The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1069 of the Chapter 1069 of the Prince of Tennis

"It turned out to be so strong, but also gave the god tree ..." Yu Zhibo spheres were also bombarded by this, although the attack strength of the Naruto was very far more than a punch before the night.

However, in the case where the Unexpected Boss Status is not recovered, it is still huge damage to Yuxi Budoid.

"Is this a mung?" Akai is already stupid, "When did the Narler become so powerful?"

! The Ten Takikra in Yuxi Body once again saved him again, this time the injury is not too heavy, Yishibo spheres directly turn over, fly directly, hehe! despair! Yuxi Boupeng came to the side of the god tree that was falling, and his hands on the god tree.

! At this moment, the god tree disappeared in front of everyone.

"The tree disappears?" Kakasi and others are all glimpse.

And the other is not far away, a figure is still slowly standing, his palm is a sign of a round of men.

"It turns out ... I turned out the whole of the god tree ... Hahaha!" When the Sui Zhibo sphere flying in the air is actually laughing, "I will integrate everything into one time!"

"Son, are you nothing?" The wave of the water gates came to the Naruto.

"Of course!" Naruto turned his smile, and took a bitter bitter bite in the warities, "Now my state is also unprecedented!"

Naruto looked up at Uti Boss flying in the air, "I want to knock over you!"

995 chapter, cooperative battle

"I really got new power from the fairy old, and I can feel very clear ... The old power of the fairy!" The Naruto muttered.

"Only by you can't be knocked down, even if the kid, the kid is not dead, let alone are you!" Yu Zhibo's cold looked at the Naruto under the body. "I can say it now is perfect. I got eternal life! "

"Stupid, I didn't say that I want someone to knock you!" Naruto pushed the leaves on the head.

"Well?" Yu Zhibo pointed.

! A shadow appeared to Naruto, turned out to be a help!

At the same time, the shape of the nunman is also changing in an instant. He is neglected again, and the opposite black underwear is in the outer body.

In addition, the "four or three" after the people have also emerged with Yuxibo spheres, and there is a nine black spheres, which is to seek jade, and his hands hold two black batons.

At this time, there is also a change in the Sakuo around the Naruto, which changes in his left eye.

At this time, the left eye of Sasuke was turned on, and six hooks were turning, and it was the six hook jade.

"Hey!" Yu Zhibo screamed two people under the body, "a six-way Xianli, another opened a turn back to the eye ... However, I also have these two powers!"

Yuxi spots suddenly made a hands, "Come, let me see if you are more than night, the kid is strong, use your strength and I am trying! Who is the strongest of this world, Speak with strength! "

Instant printing, Yuxi wave spheres, then it is the next exhibition, "Xianfa Yin Ray!"

~ ▉

bass! At this time, the Naruto smashed the black bat stick in this hand and threw it to the air light!

! Slim the lightning of the Naruto blocked by black.

On the other side, it is the hook jade in the left eye, and his figure instantly disappears in the original place, escaping the flash attack.

"Well? Is it to escape?" Yu Zhiwu screamed, at this time, the nunman's figure instantly jumped the top of the Yuxi Bouvelle.

"Drink!" Naruto hands held a black long stick with violent momentum to cut the head of Yizhibo spheres!

"Tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb!" Yu Zhibo spots, red light is a flash.

"What is that?" Sasuke's reincarnation saw the faint figure.

! And the attack of Naruto is invisible to the power.

"Is this this, what is it?" Naruto can feel malicious, but there is no way to capture the intangible attack of Yuxibo spots with his eyes.

"Immortal · !" Yuxi Baozhu BA drum, and then emit light from the mouth and shot into the nunpeak.

boom! The Naruto blocked the long stick in his hands and blocked the lightning shot. At the same time, the Naruto felt a evil intention to swim, "it's coming, that thing came over!"

"Where!" Sasukes standing in the two people pulled out the long sword of the waist, shot to the void of the Naruto.

boom! The long sword passed by the Naruto, and did not happen anything.

"Well? I didn't hit it?" Sasuke was shocked. He clearly saw something around the Naruto, but he could not hit.

Bang! At this time, it was a flash of red, and the face of the Naruto was instantly hit, and the body flew down.

!! ~ ▉▉ On the ground, the Naruto is on the ground [slip] more than ten meters, it barely stabilizes the shape.

"I can evil! What is something!" Naruto brow wrinkled, turned to see Sasuke, "Sasuke, the thing seems to go to you, your eyes have you seen something?"

"Is it? I can see him very clearly! He is in a mess!" Sasuke replied.

"These two kids ... I really have seen my tomb!" Yuxi wave is sinking.

"This is ... another spot?" Sasuke's reincarnation clearly saw another figure behind the blind, and its appearance was exactly the same as Yuxi.

"When the round is open, I started to see something that I can't see. There is a nun ... I can't see it, but I can feel it!" Yu Zhibo splamed the two of them, vigilant Sexual rise.

"Naruto, our physical attack is no effect on the other!" Sasukes!

"Yeah!" Naruto also felt that the invisible spot could not hit.

"According to the common system, they are unable to perceive and see, of course, I can't observe me in the invisible world tomb ... they have to suddenly rise, get it. Such a powerful force? "Yuxi spots left open, black liquid [body] condensed into a black long Qiang in his hand.

"The little ghost named Yu Zhibo is actually opened the round look ... Isn't he stocked with me?" Yu Zhibo spots in an instant in the air.

"In this case, let me take the round of his turn to the eyes to use it!" Yuxioba's body-shaped shot is saving.

bass! At this time, the left eye of Sasuke!

! A long sword appeared in the void, tatted into the chest of Yuxi Boss, and it was actually moving the position of the long sword in an instant.

"This is ... Is that the left eye angry?" Yu Zhibo spheres browned.

Shasha ~ At this time, Saso helps to the Naruto.

In the eyes of Sasuke, the Yuxi Bozhu wiped chest in the world of the Tomb world wiped a long sword, and the real world's splators were hurt.

"The hurt of the right wrist ... Is it 3.6 before the attack?" Sasuo, the brain, "It turns out!"

"Spot ... Your shadow is going back to your body every other time, is it?" Sasuke suddenly swearing.

"Naruto, if the guy's shadow appears, you will get it, I will deal with guys in front of you ..." Sasuke turned to the Naruto.

"Good!" Naruto nodded, "But I still don't like you ordered by you before!"

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