The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1072 of the Chapter 1072 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

The explosion sounds, the surrounding air is compressed by the night's fists, and the Yuxi spots are actually no injury, invisible things for the spotted rural attack.

Turning around and returning to the Naruto and Sasuke, the night length wind is slightly frowning, and the attack is the same as the attack by Unexpectedrabi spots, and the invisible attack seems to be more.

"Changfeng, you, etc.! There is a shadow, only the round eyes of Sasuke!" Naruto urgently.

"It turned out, I just attracted the attention of his shadow, causing nine tail beasts to pull into the magic of the outer road!" The night is cold and cold, "" And it seems that his number of shadows is increasing! It seems to be because of the relationship between two rounds! "

"Yes! I have seen that the number of shadows of the shadow has increased to four! You just hit the three people!" Sasuke added to the side.

At this time, in the back of the Sasuke, the night-long winds just swayed, and the space around the surrounding space was harmful to the three shadows of Yuxi bastions, but it seems that there is not much problem with the shadow.

Now there are two shadows before and after the spot, that is, four shadow guards in Unexpectedly.

"Hey! Yu Xing show is over, I don't want to play with you!" Yu Zhihu suddenly flew to the sky, the right arm was in the right palm.

On the palm of Yuxibo sphere, a black sphere is gathered, the spheres of this spheres, the sky is black, and the sky is in the top of everyone.

"What do he want?" Kakasi was shocked.

"Is this?" Night wind seems to have seen this black ball.

"Bulk Star!" Yu Zhibo walked coldly looking at the four people under, and then his hands instantly.

Bang! The ground of the entire battlefield is dramatically shaking, huge stone and gravel freely flew over the sky.

"MD, really is the surgery!" Night long winds are of course familiar with this pop-ups, to know when he fights before and long, it is almost in this place.

boom! boom! boom! The ground shaking is dramatically, while the rock spheres on the sky are getting more and more.

"This is six ... The power is it? It is not the long wind. Do you have used the ultimate trick to the long door I have said?" Naruto looked up at the sky on the sky.

"Yes! And more than the strongest in the long door, there is more, the quantity is more! It is now a lot of six ways!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

"Your attention should not be on the top, his shadow is still here!" Sasu helps the attention of this time on the shadow of Yuxi.

"Hey ... Enjoy this stone rain!" Yu Zhibao looked at the few people under his body and suddenly waved.

bass! bass! bass! The huge shadowing day of the rock ball is dropped to the night long, and there are dozens of quantities, which is a meteor shower.

Although the rock ball of this poppity is not as big as the meteorite called before Yuxi Waffle, the number is much more, so it seems more amazing.

"The shadow is coming!" Sasuke alert to a reminder.

"The stone is given to me, you have deal with the shadow!" Night long winds.

"Good!" Naruto and Sasuke nodded at the same time, and the night grew is the next show, then the ball is in the rock.

!! ~ ▉ This time, the Naruto and Sasu help the shadow of the began and the shadow of Yizhibo spots on an eye.

"Sasuo!" Sasuke opened the attack on the shadow of the shadow at this time, and the Naruto was waving the six-way bodes who gathered again to attack the shadow of Yisihu.

"Changfeng, be careful!" Kakasi looked up at the night length of the rock to cover the sky, now the battle of this level, is not known as the S-class Ninja Kka Western can participate.

He can only send himself to the most important time when he is the most critical, and this, Kakasi is the most expected for night growth, because the night's long wind has never disappointed.

This time is no exception!

The night's hands suddenly suddenly, at this time, Chakra in his body was boiled again, and the whole body burned the golden flame.

"God Luo Tian!" Night Great Fenghui, Chakra, Hand, "Let me stop!"

At the time, it is hidden from the golden light of Jinguang. It is open in front of the night lengthy wind. If the comet is generally dropped, ten huge rocks are actually stopped in the air.

"Come!" The two hands of the night's long-winding slowly, with this, the rock ball in the sky is constantly gathering!

"It's so exaggerated!" Akai, which is not far away, and the night is actually forciting to bring all the rock balls together, then rise into a giant sphere, at least hundreds of meters diameter. .

"Betting!" Naruto and Sasuke were still in the shadow of Yuxibo spheres 5.7, and the night-catching wind was continuously compressed with huge rock ball.

At this time, Yu Zhibo sphere is, the higher the flying, and it has also used his hand to pull his horns in his head, and the bloody moon is behind him.

In the empty, the Yuxi Bouvet closed his eyes.

"According to the record on the Yuxi Poshi stone monument, it has a round of angry. When it is close to the moon, it will enable the eyes of infinite dreams. It will open the eyes, and it is reflected in the moon!" Yu Zhibo spheres in the heart of Mi Zhibi stone monument The legend of the record.

At this time, the Yuxi Bottary head was slowly formed in the center, which is like a closed eye.

And this eyes can be said to be the third eye of Yuxi Boss, slowly open!

It is a bright red moon!

999 chapter, unlimited month reading

The right hand is instantly printed, and Yu Zhibo spots slowly opened his eyes, "Let's enjoy it!"

"No!" The night long wind looked up at the sun of the head. At this time, the blood red moon was reflected in nine hooks, and Yu Zhibo spheres were successfully projected on the moon.

The night long wind has attracted attention by the falling rain, and did not pay attention to the actions of Yuxi.

! On the other side, the five shadows have been fighting with mysterious masks for a long time. Suddenly, the ground between the battlefield began to shake it unprecedented.

"What?" At this time, all the people of the Five Shadow and Ninja coalition were surprised.

"What happened?" Soil old man in the air is also very shocking, and his ground shake is very exaggerated.

"I finally started ... I should also retreat!" Mask male cooler.

!! ~ ▉ At this time, the ground shake is even more intense, and the Ninja, the Ninja, the Ninja, is standing unstable and straight.

"What is going on?" Lei Ying 31 turned to the head.

"The four o'clock direction, there is a huge meteorite!" Ninja, Yunyin Village pointed to the huge rock ball on the sky.

"so big!"

"Wow! The vibration is still going on, everyone pays attention to the defense!" The first brigade of the Ninja Joint Army said.

"What happened to the battlefield there?" Ding is also a surprise.

"That big tree disappeared, the night length and Naruto and Sasuke did not come back, and there is a big thing to grow there!" Deer Pill Analysis, "and I am afraid nothing!"

"Wang Wang Wang!" The dog-teating of the dog is not stopped in the sky.

"What?" Dogs looked up and suddenly stayed.

"You look, the moon has changed!" The dog is called.

"This is ..." The master looked up at the moon in the sky.

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