The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1075 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Wait ... This guy has so many Chakra by you, it is a pity!" The night is suddenly flying before the giant eagle.

"Changfeng, you!" Naruto was shocked.

"Let me deal with this guy!" Night long wind turned his head and sweeped a four person. "Although this world becomes how, I don't care. Since the agency and every day they are bound to be a white ugly If you are in the shape of a burst, I don't agree! "

"Well ... this feeling?" The big tube Hui night looked at the night-long windy wind in front of him. She felt the power of the world that did not belong to this world.

"Who are you?" Asked the big tube Hui, "" actually resists the operation of unlimited months ... "

"Who isn't of important, important is that you have something I want!" The night is both hands, then the next exhibition.

At this time, the back of the night is behind the Buddha and the dragon elephants are constantly rising. The night long wind is more golden and the golden light, the momentum is constantly improving.

On another battlefield, the killer (DBBA) stood up, and his black stick behind him had disappeared, which means he recovered freedom.

"I finally moved!" The figure between the killer is instantly disappeared in the same place.

"What is the huge Chakra, I have to come back!" The thousands of hands far away are also starting to move towards the long weather and Yizhi Boli.

"But ... that Chakra seems to have disappeared!" There is also three generations of fire shadows in the same way.

"Disappearing ... Is the spotted?" The wave style is also instant stood. "I have to rush to the Naruto once again ..."

The lens returns to the singular space of the night-wind and other people, where the top is the rock wall, the following is the hot magma, very hot.

"You can't defeat her alone!" Sasuke cold voice said to night.

"Don't try?" Night long style full of golden light suddenly in the body, the whole body is gold, the Buddha is full of gold.

"Chakra is only what I can have, I have to play all Chakra again!" At the big tube, the night suddenly rushed to the night.

"It's just fart! Strictly speaking, Chakra is the energy of the whole world. When is your thing?" The night is long, and the hands are on the back, and it is also rushing to the big cylindrical wooden.

Bang! The big hand of the night, the right hand, a huge energy is coming to the night, and the entire space is shaking throughout the space.

"It's good!" At the same time, the night long wind and right arms went back, and the moment was big, and it was a punch.

"Hundreds of Yuan Zu Wongli!" The night grew and slammed it, and after a punch, it was another constant waving.

In an instant, I got into a hundred punches, and the boxing of Boxing was integrated together.

The two powers collided in the air, rumbling, and constant explosions, the magma under the two people were blamed in the air, giving together a hturulous column.

Call, call! Sasuke commanded the giant eagle that he had constantly hiding the head to fall down the rock and the fire column under the body.

"It's too powerful, the long wind is actually able to resist her attack!" Akai and others saw that his eyes were round.

Night long wind and the energy of the night, the energy of the night, finally pulled into the rock wall, and a big hole was brought on the rock wall.

It turns out that everyone is now in a huge live volcano!

"This power is not Chakra?" The big tube Hui Hui night is slightly surprised. "You are not the world!"

"It's a final BOSS, IQ is quite high!" The night is cold and coldly looked at the cubic mood in front of him.

At this time, the figure of the mummy night is suddenly disappeared ...

1002 chapter, ultimate task

When everyone watched the night's waves and the big tube Hui night battle, suddenly, the giant night before the night's eyes disappeared, and the giant eagle behind everyone has a space of the cracks behind it. Slowly open.

The big tube Huachang night has been climbed out from this constant crack, and the two hands stretched into the Naruto and Sasuke, the two did not find out at all!

"You are behind!" Night wind reminded.

Sasuke and Naruto turned to turn, when the turning is turned, the hands of the big torch Hui's night is the chin that clamps the two people. There is a tear flow in the eyes.

The big torch is seeing Sasuke and Naruto, and the mind is back in the mind is the figure of his two children.

"You can't move ..." Naruto and Sasuke have no way to move.

! At this time, the black liquid flowing out in the hands of the big torch black [body] spread to the half side of the nun, the body of the body, turned out to be triad.

"Chakra ... was taken away!" Naruto was yelling.

"Hui Ni Ji see you, I remembered my two 31 children, very kind? Hui, who was sealed by his own child, was a poor mother!" Black sink.

"It turns out, I said how to cry at the night, I thought I thought I bloom!" I thought in the night.

Just at this time, the prompt of the super-god system in the night-long's mind sounded.


Trigger the ultimate task: block the big tube from the night, let the world recovery

Mission level: epic mission

Mission Reward: The user will get the energy of the world

Failure punishment: Superning system will sleep permanently

Systematic evaluation: The strongest of the Nangowei world comes, defeating her, you will have the power of exceeding this world God!

"Well?" Night, "Now the superhen system releases the final task, it seems that it doesn't stop the big torch, I can't stop the night, I don't want to stay in this low-energy world!"

Night long winds have a lot of a list of their own attributes. I haven't pay a list of my own attributes for a long time. Now the level of nightly wind is else to reach the god of Ninja.

In fact, when the night length is lit eight fine particles, its strength rating has reached the god of Ninja, which is the level of the whole body between the killer.

Night wind now is to do is to defeat the big torch, get the energy that exceeds this naciery world, of course, it is better to get this native world.

Of course, the night-length wind wants to get the source of this world, and the key is on the big torch in front of it.

"Why is the six old old people seal their mother, is it seal?" Naruto shocked.

"I see that you have made something wrong!"

"Black! Who is you?" Sasuke asked coldly.

"I am a child of Hui Yiji!"

"Well?" The night is so frowning, "Is it not a will of Yuxi Bo? How did it become a big wooden night?"

"Mother is not in this time, everything is recorded, I have me to create ... The story of the ninja is the story created for the mother's resurrection!" The words made everyone a big shock.

When the night's cold is forced, when the gravites will pull Kakasi and Akopad to the side, let them stand on the bones of themselves.

The giant eagle called the Sasukes, I have long been directly sucking Chakra directly, disappearing in this volcanic.

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