The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1071 of the Chapter 1071 of the Prince of Tennis

"Okay, this is okay! He has not moved!" Naruto is in the whisper of the spotted wheel tomb.

"What is going on? Carti teacher, you hurt?" The night's wind flashed to Kasi's side.

"Night long wind!" Sasuo looked at the night's long wind, obviously found that the state of the night's wind is not the same.

"Changfeng, you are coming, have you recovered?" Naruto made a branch of his spots, the body is also a flashes to Kakasi.

"There is no time to explain, Carti teacher's written eye?" Night lives looked at Kakasi, and asked in the left eye offeeding blood.

"It was taken away!" Sasuo helped the sound, and then turned his head. "How is the guy?"

"Use the shadow and the six sticks to firmly fix it, he should not move!" Naruto replied.

"That is to say, it has been to the left eye in the Shenwei space!" The night is very frowning.

"Forget it, now there is no way to put the ground, we can't get the space of the Shenwei, have been blocked from the way!" The night's long wind turned to the two people, "or fix Carti teacher first. Eyes! "

"Good! Let me come!" Naruto grabbed the night's wind.

"Well? Do you have a way?" The night is very windy.

"Hey, long wind! I can be different from before, I got a new force in the six cactors!" Naruto smiled and stretched out [out] stressed with a round-day palm.

"Six cactors? That is to say, Naruto and Sasuke have achieved strength from the six cactors! It turns out that!"

"Naruto, you?" Cardi is also shocked.

The right hand palm of the Naruto is already on the left eye of Kakasi.

The night-long style feels that the sound of the Naruto is emitted in the hands of a regeneration!

"Well, Carti teacher, you can open your eyes!" After about two seconds, the Narley recovered his right hand.

Kakasi slowly opened his left eye, left, and it was a magical recovery of the same eyes as the right eye.

"Yes! Although it is not written, it seems to have a good eye, very fits!" The night long wind climbed the eyes of Kakasi, "Naruto, how did you do?"

"That ... it is difficult to explain it with language, it is part of the body of Carti teacher, and then this is ..." Naruto is trying to explain, but this is limited.

"It seems that the regeneration of six cactors!" Guess the road in the night.

"Well, my eyes are restored! Now it is the problem of solving the spot!" Kakasi Zhengqi, "Just as the long wind, the space of the belt, want him to come again, ▉ ▉ ! "

"Yeah!" Naruto and Sasuke frowned.

"Is this not better?" The night is suddenly a sudden.

"What do you say, the long wind?" The three are all.

"This time I have to play the heart!" Night long winds said that there is a absolute confidence in the current strength, the night long is absolutely confident, even if the spot has two rounds, there is no night long wind. In the eyes.

"This ..." Kakasi, laughed, "This stinky boy ... will always be this character!"

"Haha! Yes, I will not lose!" Naruto was shouting.

"I am, I am going to rely on me!" Sasuke is a cold channel.

"It's just like before!" Kakasi can't help but fall into memories, the three people in the seventh class in the seventh class of Wumi Village came all the way, and the strength is a geometry, but this personality has nothing to change.

"When the words come back, where is the god trees run?" The night grew fell to the air, asked the battlefield, he was still more concerned about this problem.

··· ▉ ▉ · ·····

"Ah ... you said that big tree, I was cut off!" Naruto replied.

"The god tree did not resist?" The night is very windy.

"Yeah, I used super spiral pills to cut the sword directly!" Naruto said some.

"I am going ~ ▉ is easy, I know that I will take him in a small world before!" The night grew, the more you regret it, and now the energy of the Shentian, the energy of the gods, has been absorbed by the night, urgent need new strength. .

"The god tree trunk after cutting it?" Asked the night long.

"It seems to be bothered into the body!" Sasuke added.

"Inhaled in the body?" Night wind wants to marry, "this is good, it seems that it can get the source of this native world!"

...... [.......? ..

At this time, in front of the four, a whirlpool in the void suddenly appeared, and then the continuous rotation.

"It's coming!" The four people look horrified with the swirls in front of them.

The first thing appeared in front of everyone is the land of the black, and then the figure of Yuxibo spheres is also displayed.

"Oh, you are also here!" Yuxi Bao is cold and cold, and the eyes of the eyes shine in both eyes.

"Spot ... Sure enough, it's a look!" Kakasi looked at Unexpell in front of him, then looked at the belt on the side, "with soil!"

"Unfortunately, the land is not there, his body is now owned to me!" The land opening is a dark voice, it seems that it is completely black to control the body.

"Tony said nonsense, Laozi wants to see how many bulls are better!" The night's feet turned, and the golden light of the whole body began to shine.

"It's so bright!" Everyone was clospersing his eyes, the golden light of the full body of the night, which was more dazzling than before, it was simply bright eyes.

"Well? What is much better than the previous pressure?" Yuxi Bo pointed to the eyes, and he did not think that the night's wind was behind eight gallows, but did not die, but the strength rose.

"There is too much secret on this kid!" Yu Zhibo hot eyebrows ...

PS: The computer is broken, I didn't get it in the morning, depressed ...

998 chapter, open eyes

! When the night is growing, the earth is turned off, and it is instantaneous, and the ground under his feet instantly cracks, spreads hundreds of meters.

"Wait ..." The voice of Naruto did not fall, and the night long has appeared in front of Yuxi.

"The arrogant little ghost!" Yu Zhiwu is cold, and the black bowl in the hands stabbed in the chest of the night.

Snapped! The left hand of the night long-lasting flavor is at all, and the long stick in the hand of Yisi Board is broken in an instant.

! The right arm is in the back, and the wind is right in the right hand. It is shining directly to Yishibo spots. A series of speeds are extremely fast, and ordinary people will reflect.

At this time, Ni Zhibo had a few red light.

The night's fist is bombarded on an invisible figure, and there is no hit Yuxi Bouvet.

!! ~ ▉ is affected by intangible shadow, night "two seven seven" long wind arms continuously swayed, the boxing flooded to the weeks.

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