The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1080 of the Chapter 1080 of the Chapter 1080 of the Prince of Tennis

The six old man looked at the only half of the Yuxi Boss left. "This lower body is part of the spotted spot after the tail of the tail ... In short, ten tails and spots and the column ... No! It should be said to be Nine-tailed and Atolo and Ashura ... That Chakra is now finally gone, so I can appear here! "

"So ... what kind of surgery is that you mentioned before, is it a matter?" The wave of the water is still more concerned about how to save the Naruto.

"The operation of myself, but this kind of surgery requires a huge Chakra, and now I don't have such a big Chakra, I have transmitted it! Time is not much, you will follow me. Do it! "The six old man replied," the rest only reads the reincarnate of Dharo and Ashura! "

The lens returns to the spatial space.

The sea of ​​the bones of the sky came to the night length of the night, between the night, and the whole wind, the whole eyes were flashing the bones of the cold.

This time, the night length is not moving, it does not dodge, and there is no chance to give any dodge of night wind.

Such a massive bone, which consumes a lot of Chakra, which is a one-time resolution of the people in the world.

"Oh ... this little ghost is dead!" The tricks did not fall.

The hundredth of the hundredth of the night-length body is like a shadow. The golden body is instant, and the hundreds behind them are also engaged in an instant, and then clashed into a punch.

And the night long winds themselves are sitting directly in the void, both hands together, do not flash.

!!! The explosion rings, and a large number of bone spurs were smashed by the Buddha in the back of the night.

One time, the sky is the fragments of Buddha and white bones!

!! ~ ▉ ▉ too much, many bones penetrate the brightest line of the Buddha, directly hit the golden body of the night.

"What?" "The big tube Hui night and the black are surprised.

The bones playing on the night-catching body did not wear the body of the night, the body of the night, the body, but directly bounced, in the air into golden bone slag, dissipated in this spatial space.

The golden body is not destroyed, not destroyed, is this small bone thorn to be worn!

Chapter 1008, the spear of God

"Mother, kill the ashes, there is no effect on him! Now I can't check him, solve him!" Black absolutely increasingly unexpected night length produced fear.

"I know!" The big tube Huachang Night has a show, and the end of the forehead shines with red light, and the red light is filled with the whole shirt space.

"Well!" Suddenly, the body of the night-hearted body began to fall speed.

Bang! Originally, the night-length wind sitting on the sky was actually pulled directly to the bare mountain [Qiu], and smashed a huge pothole.

"Is this a gravity field that changed this space?" The night is frowned, "" and the ability of the round eyes is very similar, change space gravity! "

The body of the night is extremely heavy, and it is almost impossible to fly in the air.

However, at this gravity strength, the night length can stand up, although the action is not as good as ordinary gravity.

"Mother, still don't work! Increase Chakra's mock!" Dark reminded.

"Don't say you!" The big tube Huachang night frown crumpled, and the whole body was blocked by Chakra changed the gravity field of the shock space, which consumes an overchal Chakra.

However, when I arrived at this time, I didn't care so much in the night.

Bang! This time, not only the night grows, you can't act freely, even the big tube Hui Hui night is also pulled up to the ground, directly half of the sand dunes in front of the night.

"Do you want to die?" Night long wind and god.

Sand ... sand ... The big tube Huachang Night will go to the mounted night length of the night. [] Has both hands, both palms start.

Hut! The palm of her hand is also stretched out [out], only this time the bones become bright red, which contains the energy is not the previous white bones.

"This blood color is not simple, it seems that there is a source of power in the world!" The night is very frowning.

bass! bass! Two bloody bones with whizy winds instantly in an instantone that cannot be moved.

Nothing did not have any action, the two blood colors were passed from his shoulders, and the big tube Hui night was shot.

"Kao!" The night grew the wind, although the blood spurs did not pierce themselves, just from the two shoulders, but the night grew is still able to feel the burning pain of the backpack.

It is necessary to know that night long winds have now opened the Buddha's gold, and its flesh's strength is, it is impossible to hurt the long-winded half-sweat.

However, now the blood span of the big torch is not completely stabbed in the middle of the night, so that he feels pain, Chakra, which is gathered in this blood color, absolutely not ordinary Chakra.

"In the case of super gravity, is it aiming at the deviation?" The big tube Hui's night is open again. "This time we have to adjust it, the next time is the dead time!" {≮ Alternative:? ≯

Hurry! The co-jitter of the night, the night is constantly shaking, and it is not an easy thing to make the ▉▉ . "

... The white bone behind the big tube Hui's night is completely removed into a bone slag, and at this time, she also re-emit two more coarse blood spurs, and adjusted the angle according to the overweight of the spatial space at this time. Point to the night growing in not far.

"Oh ... it seems that you can't hide the strength." Night long wind and god, the blood sprint of the big tube Hui Night, there is undoubtedly threatened the life of the night.

Although the night grows can directly escape the space of Xiaocheng, but now there is no such thing.

Because the night cost has decided to kill the ultimate BOSS of this naciet world here, the world is called God, and the unsolicited coastal wooden brilliant night cite!

A blessing, the Buddha statue behind the night is disappeared, and the golden dragon icon of the nine-headed booler is replaced.

The vain of the dragon icon almost full of the whole shirt space, unprecedented, and it is unprecedented, and even seeing the thin and complex ripples on the dragon icon.

"Returns!" The night drunk, the nine head dragon, the imaginary shadow moment, whispering into the back of the night!

boom! The night long wind sparkles with golden light, his body's muscles instantly drive up, and all the body is full of mysterious ripples, it seems like an episodal language, but it is completely civilized. Language.

"Ah!" The eyes of the eyes, the golden light ejaculation shot in the night, and the night shot was smashed into his two blood bones.

······ Flowers ······

Blood-colored bone slag is flying, the night long wind and right arms are exhibited, the whole person's hair is erected, a gold!

At this time, the night-long wind is like a high-end world of the god of the world, majestic, unmatched!

"What?" The big tube Hui's night and the black are all stunned. The night-long wind is even slowly flying over the sky. "What is the power? This little ghost actually broke the bondage of space? "

At this moment, the night-long wind direction bending the bow-shaped arm's hand-in-plane unprecedented gold light column.

It's just a golden spear in the right hand in the right hand in the night!

This is full of fine threads above the spear, which is a gold liquid [body] in the flow, but it is very just just.

...? ...?.

"What is that?" At the big tube, the night found that he could not move, even if he was withdrawn, she had no way to move.

The big torch is actually photographed by the nightly aggressive moment.

"The spear of the god!" The night grew is big, and the gold spear in his hand is even more shining.

This is the new skill of the gods of the nine-headed dragon icon to unlock it.

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