The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1068 of the Chapter 1068 of Tennis Prince

"Fortunately!" The night is swaying, and the power of eight gall is lost from the vital body.

Keeping nearly 20 minutes of eight door unknown, night lengthy winds have arrived at the limit.

"Don't worry, I can't die!" Night is long and laughs.

"After opening the dead door, can you still survive?" Akai was shocked to watch the night long, at this time, although the full body of the whole body, Chakra has already [faded], breathing is a bit disorder, but also Just that this, there is no feeling of dry light.

Kasi, who is familiar with the night, is still the first time, seeing such weak and pale night wind.

"You go to find a situation of Sui Zhihua, I have to restore!" The night's long wind turned to everyone, and then the legs were directly sitting directly.

bass! Night long winds have once again lit Jinguang, and the hundreds of Buddha statues slowly launched behind the night, and the night should start their own in vivo. At the same time, the breathing of the night long is gradually stable.

"Call!" Kakasi saw that the night's wind did not have too much problem, and he was relieved.

"Well! We still go to see the situation of Yuxi spots!" The wave of the waves showed the bitterness of the flying thunder marks.

At the same time, the wave wind door also left the imprint of the flying thunder in the night, so that there is any way to use the flying thunder.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉ s damage.

"How is this possible?" The three are widened, and the power of Unexpected Boss is much more than their imagination.

"Hey ... That little ghost?" Yu Zhibo walked coldly asked with three people in front of him.

994 chapter, Naruto resurrection!

"Such a good opponent, I have to send him to the road!" Yu Zhiwei's painted, slamming from the beginning, the anger in Yishibo breasts is imagined.

Of course, Kakasi three is of course closed, now the night is still recovering, if the Yuxi Bo sphere knows that the night grows in a place where the wind is not far away, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Don't you say it?" Yu Zhibo frowned wrinkled, "Let's die!"

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉ Flying behind the three black spheres behind, suddenly become sharp cone, from Kakasi and the waves.

Bang! At this time, a shadow-like flash is blocked in front of Kakashi and other three, and the three black spheres, one one kick, and the electro-optic stone hits UI Zhibo spots.

!! ~ ▉ ,,,,,..,,.,,,,.,,..... . .

"What? Do you actually kicked the jade?" Yu Zhibo spheres, come and actually be a whirlpool!

It seems that the Naruto is already completely recovered!

"Naruto!" The three people in the waves are more shocked.

"Dad, Caassi teacher, strong eyebrow teacher ... There is no time to explain now, and then say it again!" Naruto turned.

"Changfeng, where is it? Is it ..."

"No! The long-wind kid just watched with the Yuxi Board, now still recovering!" Akai Turkey.

"Very good!" Naruto was right in the right box, and he hit his own left hand. "Now I am coming!"

"Swirl ... Naruto!" Yu Zhibo walked coldly, "actually did not die, is it just that Chakra rescued by the kiss of the night, ... No! It seems to be some before The same! "

Yuxi Bouva sniffed the Naruto and before it appeared.

"You are right! Even my own feelings are incredible! Now, I feel that I can do anything!" The Naruto was confidently looked at Yishibo spots.

"Hey! It becomes like the kids of the night!" Yu Zhibo spheres browned.

Bang! At this time, the Naruto suddenly slammed.

"Go!" Yu Zhibo sphere waved, letting the black ball behind him into a steel thorn, shot to the nun.

! The Naruto is in the hands of the same, and the steel thorns in the hands and then threw it back to Yishibo spots.

Yisi Boupeters will be across the sump in the chest, but!! ~ Steel thorns are blocked by Unexpected Boss, and the Naruto rushed to the front of Yuxi.

! The Naruto wilyered and flew out the Su Zhibo spotted.

Bang! Yuxi Bao spheres hit his rock wall behind him, and the rock wall instantly covered the corrugation of cracks.

"Even the strength is also enhanced!" Yu Zhiwu frowned crumpled, and he felt that his body control did not have a smooth.

Although he uses white to share his body, it is actually a big harm to Yishibo spheres, that is, saying that Yizhi Boufei has not fully recovered.

At this time, the Naruto raised the right hand, and his right hand palm had a round sun sign exuded with light.

"What is that?" Yuxi wave is large, the Naruto is indeed very different.

Call ~ ▉ ~ ▉ raised up the right hand starting to bring a stiff overview of Chakra, surrounded by red flames kept rotating, the Naruto is like a top star in the top.

Bang! Everything around the people, the spin of the ball of Chakra, and the Narker's ball is still growing up.

"Immortal · Super Giant Spiral Pills Hands in Hand!" Naruto buddy and showed the huge chakra after the top of Chakra.

"Worse!" Yu Zhibo spheres have great threats in an instant, "Tombs in the prison!"

Yuxi Bao spots out of the war life, the red light flashed around the Naruto.

The Naruto actually escaped the invisible hit of Yuxioba.

"Ni! He actually avoided the tomb !! Did not flash the kid, the kid did not flash, was shocked by the Naruto?" Yu Zhibo's eyes were shocked.

Naruto is at all, but he just feels malicious, and then escaping the red light attack.

"Drink!" The Naruto threw the huge rotation of Chakra in the top to Yisibo spots in front of it.

The distance is so close, Yuxi Bao is still coming, it is not in a hurry, and the sword is hit by the spiral pills!

··· ▉ ▉ ···

"Good!" The Narler called.

"Ah!" Yu Zhibo spokes were screaming, and the survey layers around them were scattered, and the god trees in the fire in the world were swaying in different shakes.

"Open it!" Naruto hands horizontally in the chest.

Bang! The super-huge spiral pill hand sword explosions in this moment, and a flaming red energy is spread around a circle.

Yuxibo spheres were grown into the ground, and the huge god tree actually was cut off for the first explosion of the Naruto.

boom! The huge main dry of the god tree is slowly inclined, and it is slowly falling.

"What? The god tree is cut!" Carti and others are also surprised.


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