The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1081 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The spear of the gods, the legend is the favorite weapon of the god this life. This spear follows the gods to fight the world, and the thorns have a numerous magic. It is called a high advice.

Of course, the night's hand is only the energy gathering of the strength of the nine dragon icon, but the spear of this God is the strongest attack in the night, far is not The rigidity of the nigs or what is the strongest physical attack sky can be comparable.

"Death!" The night did not follow the big torch wood, the spear of the gods was thrown out directly from the night long-lived, and the momentum of destroying the earth rushed to the big tube Hui.

The big tube Hui's night eye is full of unbelievable, she doesn't have a way to move or avoid, only the mountains of the sphere [Qiu] constantly rises in front of themselves.

boom! boom! boom! Unfortunately, all this is in vain, the spear of Jinguang sparkling the gods in the morning, in the case of the mountain, and pierced into the chest of the big tube!

Chapter 1009, Welcome to my world

"Ah!" The big torch sound made sharp screams, and her whole chest was turned into the spear of the god.

! Not only that, but the spear of the gods run through the big tube Hui, the speed is not reduced, and directly in the mountains of the spatial space [Qiu].

Bang! The entire spatial space is constantly shaking, between the whole space, is torn, everywhere is a spatial crack.

This link between the other spaces of the big torch, the spatial spatial spatial spatial spatially unable to withstand the god of the god of the gathers of the nine heads!

The spear of the god is actually destroyed directly throughout the sphere, and the whole space is being out.

"My kao! The power of the spear of the god is actually so big!" Night wind did not think of this spear, and the whole space was hit by the energy impact of the spear of the god.

At this point, the black and sneak in the night sleeves "14 zero" Wooden Hui night sleeves were also greatly hurt, and he was burn wow, the golden flame whose spear of the god is called.

"You!" The big tube is watching the night long wind, and the face is unbelievable. Her chest has been brought into a big hole by the spear of the god. At this time, this big hole has joined the shadow of nine tail beasts, nine Chakra in the big tail is in the continuous sprouts from the big torch.

"I didn't expect this little ghost to put the mother as such a realm!" The black is angry, but he is not a way to get the night.

"Well?" The night-long windy avoided spatial cracks were constantly generated. "This space can't continue to stay, the energy of the spear of the Gods is still destroying this space, if you continue to stay in this space, it is possible There is a possibility of falling unknown space or no space! "

At this time, the big tube Hui's night forced against Chakra, and her body is also growing at the same time, and the mouth has increased its energy aggregate in the mouth.

The ugly head is still full of moonlight, and her huge body can see the head of the big beast, and Chakra, whitgee, is also different.

In short, ugly to no friends.

"I am going ... What is this shape? Fox? Raiscoon cat, or a rabbit?" Night long wind feels that this tail is a splendid and rabbit.

"This is no longer part of it. This is not a tail of your mother! It is forced by his boy to pull out the nine tail beasts, and the mother will turn into this unstable. Status! "After the tail of the big tube, after the tail of the night, black is degraded into a black sphere, carefully hiding behind the big tube.

boom! boom! boom! At this time, after the tail of the big tube, after her, her back [out] the claws of many Chakra.

These white Chakra's claws all grabbed the night, and the spatial space is still collapse, and the scene is very chaotic!

"Hey ..." The night's wind is full of feet, and the hands are raised in the air. "You come in!"

! For a while, the night lengthy wind opened a huge black hole, and the claws of Chakra, the junction of the chakra.

"What is it?" Is it a glimpse, which is a spatial space, although it is constantly destroyed, but it is still the field of the mood, the night grows can expand it in this private field. Black cave, how this is not shocked by it.

boom! At this time, the claws of Chakra in the black hole in the night, and the black hole was still in the black hole, and the huge body of the big body is constantly dragging the big body. Into the black hole.

"Mother! Mother!" After the black ball of black and tiered, after the big tube Hui night, he did not return to the black hole.

Carton Mu Night Crazy struggle to get rid of the suction of the black hole, or even want to switch to other worlds.

Only the spatial space and other space are connected, and the energy of the spatial space has no way to afford to spread into other spaces.

That is to say, the other space of the mood of the night is also constantly collapse during this time. The big tube Hui's night has no way to convert space, but instead of being forcibly inhaled in black holes by night cost.

After several breathing, the big body of the big torch, the big body was all pulled into the black hole, and the huge black hole was also slowly closed at this moment.

When the black hole closed, the spatial space and the other space created by the big tube Hui Night are completely collapsed, and the night's heart is turning, returns to the familiar small world ...

This time this time came two guests, one is the big tube, the other is to trim.

That's right! Night costles directly use the two people directly to the small world.

In the past, the night's long wind did not dare to do this, because he is too weak. If you pull the enemy of the fire world to the small world, you may be destroyed in a small world, and the night grows will also be alive.

Now it is different, the spatial space collapse, the night grows must have to hide in the small world, and the night's long wind does not want the big tube Hui Night. This final BOSS escapes off or killed directly by the space. I simply pulled her into the small world.

That is to say, the night's wind is now absolute, you can solve the biggest BOSS of the world's nign in front of the world.

"Mother ... Where is this, is it a new space you created?" The black doubts looked at the four weeks, and the two eyes moved back and forth on the black sphere.

"No! This is not my space!" At this time, the big space is in this time, the small heavens and the earth can not know how much higher than the space created.

"Oh ... Welcome to my world!" The night's long flesh fly slowly, walking in the air to the air to the night of the night.

Naruto world.

The six immortals floating in the air suddenly referred to 5.0, "Why can't I feel the mother's breath?"

"What's wrong? Six major people?"

"Fast! The space where the reincarnator of Athens and the Ashura is collapse, and they will come out!" The six cactors waved.

"Yes!" The four generations of fire scattered, one of the northwestern southeast, and their feet are complex spells.

And the old man is in the middle of the town!

"Tongling's technique!" The five people drink.

!!! At the time of ~ ▉, the four shadows were piloted by five people.

It is the number of people!

"Hey? What happened, the long wind?" Naruto had just a space that collapsed, and the next moment was summoned back to the world.

1010 chapter, gravity law

"Welcome to come back, Naruto!" The wave wind door looked at his son did not have an obstacles, and he was relieved.

"Dad ..." Naruto was obvious, "We are all back?"

! At this time, Yu Zhibo sphere was also spread out. At this time, Yuxi Baini Luo was lying on the ground, and he did not know.

"Dad! Where is the long wind? He didn't come out?" Naruto hurriedly asked.

"You are talking about the boy who fights with the mother ... I have already induced him and my mother!" The six old man opened.

"Ah! It is the six cactors!" Naruto noticed that the six cactus.

"Naruto, who is this person?" Asked in Kasi on the side.

"It is the legendary six cactus. The power before and Sasu is also transmitted to us!" Narley replied.

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