The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1079 of the Chapter 1079 of the Prince of Tennis

Every night's wind, the whole ice, the whole ice, shakes, and the energy fluctuates, the fist-the-box fist is blown into a slag.

And the body of the night, the body is instant to come to the big cylinder. first

bass! bass! ~ ▉ and not only this, the speed at this time reached an unprecedented point, at this moment, the figure of the long wind appeared in the allocation of the big torch.

In the eyes of Kakasi and Akai, the night growing is like dozens of shadows. In fact, there is no difference, it is just a speed, it seems like a branch.

At the level of the big tube, the night, the night is not thinking that his bone can cause what substantive harm to her.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ ▉ or kick, the night-length wind all the shadow is almost simultaneously launched an attack to the big tube.

!! ~ ▉ ▉ Night is playing in the air, and its big haplovers have been burn a big hole by night.

This princess has never been so miserable!

Even when you were seal by her two son, it was only instantaneous seals, but now it is in the night long-lasting wind, saying that there will be no more people.

Anyway, Cardi and Akai are already watching!

Living others in the world of others, and only night long winds can do so madness.

At the end of the furniture, the speed of the night is already outside the world of the ice, the world's world, so the owner of the Mukhui Night is not a way to completely react and bond the spatial crack to avoid all the attacks of the night.

bass! At this time, a huge spatial crack on the top of the big tube Hui, instantly, and the big cylindrical wood gathering night is finally drilled into it, avoiding the endless attack.

"Want to run? It is not so easy!" The night's hands were in the back, the whole person is like the rocket to the limit, and it will go in a moment before the spatial crack is closed.

No matter what the world is in the world, the world is always created by the world, and the night is not too placed in the eyes.

boom! When the night long is drilled into the crack, the scenery in front of the eyes becomes open.

The big tube Huachang night flew in a place where it is not far away, and the body is still completely repaired by Chakra.

"I was drilled by the little ghost, and the evil little ghost actually gave it so fast!" Due to the big tube Hui night sleeve.

The night length sweeps a new space, and the whole space is even uncomfortable, and there is nothing.

Of course, the night growing is not accidentally unexpected. The level of the big tube Hui's night can not reach the realm of creating life, even a little grass is not.

The big tube Huachang Night is cold and coldly looked at the night grows away. 3.4 The look is full of alert, she finally knows that the night grows is not the enemy that is easy to deal with with Naruto and Sasuke.

And it is very clear that the purpose of the night is not just the seal yourself.

"Mother ... This kid actually entered this spatial space! This space is connected directly to the other five spaces. If he is destroyed here, it is quite bad!" Black and urgent, "and beforewards According to the newspaper, this little ghost also has space movement. If he is going to other space, it is a big threat! "

"Yeah! From the junction of the attack, this person in this world is close to the world's capacity range, must solve him here!" The big tube Hui night brow slightly wrinkled, "But I still Don't want to consume too many Chakra ... "

1007 chapter, golden body is not destroyed

When the Carton, the night is in the round of various spaces, it needs to consume a lot of Chakra, although she is now a massive level, but the co-tube Hui Night does not want to consume too much to move.

Because she wants to reserve the existing Chakra to prepare from time to time.

"Still don't consume some of the little ghosts of some evil gates. If you are saving the chance to save the Naruto and Sasu, you will be troublesome, and his purpose should not only seal your mother!" "Although solving this little ghost may need to consume a lot of Chakra, but always better than letting our plan, mother!"

"Well ..." The big tube Hui's night was watching the night, and the white hair on the head was now erected. "You are right!"

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉

"Well? Bone spurs!" The night length of the night is slightly smashed, "Is the body of the bones? It seems that the bones of Hui Ma Ma Lu is from the big tube Hui's night here!"

"Then, if the gods of the small world absorbed the big torch, her ability should be able to absorb, let me inspire the body's stronger realm?" Night long guess.

At this time, the sputum, the big tube Huachang Night right hand, and she immediately showed a spatial crack in an instant. -867-

! Then the right palm of the night, the right palm, a sharp white light, drilled out from her right palm!

"Just use this to solve your little ghost! Create the ashes!" The cold light flashed in the mood.

bass! The bones on the palm of the open tube Hui Night in the palm of the palm of the mowel.

Next moment, suddenly a spatial crack behind the night is open, just the bones of the cracked wooden glow, the spurs of the spatial cracks from the very speed to the back of the night long!

bass! Night wind felt the threat of the backbrain, and a miapet escaped the sudden attack.

"Give Laozi is old, it is really a woman's style!" The night grew in the eyes of a woman.

"Go to death, the little ghost!" The black voice sounded, the big tube Huachang night was held, and the palm was started at the same time.

It is still the so-called bone ashes!

"Bone? I also have!" Night cost-forward printing.

boom! boom! Night long-term back shoulder bones instantly, the hands are in the back, and the night-length wind pulls out the bones on the shoulders instantly.

It turned out to be two bone hammers, the hammer head is very big, and it is as new!

!! The night long dances the bone hammer, the two hammer heads are two bones that are irradiated at night.

What happened to make the night growth, his bone density and quality are unprecedented, and the night long wind thves easily to quickly knock into a bone slag.

However, the two bones actually wore the hammer of the night long-winded bone hammer, hammered into crumbs in the air, and the feeling of transfusion was extremely similar.

"It seems that it is not ordinary bones, this bone can make the object to be ashes!" Night long wind flexibly avoids the bones of the bone hammer in the air.

"Forget it ... The body of the body is definitely not her opponent. After all, she should be the source of the body of the body!" The two hammers in the hands were arbitrarily thrown to the ground.

"Come again!" The night long-term feet stepped in the air, and the Buddha statue was once again opened by the night.

This time, the night-hearted wind, the body of the Buddha is mounted to the limit. "Is it your bones hard, or my golden body, just try it!"

"I don't know the little ghost of death!" The big tube Huachang night is in the air, in the empty, there are countless bones in the air, almost obscure the whole world.

Among the spatial spaces, the big torch will have a bone ashes to the extreme.

The lens is turned to the fire world.

"What, you are the legendary endorship of the six cactors?" The four generations of fires were surprised.

"Yes!" The six old legs sit in the air, "Now I will explain the current situation for you!"

The six immortals began to explain the current situation, he can induce the night's mother is fighting with his mother.

"It turned out to be like this ... The kids of the night, there are Naruto, and Sasuke is in other spaces, and the Akai and Kakasi are there!" .

"Yes! Now they are still fighting!" Six Tao Taoism.

"If you have any planning, please tell it as soon as possible!" The thousand hand faces the six old head or a acute child.

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