hit the bottom of the gods of the fire, and smashed two big pits.

The exaggerated vibration and four-week air distortion allows Kakasi and Akai and others directly fall down, and huge gravel is dancing.

At the same time that the waves spread around, the ground under the night length is also extremely exaggerated, and the whole gravel storm is swept to everyone on the battlefield.

"No!" The wave of the waves flashed in Kakasi's figure with flying thunder, and Akai left and right shoulders, each squatting and Sasuk jumped between the gravel, it was hard to scatter This attack.

"A stinky boy, you have a range of attacks and say it!" Akai was surprised.

"Is this the true strength of the long wind?" Kasi was stunned, he hoped to the direction of the god, he was looking for the trail of Yuxi Bo, "Successful defeat?"

Snapped! The night is very reluctant, and the right arm is unable to fall, and it can't be lifted in a short time.

Yisi spots are much more miserable than night, and the whole person is completely separated, and the middle part of the middle has already been hidden by the night.

Yu Zhiwa's blindfolded blood, and his chest is also a part of the heart, it is not a red blood but also a black liquid [body], but also a can't smoke.

In fact, the boxing of the night's good wind is in an instant, the internal organs of the Yisi Boss whole body have a coke, and the Yuxi Boss should be killed in an instant.

However, the vast Ten Tie Clark in his body saved his life, of course, this kind of Unexpected spot could not be recovered easily.

"The vicious little ghost ..." At this time, the black sphere is only returned to the top of Yuxi Boss, which means that the black sphere is also the yin and yang that does not respond to the attack on the night.

Because it is too fast, even space is twisted by night length.

"Out!" Yu Zhibo's left arm is already, I don't know where to be in the night, or I am rooted at all.

Yuxi Bouvelle is very reluctant to raise the right arm on the ground, "Tong ... Ling ...!"

! Yishibo suddenly emerged a figure, it was white, and it was prepared to be a fellowship.

There is no consciousness!

Yuxi Boupeng manipulated his head in front of himself, and then made the white body attached to himself.

White fails to become a white liquid (DBCH) [body], fix the two and semi-embedded body of Yuxi Boss, and Yisi Bouchet also uses the ten tail of Chakraga to re-furnished body Generate your own internal organs and left arms.

After completing the whole fit, Yu Zhibo spheres slowly stood up, double boxing gripped, power back to Yisibo spots again.

Yisi Bou Pone is leaned by Ten Takira and fits in a preparation in advance, escaping in the dead.

"Hehe ... It's a pity, the little ghost! It's really being killed by you. Fortunately, I am ready to prepare ..." Yuxibo spheres were blown to shaped their new body.

At this time, Cardi and the attention of the Akai and others are on the night of the night.

"Changfeng, you are fine?" Kakasi asked urgently, he knew that one's hit should be the strongest hit at night.

However, after the eight gates ... Waiting for night long winds will die!

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