The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1073 of the Chapter 1073 of the Prince of Tennis

The bright red moon is called the jade of the moon!

"Don't you say ..." The five shadows are surprised, "I'm not good!"

The lens is turned back to the battlefield of the night growing.

"Also give you!" The night long-lived biren backward, and then waved forward.

Bang! The huge rock ball in the sky is thrown into Yuxi Boss in the night long-term power.

"Useless! Little ghost! It won!" Yuxi Bao is a bit , "Now! Integrate!"

After the Sui Zhibo spheres, the huge rock ball actually broke into a slag before Yuxi Bo, and immediately dropped directly, the sky was down on the sky.

At the same time, there is a huge vane slowly in the back of the Yuxi spots, which is a shadow of a white hair.

The woman's eyebrow is actually a month, exudes a strange red light, and the red light is full of big land.

Next moment, the whole world is quiet. Everyone's eyes are all reflected in the back of the back, a face.

"Hey ... What happened?" The thousand hands looked up at the top of the top of the top. "The eyes are ... Is it a successful way to success?"

The entire nature world, whether ninja or ordinary people, or even animal eyes are reflected in the eye, the original world is completely quiet at this moment.

"This light can reach anywhere to penetrate any occlusion, no matter how it can't be avoided, and ..." Yu Zhibo spheres suddenly changed the cleaning method again.

"God, tree is gone!" Yu Zhibo spheres.

Bang! For a while, the entire earth is constantly growing huge trees, the branches of the tree trunks [out] will hold all the people including the battlefield and the five shadows.

"Can't move ..." The awareness of the agency is also gradually blurred.

"MD! Spotted this old fox!" Night long wind brow wrinkled, ", but it doesn't matter, it's the same after you hit the premium."

At this time, the Naruto was taken to help the handles of the Krabi, and the Naruto wanted to defeat Unexpected Boss, so that everyone rescued.

Snapped! Sasuke instantly pressed the shoulders of the Naruto.

"What are you doing, Sasuke?" Naruto an eager!

"Naruto is still can't!" Sasuke replied.

"Well? The one must not be blotted by light!" Black and somewhat surprised to look at the two people in Chekra, "Can Sasuke's turn to defend this kind of surgery?"

"There is also the kid of the night ... It is completely unlikely that it seems to be the same as the previous information, it is true to any illusion immune!" Black tackle looked at the back of the aerial night.

At this point, Kakasi and Akai were also Sasuke Zukula's Chakra hooded no unlimited monthly read.

"Not wonderful! It was blocked by the spot!" Kakasi brow wrinkled.

"Why don't you let me go out, long wind, not nothing?" Naruto dissatisfied.

"You forgot that guy can immunize any illusion? You can't go out now, if you don't have my eyes, you will be a mood of the spot!" Sasuke, "and now there is still that guy Shadow, if rady, not only can not help, we will weaken that we have not much combat power! "

Sasuke is a critical moment or to be more calm.

On the other side of the battlefield, everyone was wrapped in a tree trunk [out], except for the four generations of fire.

"This is the tree of tree, the spot 373 interrupts the use of the life of the god tree to take all people?" There is still no way to move between the killer.

"Why don't I have a trick?" Some doubts room room.

Back to the main battlefield.

"Sasuke, how is the situation outside?" Kasi and others have now fully covered, and it is impossible to continue to observe the battlefield.

"The specific situation is not very well understood, but I want to be in addition to the night grows and several of us, the other people are in the illusion of spots!"

"Unlimited month reading!" Kakasi is sinking.

"That kind, now everyone is ..." The Naruto is on the forehead.

"Among the dreams!" Sasuke said that there was no expression.

"Ah, ah!" At this time, let only the few people didn't think of things, Yishibo spheres began to yet.

"What's going on?" Night wind felt the vigorous fluctuation of Chakra, while the forehead of the spot was exuded out of blood.

"How is it? It's a huge chakra!" Naruto shocked.

"It seems that there is something, and it is disappeared in the shadow that is near!" Sasuke shocked.

Bang! At this time, the ground under the foot of the four people exploded, and the gravel flew!

Unprecedented Hao Da Chakra from the bottom of the ground, it is fried in the air!

1000 chapter, big torch



"Is Chakra!" Sasuke and other four were flying to the air.

"Well? This Chakra is ..." The noise of the night is also shaking in the air, so it's hard to stand.

At this time, the black-trimmed body stood behind Yuxi Bao, and his hands were holding the spot, and the large number of Chakra poured out from the ground into the body.

"He is absorbing ... From the underground, Chakra, who is going on," Kakasi turned over to stand firmly, and his face was surprised.

"Where is the high concentration of Chakra?" Akai is also surprised.

"It is obviously from those who are controlled by unlimited months!" Night long windbrows.

"Ah, ah!" Yu Zhibo is still screaming.

"Changfeng, Sasuke, this is worse! This stock of Chakra is not like a ten tail!" Naruto also turned over, sinking.

"I have to stop him before he takes action!"

! The other half of the black spheres after the people will give together a black long stick again in his hand!

At this time, Yuxibo spots and black seem to be integrated together, the longer the body is, the greater.

bass! The Naruto and Sasuke are rushing to Yuxibo spots. They want to hinder him before spent action!

"Two idiots, I haven't made it clear that the strength of the other party will rush it!" The night was frowned, and it was obvious that this action was not active, or he would not scream.

"Two flutters to the moths of the flame ... Just, put your Chakra also suck!" At this time, Yuxi speck rose two branches in the body, will take Sasuke and Naruto It is instant to bind bundles.

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