The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1076 of the Chapter 1076 of the Hosting System of Tennis Prince

"Ah! What are you talking about, what is going on?" Naruto is very unconfilled.

"You know that the mother's name will show that you have seen it ... Feather!" Dark replied, "When you see the power of these reincarnors, you have already seen it, and he is transmitted to you. Seal the mother again! "

"What are you talking nonsense, we want to seal the ten tail!" The Naruto is dissatisfied.

"Hey ... can be such as the collaboration of the inner and Ashura's reincarnate! When you absorb your period, let me tell you what you don't know about the story you don't know. Let's take a story mode.

There is no action in the night, and her attention is on the night.

Night wind is no longer moving again. He wants to listen to what is going to say, anyway, the big tube Huachang now is now just absorbing the Naruto and Sasuke Chakra.

This is not critical, and the most important thing is that the night costs need to observe the weakness of the big torch, then give her a fatal blow.

"I have said just now, the mother has been seal by his own child, it is extremely powerful seal ... It is the operation of the tail of the tail, which is the core of the star, under this action, ten tails It became the moon. However, when I was about to complete, I was born with my mother! "

"It is to let your mother resurrect one day!"

"I found you don't know anything, before you die, I will tell you the compassion!" The black continued.

"The first is the ten tail ... It's true face, not just a god tree, and it is also the mother itself! It is not to retrieve the god tree of Chakra fruit, but to retrieve it back to each other by himself. Chakra ... is also the mother's will! "Black tailor-explained road 067.

"It turns out! I feel unsatisfactory before, how can this low-energy world of gods in such a short period of time, the original consciousness is that the idea is the big tube!" , "Kao ..." The things on the Yishabi stone monuments are the fools of this black, and the fool! "

"What do you say? This thing doesn't even know if you have six old people?" Naruto shocked.

"Of course, he didn't know that in order to let his mother resurrected, I have been secretly in the event!" Due to some proud, "I didn't know what to cultivate Dimalo and Ashura ... even created. That is stupid. "

"However, they all have been fully utilized as the mother's resurrection! I urged the factoro from inheriting the defeat of the Force ... After making his descendants, Zhibo family became the role in my story, I am a feather A few amendments have made a bad work! "

"Is it ... you!" Sasuke.

"Yes ... it is the stone monument left by the feathers. It was tampered with me. It was written as a unique moon reading that saved the only way to save the Yishabo family!" The truth is slow.

"I am going to ... it's true!" The night's wind shook his head, "It's really stupid too much!"

1003 chapter, all of the black planning

"What do you say?" Sasuke obviously could not accept this cruel truth.

"Your Zhiso ... under this guidance of a little changed stone monument, it can be so perfect ... Due to Dhalo and Yizhipo, Ashura and Qianli ... two mutual compensation The plot is also compiled ... After I mutually induced the reincarnation of the two people ... "black and continued.

"Let them constantly try to find the turn to the eye, but they have failed ... until the appearance of Yu Zhibo spheres, I am sure that if it is a spot, I can implement it, this is the first step to make my mother resurrected! But very regrett, The final spot is still lost to the thousand-handed column! "Said that it is quite regret to say this.

If the spots are successfully defeated between the thousands of hands, the big torch is likely to resurrect directly at that time, and there is no story.

"The bodies of the spots are simply a Baoshan ... Drilling the mystery of the mystery of writing the wheel, stopping the disposal of the corpse, hiding the bodies in the mountains in the mountains!" Black It is the reason why the bodies of the spot did not be destroyed.

"It's actually the second-generation rigid adult ..." Akai and Kakasi did not think that all the cause of this is actually the same as the thousand hands.

"But the spot is very smart ... The kaleidoscope writes the time difference can be treated into the eye, which is the same as the eyes that are time to be inserted. The eyes are implanted in the right eye into the evil, He is at the expense of the right eye, got the opportunity to change the reality of re-resurrection! At the same time, use the shadow to disguise into a body! "The black continued.

"It turns out, this is why Zengming is resurrected after the death of the battle, the reason is that it is the trial of Yi Evone!" Night lived nodded.

At night long wind, although the rotation of the eye is the final form of writing, the final form of the write-eyed eye should not only be.

When the round looks, there is a reincarnation. The write-eyed eyes can also reverse the actual pupil, and now the night-catching battle is basically the strength of their own flesh, without the fight against their own blood.

Its most important reason is that the bloody blood of the night-catching, there is no way to fight in the character of Yisi Boss.

Moreover, even the battle also makes the night's wind do not have time and energy to improve his, ie the kaleidoscope writes the eyes.

"And the spots spit out from the meat between the killer, and implant the meat into your own wound, soon the reincarnation is finally open, and the simultaneous spots also summoned the vicinity And use the magic image to cultivate the cells between the thousands of hands, thereby make you live longer .... "" Dark continued to tell stories.

"White is a chance to produce at that time ... In fact, it is only a person who has read unlimited months. I deliberately smoke him from the magic image ... I hide in the shadow of Yuxio, Pseudo-fitted to make it out, and plan to recycle the tail of the beast ... Treat your organization to the war! "

"In addition, in order to enhance combat power, I deliberately let the bodies of the spot, and then guide the pocket to use the spots to assist with the land, and then the war will start the unlimited monthly read, collect the scattered Chakra ... "The story of the diverse director can be said to be a silk buckle.

"Of course, many variables have occurred, such as the spots to thousands of hands, as well as the small ghost nights in the village!" Darkly control the body of Naruto and Sasuke's body to see not far from night long wind, " He has caused great obstacles to my plan, almost let me work hard to bubble more than years ... "

"But I am still successful, I finally resurrected my mother ... You all have to die!" The empty voice is cold, and there is no feeling of one.

"I hate you, feather ... Yu Village ... you are all mine!" The big torch Hui speed accelerates the speed of absorbing Naruto and Sasuk Chakra.

"My task is now completed, let's return with me, let the mother become the god of all-round!"

"Okay, you are finished!" The night length of the wind disappeared moment, and then appeared in front of the Naruto and Sasuke.

The hands arrested, the night long wind will bind the black objects on the binders and the help of the body, it is directly pulled out.

"Finished, you can die!" The night's hands were free, and the black object was directly in the magma under the people.

"Changfeng!" Naruto.

"Night long wind ... Now we must create opportunities for the creation of sealing and printing!" Sasukes.

"No, you stand on one side!" The night was swaying.

"Just joke, you are blinded by you by you, where do I go to this world's source of power?" The night is in the heart.

"Oh ... Mother is the Lord Chakra, no matter what you do!" The black object that was pulled by the night, there was general retraction to the cuffs of the big torch.

"No, long wind, you are not her opponent, we must be in combination with her! With the six old old, it is advised!" Naruto urgently.

"I said ... Let me go to her!" The night's hands and the invisible repulsion farm expanded again.

Naruto and Skille were pushed directly by this stalence and pushed to the top of the huge bones of Kakasi and Akai.

"Can be evil ... Can't let the long wind to die so!" Naruto still pulled it before.

"What do you dare to do, Carti teacher?" The Naruto turned his head.

"Don't move, let's take a look at the long wind!" Kakasi is still a reason. He knows that the night's live wind is not (Zhao Zhao) is grasped, it will not choose and the big tone of.

Moreover, it is necessary to force everyone to pull people in the space among the volcanoes, and its combat power has exceeded the category of Ninja, which is not in one order.

To say anyone who can fight with the big torch, only the Yuxi Bao and Yizhi Board have no strength, and even the night grows at the end of the tail.

In Kakasi's eyes, in a sense, the night grows like it is from another.

Have a variety of blood seasses, and the body's strength is strong than the tail beast, the most critical is every battle, the strength of the night is exaggerated.

This makes Kakasi's expectation to the night long-lasting wind. In the end, the night is the enchanting, can you overcome the big tube of the 'God', save the whole world?

Everything is only useful to talk!

Chapter 1004, World of Ice

"Do you want to violate me? From the people of the world!" The big tube is cold and coldly looked at the night long-term air.

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