The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1070 of the Chapter 1070 of the Prince of Tennis

"Listen to me, listen! Listen! Now, the opportunity is coming, the shadow will overlap together in a short time! What kind of moving can be, ready to attack the next time, it is best to seal him. The operation! "Sasuke continued.

Snapped! The Naruto looks, put the black long stick in the hands in front of the floor, "no problem! Give it to me!"

996 chapter, my god tree?

"This kid is very sensitive, the ability to judge is good, and the hook jade is also straight to the jade. If it is born than the earth, it will take this kid ..." Yu Zhiwa is cold and cold.

"No! There is now today, these are not important! Now these two devils are no longer the previous little ghost, and I have a long-lasting little girl is still dead ... I have to stay for the boy. ... "Yu Zhibo spheres are calm down at this time.

There is no violent in the time of the night and the night's fight, it is mainly in the night, and it is certainly cold.

"Always still use both eyes as soon as possible!" Yuxi spots pulled out the long sword of the chest.

At this time, the Naruto's right hand started, "Look at my new move, the fairy, magnetic spiral pills!"

At this time, the namgist's right hand is a yellow-brown Chakra sphere, and there is a purple ripple of a tail guard. When the Naruto has obtained the power of the six way, it can use the power of the major tail beasts.

"I also come! 31" Sasuke's left hand, the black lightning is shining.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ..

At this time, Sasuke and the Naruto scattered one right speed, and rushed to the sides of Yuxi.

"Naruto, hit your direction in my direction, so power will increase!" Saso helps to drink.

"Although I listen to your order is a bit uncomfortable, there is no time to hesitate!" Naruto and Sasuild almost simultaneously flashed in Yuxi Bao.

The two people play the fairy in their hands separately!

! Sasuke's lightning and Naruto's Chakra's ball, while bombarding Unexpectedly.

bass! At this time, the figure of Yuxibo sphere suddenly rose to the sky.

"Have him hide?" Naruto was shocked.

"Actually use the shadow to replace your body?" Sasuke's round-eye saw clearly saw that Yuxi Bouvet had just replaced the body with a shadow.

"Where!" Naruto found Unecho spheres flying to the right rear.

"Sasuke, let me stop this shadow, you will chase your body!" Naruto is a bit anxious, because the spots are approaching Carti, cavas.

"So far distance, his ability to look back in the eyes should not play out!" Yuxi Bao took a look at it, "Although it is still unconfirming his ability to look back, I am almost guess. ! "

"Carti teacher, it is scattered!" Naruto screamed.

At this time, Kakasi's figure was in an instant, and he was directly grabbed by Yuxi Bouvelle.

Snapped! Yisi Bouchers took the grounds of the ground, and slammed their eyes directly into their own left eye.

"Very good!" When Su Zhiwu turned back, Sasuke was already behind him, and Sasuke was almost moved to Yishibo spheres in an instant, but it was still a late step.

"Little ghost, your speed is really fast!" While Yishibo spheres turned, the body was punched into two cuts in the same moment.

! At this time, the left eye of Yuxi Bouf showed a vortex, his upper body was instantly suiled into the whirlpool to the Sky.

"It's evil!" Sasuke frowned.

At this point, in order to avoid the soil spots to snatch his eyes, he is hiding in the Shenwei space, he is trying to destroy his left eye in his left eye.

But his black has been stopping him, and the two have fallen into a stalemate, and the ultimate soil still accounts for the wind, he is going to ruin his left eye.

"Hey ... that is not your eyes!" Yu Zhibo spots after entering the Shenwei space, one will bring the soil, "Now I have to retrieve my left eye!"

Naruto world.

At this time, a gold body that is like a Buddha statue is sitting, it is a slow standing, which is the night.

At this point, the right arm that has broken the night is already completely repaired by Chakra, and it has become more robust than before.

Just now, the night's wind will be a small heaven and earth, and the capacity accumulated in this year has been injected into their own body.

Nowadays, the god trees in the small world have become similar to the original look, bare, angry and golden light are also very weak.

Originally, you don't need the energy of God, you can restore it by your own cultivation, but it is clear that night long wind doesn't have so much time to restore your body.

Moreover, the great war has made the night-lived gods in the prison and the Buddha's gold, and he needs energy to enhance himself.

Therefore, the night grows simply injects the excess energy in the year of the Shenshu in the year.

This energy is not only fine and the density and quality are extremely high, almost instantly repair the night long body body.

And after this time, the night-long wind is on impact to light more particles and broken their own Buddha statues.

Just now, the night-hearted wind finally looked back a particulate in the body.

At this point, nine shiny particles are spread in all areas of the night, nine fine particles, that is, the night's wind now has the power of the nine dragon icon.

The more particles are lit, and the difficulty of lighting and activation 533 will become higher and higher, so night long winds have almost exhausted half of the annual energy of God trees to activate the ninth particles.

But all this is worth it, and the lighting particles are increased, and the power is completely different, not a plus simple.

In particular, the light-lit particles arrived after a certain amount, and nine is a critical value. Once the nine particles are lit, the night growing is equivalent to the minimum level of the idiots.

Along with the new ability, a new ability to make the night's ability to sweep the world's ability.

In addition, the energy of the year of the god tree is used by night longitudinality, and there is no substantial change in the golden body, but the vain behind it is much more condensed than before. That is to say.

The flesh of the night, the strength of the flesh is again improved, and the attack and defense have risen at the same time, and the power is even more selfless.

"Well?" When the night's slow, Zhang opened his eyes, it turned out to be immediately yet, "I am going ... Laozi's gods?"

Night-length wind is originally a high [shrug] of the god tree, but now is a bare empty.

"MD, this is what I want, where is it?" Night wind now has some regrets before it will take the god tree directly ...

997 chapter, the seventh class

After the lifting wind got up, several breaths came to the foot of the original Nango World God, and found that Naruto and Sasuke were already awake, and the shape changed.

"There are nine asked jade behind the Naruto, and Sasuke also opened the back eye? What is going on?" Night is a little confused.

Then, the night long wind thought that the Naruto woke up and needs a short period of time, and the injury is also very serious, and it is impossible to recover in a short time.

But now the two are completely recovered, but the strength is great, which makes the night grows a bit surprised.

"Well ... It seems that it is from somewhere or someone!" I thought in the night.

At this time, the Naruto is inserted with a black bowl in the surrounding ground.

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