The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1078 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Since the short half of the spot is here, can I think that the spot is dead? But I can't see the Naruto and Changshun, I have a unknown premonition!" The wave wind door is worried.

"Whether it is this!" The thousand hands looked up at the bright red moon on the top of the head. "Now it seems that there is no impact of the operation of the unlimited monthly read, and that seems to have no effect on the translocking of the feet, four generations Mother, how is your situation? "

"I have tried to liberate the people of the Chinese, but after cutting the branches surrounded by everyone, everyone still has no way to wake up ... and then have a new trunk tree branch to wrap them again!" Wave the water door.

"Sure enough, you are the same as what I encountered!" .

"At the same time as confirming the mild death, investigation abutment ... Using his lower body, the blood is reincarnating, and there will be no clear. If you don't know, you will tell yourself!"

"Is it not to live a sacrifice?" The thousands of hazard colleges have never liked the reincarnation of his brothers invented.

"If you have this point, are you still so kind? Big Brother!" The thousands of hands were somewhat dissatisfied with the thousands of hands.

"No! Still considering other ways!" The thousand hand has just put the hand on the half-body body of Yuxi Boss, it happened.

"You really are a kind person, Ashura's predecessor!" The six old man flew out of the body of Yizhibo in the state of the soul.

Four generations of fires are surprised!

"you are?"

"My name is a feathers, the founder of the role, is also known as the six immortals!" The six old man is an image of a foreign high person, and the way to play is also unique.

The lens is turned back to the world of ice.

Huge bone bird flew to the battlefield where the night length and the big torch, the night, and everyone suddenly became.

"Ice ... It seems to be moving!"

"Yeah, the whole world is moving to the long style! What is going on?" Everyone is a doubt.

Bang! At this time, the hundredth of the hundredth of the night-length body is bold to support the entire space back to the original position.

The world of the whole ice will recover again!

······ Flowers ·······

~ ▉, this calm does not last too long, the spatial crack is slow, and the co-tube is drilled in the night and flew to the front of the night.

"Mother, Cantory and Ashura's transistors have also followed, and they have a feather in their hands and a threat. They must be separated!" The big torch wooden brilliant night sleeves are proposed.

"You are right!" The big tube Hui's night is cold and cold, "" "

! At this time, the big tube Hui guanyin disappeared!

"Well?" The night is very windy, and then I realized what the big tube Hui is trying to do. "Not good!"

.... [....... [. ▉ ...

When the night long is back, the big tube Hui's night has stretched from the crack after the Naruto and Sasaka.

Naruto and Sasuke were pulled into two different spatial cracks by the big torch.

"Naruto! Sasuke!" Kasi and Akai stationed in the top of the bone bird reacted.

But two people want to go to the space crack to save the nurses and Sasuke, it is already too late, the spatial crack is closed, the Naruto and Sasuke are thrown into other spaces.

One is an endless sand sea, one is a boundless wasteland, is all places where the grass is not born!

Originally, Mu Hui's night wanted to absorb Chakra in the Naruto and Sasuke, now the world is in the night, the night is on the side, and the big tube Hui Hui is not dare.

Only after solving the night grow, let the Naruto and Sasuce all break, and then unify the entire Naruto World Chakra, let your body reach her realm of self-satisfaction.

"You don't exist!" The night grew in the eyes of the night, and a spatial crack bombarded to the spatial mood.

"Ah!" The big torch is sharp, and the spatial cracks in her are actually distorted by night, which allows the big tube Huachang night to withstand a small spatial tear pain.

The expression of the big cylindrical black night has changed significantly in a moment, and the night-long wind can be obvious to see her long eyelashes in the constant upper and lower vibration.

The big tube is angry!

1006 chapter, shirt space

"Little ghost, you are angered me! Here is my space, you can't do anything!" The big tube Hui's night flooded to the night long, she has planned to confront the frontal wind.

"It's good!" The night grew and fate, "" Waiting for you, Naruto and Sasher will naturally come out! "

"First ... punch ... such as ... soul!" The faintness of the dragon icon behind the night, the nine dragon icon was last drilled in the body of the night.

Bang! The night is a punch, and the space of the whole ice is shocked, and the space can be seen everywhere.

The world created by the Carton Mu Hui Night is too fragile than the Nangowed world, and there is no way to bear the power of the nine dragon icon of the night.

Between the dragon, there is a "six or three zero" huge golden long dragons, and it is more than ten times more than the night's wind.

Changlong and the big tube Huajing collided in the air!

This time, Chakra, which is full of chakra, the whole body, is difficult to resist the attack of the golden long dragon, and after a loud noise, the center of the explosion cracks a black big hole.

The big tube Hui's night is like the shells, which are generally flying in the night. The body is deeply embedded in the rock wall of the iceberg, and smashed a big pit.

! At the same time, the whole iceberg is instantly covered with cracked ripples.

boom! Under the eyes of Kakasi and Aku, the whole iceberg was collapsed by the big torch, the world of ice, the earth's earth shaking, the iceberg buried the mood of the night, swallowed in the moment!

"It's too strong!" Akai did not expect the strength of the night's strength to increase a grade than before the battle, and facing Chakra, which had almost endless Chekra, Chakra, the sky, actually accounted for the wind.

More than a year ago, the night growing is still a crane tail in the Ninja School, this contrary, this contrary, it can't believe in your own eyes.

"Good!" Cazyki, which has never been calm, can't help it.

"This level of attack should be killed, the final BOSS!" The night is cold and looking at the collapse of the iceberg.

Booms a loud noise, a white figure starts!

Is the big tube Hui night!

At this time, the big torch in the night has not played the feeling of nothing, and the white hair is full of small ice crystals, it looks some wolf.

"Very good! Very good!" The big tube Hui's night cheek is exposed, she opened the eyes.

boom! boom! Bringing ~ between the hands, the co-tube Hui fell out of countless huge ice crystals, and these fists were covered with the night. - ≮ alternative: ... ≯

In this world of ice, the big torch, the night can be reduced to the low, and the damage to the enemy is expanded to the limit.

"Hey, is you a brain?" The night is growing, "How is your space, such a weak and unstable space, this!"

boom! boom! boom! When the night cost is forwarded, there is a continuous swing.

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